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What Are You Painting Now?

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    Cult of Games Member


    With the release of the Star Wars Legion priority supplies boxed set i sat and scratched my head as to why… I can build terrain, get a friend to 3D print it etc and it cost me nothing! Why would I pay £24 for minor terrain? Cards… damn you FFG!!! It released a number of new battlefield cards and it was at that point insuddenly realised that that my games had started to become a bit repetitive. Very similar lists (limited by the models released to date, this is soon to be rectified!) playing very similar objective games. This box helps solve that a little but also can give a warhammer table that Star Wars look.

    with regards to painting these it was very simple and completed over 2 x 1 hour painting sessions. The base was black primer, then mechanicus standard grey heavily dry brushed. Then sucessivly lighter drybrushes of Russ and Fenrisian grey then necron compound. Afterwards a nuln oil wash and a bit of dirt detailing done with typhus corrosion.

    a similar thing occurred for the orange box but started with Tau Light Ocre and Agrax Earthshade wash.




    Currently working on my US 92nd infantry division.





    First foray into Infinity, wip2 men


    Cult of Games Member

    @lawnor so at first it was extremely fragile, but now that it has been sitting for a but its pretty set. I think it will be fine in storage and play. Although i believe the best way to store it would be flat on the base rather than on its side.


    Cult of Games Member

    Been working some scouts for 40k and kill team. They are a repaint of my old blood angels ones



    Cult of Games Member

    Quick project to break my hobby hiatus. Some cliff terrain sections to be used as a scenic transition on table edges.



    Project – Background Terrain – Forested Mountains


    Cult of Games Member

    I did some more for my Easterlings project!


    And I’m working on a couple of Reaper Bones Fire Giants for an upcoming DnD campaign I’m DMing! First time working on Reaper Bones! (And I dont have all my paints, so it’s limited what I’m able to do.)



    Cult of Games Member

    gargoyles last

    My final 10 gargoyles are all finished.  Thats the last of the 132 Nids I own.  Still not a full army I imagine.


    I need a little help working out what bases are used for Orks (I really don’t know 40k).  Can anyone please confirm the following, or fill in any blanks:

    Weirdboys – 40mm base?

    Skorcha Wartrakk – Don’t know base size

    Watrakk with Twin big Shoota – Don’t know base size

    Warboss on Warbike – 70 x 25mm oval base?

    Warboss 40mm base?

    This is for an upcoming project using models from 2nd Ed, currently being planned over here:


    Cult of Games Member

    Finished up this small commission last night. He is being used as a stand in for count strahd von zarovich.



    Cult of Games Member

    Keeping me motivated with the NLF ist quite hard. The progress is very slowly:


    So i had to do something, which keeps me going, but does not need so much time. So i did some sandbag barricades and streets for our Bolt Action campaign:

    Battle of the Bulge – Bolt Action Campaign by Andre77 and Bothi






    Cult of Games Member

    Taking a break from my end is nigh entry, I have other stuff that’s needs done.

    Demorgan – Female Mage

    Starting to get the models in from the players. This is what happens when people come up with their characters for a sci-fi RPG. Quick is paint job, not the type of model I would ever pick up though fun to paint. Just SFW, have to keep thinking of this as art and back to the days when life drawing was something I done.




    Cult of Games Member

    Blackclad Stoneshaper for Circle Orbor, Hordes all finished:


    I’ve started work on my Morticians guild too.  Lets see what progress I can make this weekend.




    Cult of Games Member

    Last thing off the production line is some Wild West Exodus attack dogs from the cover of the latest Tabletop Gaming magazine. Project of how I speed painted these up is here:

    Wild West Exodus Attack Dog Speed Paint



    Cult of Games Member

    My Atlantis Miniatures Orc is now based and done.

    I recently bought a WWS pro grass precision applicator. BoW did a review on an earlier version where the grounding plate was on the top of the box, they have this new one now that has a mini applicator on it, this was my first time using it with 2mm grass, I think it looks good, need a bit more practice to get it perfect but the effect is great.atlantis-orc-31atlantis-orc-30atlantis-orc-32atlantis-orc-34

    I put the grass on top of one of vallejo’s texture materials. I’ve been using the GW ones, which I really like, but they are like £3 for 30 ml, this vallejo stuff is £8 for 200 ml, so I thought I’d see how they measure up. I used the dark earth here and its great.


    When the hobby hangout talked about my in progress on this orc, much of the discussion was about how big it is. First, thanks for kind comments, and here is a size comparison with a death guard marine and my next project, some star wars legions stormtroopers.

    As you can see, it is small, not just in height, but its very lean and delicate compared to the other models too.atlantis-orc-33

    I’m going to paint some stormtroopers now while I watch the XLBS, thanks all for making the hobby more enjoyable for me, everyone who posts here inspires me to do some hobby when I get the chance.


    Cult of Games Member

    So, 2 hours and one XLBS later, and I’m back!


    Done the basic spray work on my Legion Stormtroopers and I now have this.



    More infor on how I got here in my project adventures in aribrushing

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