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What Are You Painting Now?

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This topic contains 4,597 replies, has 345 voices, and was last updated by  grantinvanman 49 minutes ago.

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    Citadel 1985 C10 Half-Orc – She Devil


    2018-09-18 22.55.43


    Cult of Games Member

    Started playing Kill Team. Decided I needed more Dakka.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Here are are some of the miniatures I am painting and customizing on right now. Two more former Khorne demons that I customize into more of a Krampus type demon for my Krampus Age of Sigmar army project. And then I am also painting on my customized Chosen Axes dwarfs for Shadespire, never liked how the looked with their to small dwarf nosies and weird punk hats, so gave them another look that is more of an old school look. ? They are almost done, just need a little more details and tattoos.








    Cult of Games Member

    I am also trying some Paul Bonner goblin skin tones on one of my goblins. ?





    Took a small break from my actual kill team this week to work on the terrain for one of my Killzones. This is the GW Aeldari Deathword Terrain. It’s mostly out of the box, but I did choose to mount it to bases so I could add some undergrowth later around the bigger plants.

    This gave me a chance to really experiment with the airbrush and bright colors.3C0ED047-823E-40D0-AF62-B6C31575B2638745629E-6D5A-46A9-9EAC-883B0E06E297C5B420F8-EB94-425D-B7B2-F41520EE157C4FA5EEBA-27F3-4ED8-8BD0-9FDA236567F1F49FB3B7-DF6B-4AFB-9EFE-53064A74C4C3



    In a bit of hurry I finished the Space Wolves for my friend. Now only the beasts remain… will be a fun challenge, first time painting animals!



    Brbla’s Thunderwolf Cavalry



    I put in some more work into the drum:


    i hope with theese pictures it shows the color transition from the top to the bottom a bit more, and the bottom is more scrap holding it all together in an orcish way ^^



    and here are the sides of the drum, i wanted to make them look like leather and the middle more worn from all the hits it took there.

    At the moment i’m working on a stand for it to stand/lie atop on. My warchanter to go with the drum should arrive tomorrow.




    I’ll be starting a new project: Elves. They’re not for any particular game, just slowly working the Grey Pile.


    Cult of Games Member

    Full project here:




    Feeling good that I tackled one of my limited edition figures. With Bradigan Pitt from my Minicrate subscription down I think that I can handle the rest of the lot and then begin Kingdom Death figures.20180919_17325920180919_173358

    Side note.. Lance, stop trying to kill John when you say my name. It is not a killing word.

    @144artist Sorry to get back so late on the reaponse. Yes, I did sculpt the base.


    GW Blood for the Blood God seems to have gotten on his belly when I was getting his hands and boots. Enthusiasm to get the photo out over reflection on the figure = this fail photo


    Cult of Games Member

    Hello Folks!

    I ain’t dead yet. But admitly, work, work for the gaming club, social life, painting and also taking care of dogs ate all my time and I didn’t update the blog nor BOW (hum OTT?)

    So here is what I done in the past month or so, or well what I finished:

    – 1/600 Mirage F1
    – GW Ruins for the club
    – Paint the home made ruins for the club (I only did the painting and half of the basing another Member did put them together)
    – GW Plasma generator thingies
    – GW Armoured containers

    Also worked on the terrain that was supplied with the Space Wolves from Killteam and a killakan and some ork foot sloggers for my 1500 extention of my Waaagh but nothing is done yet. Oh and started to work on my Blood Red Sky too. Did a prototype to magnetise the bases, I’ll show that in a project blog I think.

    So here the comments and down below you’ll find the pictures

    @blipvertus : great work on those and don’t we always need more dakka ? 😉 if I have to say anything would be, but that is just my taste. the metal might look a bit too new and clean for those orcs. Never the less it does not make those any less nice

    @warlockminis sure did a great conversion and paint job on those demons and Dwarves. Hell that Goblin…. reminds us all why we should never stop trying new stuff

    @midget oh you’ll enjoy having those thunderwolves cavarly on the table 😉 and painting the wolves are very very nice it changes from the usual. don’t be affraid. If you got a spare plastic battle wolf lying around that might be an idea to run a test and be more confident.

    @laughingboy ah ah neat! Did get a few done for a local tournament over the past few weeks. Rattlecans for the win!

    @damon : 3 churchil? your opponent is going to just cry

    @seldon9: waaaaaaah your table just looks grand

    @lawnor : are you also joining the grot rebelion?

    @chaosgorka : clean crip, gorgeous bases…… man those Death watch makes me want to have some of my own!

    @querion : I first thought it was a barrel of ale 😛





    @wolfch that is some great looking terrain. And Alebarrels … now that would be another fun project, building several of those as barrels for a bit of dwarven scenery!


    Cult of Games Member

    Finished up The Forsaker from KD:M – one of my favourite characters. Love the armour and that cold mask that is both expressionless and characterful at the same time. As with many that go through and inhabit the KD:M world – he is quite and utterly bonkers!! More snaps and method/paints used in the project plog here



    Cult of Games Member


    A few tutorials and I decide I needed to try and paint the MDF terrain before I remove it from the frame. It goes against my over riding need for immediate gratification but appeals to my other need to do things the easier way. So far I’m liking both the process and the results.

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