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This topic contains 4,604 replies, has 345 voices, and was last updated by  grantinvanman 12 hours, 56 minutes ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks very much @blipvertus !  😀


    Cult of Games Member

    Another fantastic game table @oriskany, well done.


    Cult of Games Member

    Been chewing on these this weekend.
    *15mm (1:100) “Sho’t” Centurions for use in upcoming 50th Anniversary wargames of the Yom Kippur War.
    *As you may have seen on last week’s Hobby Stream.
    *Changed the hue to more of a “Golan Green.”
    *Added what .30 cal machine guns I had. Should all be M1919 Brownings, some of FN-MAG / M240s and M60E3s.
    *Also, I know my platoon/vehicle tacticals are technically inverted. This is how I like them.
    *Originally Centurion Mk3 with 20 lbr guns, up-gunned to L7 / M68A1 105mm rifles.
    *Added headlights
    *Added stowage
    *Added radio antennae

    Sho't Centurions 01Sho't Centurions 02Sho't Centurions 03Sho't Centurions 04Sho't Centurions 06Sho't Centurions 05


    Cult of Games Member

    They are looking brilliant Jim did any chieftains see action in the middle East troubles ?!?


    Cult of Games Member

    Been a while since I posted here, but I have been working on my Barons Project

    Medieval Mayhem – A Barons War Project

    Any thoughts and comments would be welcome ?



    Cult of Games Member

    @zorg – to answer your previous question … yes, Chieftains did see some service in the Middle East.   The original idea for the Chieftain was that it would be sold to both Jordan and Israel, but Israel backed out of the deal when the UK also agreed to sell some to Jordan as well (didn’t get along in those days).  So Israel would up with a prototype example or two, but never saw combat with the IDF.

    The Royal Jordanian Army definitely had plenty, used with 40th Armored Brigade and other units.  They never saw combat in the Arab-Israeli Wars to my knowledge.

    I think it was the “Khalid” variant of the Chieftain that fought with the Kuwaiti Army during the August 2 1990 invasion by Iraq, bloodying the noses of the Hammurabi and Medina Republican Guard Divisions at the “Battle of the Bridges” (Battle of Jal al Atraf) – quick fact check … yes, the Kuwaiti 35th Brigade.  They did p[retty well against T-72s.

    Some Chieftains also saw action later in the conflict when the Kuwaiti army in exile helped the Joint Task Force East (Arab Coalition) spearhead the re-invasion and liberation of southern Kuwait in Operations Desert Storm / Saber.  They did even better against Iraqi T-55s and dug-in artillery positions.


    Cult of Games Member

    Ooh nice I always thought that it looked like a good tank especially the contoured turret Jim.


    Cult of Games Member

    More Shatterpoint.


    Cult of Games Member

    Brilliant work on your figures for gaming with @blipvertus


    Cult of Games Member

    @zorg thanks!


    Cult of Games Member

    Here are the completed T-62s from last night’s stream. I tried to paint these in such a way as they can be used as either Syrian 1973 or Iraqi 1991 … Egyptian 1973 in a pinch.

    Primarily they are in 1991 Iraqi markings, minus the platoon markings that would go one the fume extractors.

    T-62s Syrian-Iraqi 01T-62s Syrian-Iraqi 02T-62s Syrian-Iraqi 05

    T-62s Syrian-Iraqi 03T-62s Syrian-Iraqi 04



    Cult of Games Member

    Fab job on the tanks Jim.



    Been doing a few different bits that don’t quite fit into projects yet. So, see what you think 🙂 I start off with some Wild West Outlaws for use in a game that my friend is putting together (and Dead Man’s Hand etc).


    I really like the plastic kit from Great Escape Games. I’ve been playing around with doing 5 Outlaws and 5 Lawmen. Going to finish the Outlaws/Bandits first and then get working on those trying to keep the townsfolk in line!

    Also, got the plastic kit of British Riflemen from Wargames Atlantic for use with Chosen Men. Going to work on a smaller set of starter forces for this (a handful of elite Riflemen and then a unit of French Infantry for them to go up against). Had to start with Sharpe…

    sharpe 1sharpe 2

    I can’t say I’ve probably nailed the schemes but I used some reference images of Sharpe to try and get the miniature to look right. Got the rest of his Chosen Men to paint up next (of course) although I’ll have to do some picking and choosing when it comes to using them with the Chosen Men rules (a really fun read btw).

    Anyway, some fun little distractions away from the Saxons. Going to be tinkering with more of these over the next while.


    Cult of Games Member

    @brennon – fantastic detail on the shotgun robber’s eyes, even beneath that hood.  What was that, a 0-0-0-0 gauge brush?  😀

    @zorg – thanks very much!  We’ll see if they perform as well on the tabletop very soon!



    Cult of Games Member

    A start to Turnip28. A cult unit is perhaps a weird start but actually owning the GW goblins was a big factor. They’re mostly painted in contrast browns, and the closeups are very unforgiving. They look great from further away.

    01 WIP

    I’m glad I started on a … leftfield unit, I’ve learned a bit about the puddles (mainly that I can just slop UV resin down rather than needing the big crater on the right).

    02 Multi-base

    I’ll get a project up and running once the regular troops are under way.


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