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This topic contains 4,604 replies, has 345 voices, and was last updated by  grantinvanman 1 day, 19 hours ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    That’s it for my vacation effort.

    Fungus the loon:



    Cult of Games Member

    Still WIP but finally getting around to painting some Footsore models for Clash of Katanas and Test of Honor. Black armor, and red cloth are Army Painter Speed Paints. The tan bits are rice bags and that was also Speed Paint Pallid Bone. The rest is various Vallejo and GW paints.


    Cult of Games Member

    A whole LOTTA Orks. My partner said I’m “staying home too much” so made me buy a LOT to play with at the local shop.






    (I’m going to make t-shirts, light heather pink, with deep red fuzzy 70s letters … any opponent shows me Squigs  they get a shirt)

    The Cult of Squig Snagga Ladz – they wear the pelts of the Squigs on their heads as armour and a source of terror. they also have vaguely phallic pink mushrooms on their bases, lol


    da Warboss, Smashgit, on foot; he sports a spare shoulder pad as a helmet, and has a shiny targeting squig


    The Killa-Squig-Kans!
    I used “loon boss on squig” from Sigmar, for the Squig faces, plus one from the 40k riders set, to create a living insane-o beast-machine  three, in fact  one has feet  – and a tail




    Skeleyor is sad – the new MOTU isn’t available here  boo!


    close shot of Grumpy-Kan, with a Grotzooka full of crap E8E8CB77-A288-4DBB-B310-CEECEDD81B28

    I also started playing guitar and want to start a band  ‘56 reissue Fender Custom Shop heavy relic Stratocaster. If you live near me, and want to jam, DM me



    the Blue Mondorks  white skull faces make them scary ooooooooh!


    Painting style: LFSENMM (lazy, fake, sky-earth, non-metallic metal). Zero “real metals” used

    Mosty Vallejo paints; primers, model acrylics, air, with rust build by AK acetic. Lots of glazes using Vallejo glaze medium (tried Army Painter medium and GW (Lahmian?) which are similar, not what I wanted). Basing is Imperialis with Golden coarse pumice gel, and slime is Createx Wicked Colours (usually I use these for airbrushing goalie masks, etc). With Water Texture. Testors Dullcoat (the only rattle can I still use), the. Vallejo Gloss Varnish to bring up some areas.

    I also use Army Painter Strong Tone and Military Shader washes along the way as needed.


    30x Grots “da bone’eadz” – skulls with ears added; they are utterly malevolent looking little gits (grots don’t WAAAGH!, they “wiiiigh!”)

    3x Runtherds, heavily converted, skull helmets, arms, etc

    Zodgrod – least favourite 3D jigsaw puzzle



    Big Mek W Shokk Gun

    Warboss on Squigasur

    6x Squig Maniakd with 1x Boss

    Warbikez (will be converted from Sigmar Ard Boy Boars)

    Forgeworld Sqyiggoth / Battlewagon with Rolla and howda


    Gunwagon made from Ash Wastes truck, Forgeworld Grot Kannon (think French CAESAR looking beast) with Klaws

    Mek Workshop using that kit and Necromunda market stall

    another unit of Snaggas

    Nobz mob

    Banner Nob


    thinking about how to make Rocketboys with wings/rockets

    Jet maybe from dragon/Chaos/Jet kit


    THEN: Horus Heresy, Sons of Horus (too much to list).
    *** if anyone has FW Contemptor weapons arms going spare, drop me a line, please! I can trade MkVI Beakies, Catahractii…


    stay tuned for more.


    Cult of Games Member

    Normally I would create a project for showing off work, but these are just three semi-random Miniatures painted for no reason other than someone was running a painting competition where the theme was champions.  It would be quite hard to really turn this into a project I think.

    The competition there are a number of categories in which points can be scored:

    • Proximity to Theme – Is it a Champion, is it Glorious
    • Originality – how original is it (I find their marking in this to be highly inconsistent because originality is somewhat subjective)
    • Painting Skill – how well is it painted
    • Homeworld – does the base communicate where the champion is from (the fact this is called “homeworld” should clue you up to a certain bias – there’s usually a preponderance of 40k)
    • Photo Quality – are the details of the Miniature visible and clear

    So, How will I fare?  Let’s have a look





    Cult of Games Member

    Entry number one.  King Leonidas of Sparta

    This is from the Wargames Illustrated Giants in Miniature range.  I have painted him so he can be used in a game, which limits what you can do in terms of basing.  The model is hardly historically accurate being based on Frank Miller’s 300.  In terms of the scoring categories, how do I think fares?


    Proximity to Theme

    It’s definitely a champion and I would say that Gerard Butler was most certainly glorious however I don’t necessarily think that the pose itself is particularly glorious.  Menacing perhaps.


    I find their marking in this to be highly inconsistent because originality is somewhat subjective.  Is it original?  Well it’s hard to be original here, the miniature is what it is and the film 300 was what it was.  I think to paint that model any other way would have done it a disservice.  However in a competition where nearly everyone submits some sort of 40k model (and even worse, mostly Space Marines), one could argue anything that strays away from that is original.  However I suspect I am going to lose points here, probably for all three

    Painting Skill

    I like to think I have done a reasonable job with it.  This is another area where I often compete in this competition at a disadvantage.  When you are up against people entering mostly plastic GW miniatures, going with a metal miniature – especially a low cost one – can lead to issues.  Some of the casting/sculpting quality on the miniature wasn’t the best – the musculature on the torso was a bit off near the top of the stomach for example.  However I do think miniatures like this have so much character.


    This is hard to earn points in when you are limiting yourself to a 25mm base rather than making a full on scenic display base.  I do think that it meets the criteria though, it definitely looks like a dry, mediterranean landscape.  So hopefully the judges won’t be too hard on it.  To be honest, I think there’s a skill, possibly an under appreciated one in some places, to creating simple bases that communicate a theme or convey some message about the model.  But that base could be recreated on an army of hoplites very quickly to create a very effective basing scheme

    Photo Quality

    This is an area where I am confident I will score well.  I put a lot of effort into taking photos of miniatures and making them interesting.  In this photo, because it’s a historical/fantasy image I have used a parchment effect background.  I did this using a mousemat that I purchased with the pattern on it but you can just as easily use textured paper to get the same effect.  I then added.  Then, because part of the rules state that you have to display your name against the model (because when the competition kicks off you have to show an image of the unpainted model with your username) so I do that using Paint – and I also add a sort of title of the work.  In this case I called it “Come home with your shield Spartan, or on it”.


    Cult of Games Member

    Entry number two.  Aethelflaed, Queen of Mercia

    This is from the Footsore dark age range.  As with Leonidas I have painted her so she can be used in a game, which again limits what you can do in terms of basing.  Now, we don’t have loads of reference material for Aethelflaed and in terms of colours, I painted her so she would not look out of place alongside a mixture of middle earth Rohan warriors and historical saxons which I am using as the basis for a Saga Age of Magic army.  However it turns out that there is a statue of Aethelflaed in Tamworth which I think might have served as a bit of an influence for the sculpt.


    Proximity to Theme

    It’s definitely a champion and in my opinion, I think her pose is Glorious.  She looks every inch a queen whilst at the same time the levelled spear is imposing, as if she’s issuing a challenge, daring the Danes to come for her.


    As with Leonidas, it’s a gamble whether I will earn any points here.  Is it original?  I don’t know.

    Painting Skill

    This model has some similar issues to Leonidas.  Overall the model is a very nice model but there are some issues, especially with the face – that’s why she is photographed side on.  From the front her face looks as though the mould might have slipped a little.  I think you can still see, from the picture, that her features are hardly what you would call “delicate”, I mean look at the size on that snozzer!  But the actual painting is decent, the transitions are nice, especially on the dress and cloak.  I wish I had put the spear in her hand with the flat of the blade side on so you can see that as well


    It was harder to put this together than Leonidas.  How does one communicate “England” on a 25mm base?  Ultimately I went with green, summer grass and some white and yellow wild flowers to create the impression of a green, summer meadow to try and capture the spirit of “this green and pleasant isle”

    Photo Quality

    I used exactly the same background and method for this as for Leonidas and gave the title of the picture “The Warrior Queen”.  There’s no real evidence that she was ever a warrior, but as a wartime leader she’s in the same sort of category as Churchill – it doesn’t matter whether she actually fought, she had enough presence that people would fight for her and fight well.


    Cult of Games Member

    Entry Number Three: Napoleon Bonaparte, First Emperor of France

    This model popped up in my news feed on Facebook about a month ago and I decided I needed to have it.  It’s based on one of a series of paintings, all by the same artist and all depicting the same scene, called “Napoleon Crossing the Alps”.  It specifically shows Napoleon at the Great St. Bernard Pass and, as testament to his ego, carved into the stone at the base of the painting are the names of other great generals who achieved the same feat – Hannibal and Charlemagne.  To give Napoleon his dues, as despotic and tyrannical as he was, I think his achievements have at least earned him the right to compare himself favourably to both of those characters.  The specific variant of the painting I chose was the Belvedere version and I tried my best to capture the same colours and style – which isn’t easy because I am not actually that good a painted.  Still, it was an interesting challenge.  I did likewise with the final photo


    Proximity to Theme

    I would say this hits the theme perfectly.  Is it a champion?  Yes, Napoleon was beloved by his soldiers because he brought them victory.  Is it Glorious?  I think so yes.  I mean, Napoleon had a colossal ego and he had this painting of himself commissioned so he obviously thought it was glorious and if anyone knows what glorious means it’s Napoleon.


    Well, again it’s a hard one to judge.  But hopefully, the fact that I have attempted to recreate an oil painting will count as being original because of the nature of the endeavour rather than being accused of just copying an existing image.  Who knows?  From my point of view, this was not something I had done before I had a lot of fun making the final image

    Painting Skill

    I am quite proud of this one.  I think I have captured the colours well and again, it’s neat, the transitions are neat and the colours are clean.  I didn’t take the highlights very high mostly because I don’t actually like that ‘Eavy Metal style where everything is highlighted almost to white.  I also think I managed to capture a sort of oil painting style in which, when placed in front of that background does not look out of place


    The Alps aren’t Napoleon’s homeworld, however it is most certainly the “homeworld” within the context of him crossing the alps.  I think the base captures that.  It was constructed from scratch using cork and gravel and at the end added a few dry grass tufts and some patches of ice and snow

    Photo Quality

    I am actually quite proud of this one.  I could have gone with the standard “parchment” background but I went for something more ambitious.  I found a photo of an stormy, alpine landscape online which I downloaded and then ran through an oil painting filter.  I then printed it off and used that as the background of the photo.  I placed the model on a plain black surface rather than directly onto the photo background.  This means that the alps look like they’re rising straight up behind him rather than curving around.  To try and disguise the boundary between the black surface and the background, I applied a vignette filter to darken the outer edges of the picture.  This has made the bottom portion of the image very dark whilst leaving the miniature in the middle looking quite bright.  Obviously if you look for it you can easily see the black plastic surface, however your eye is naturally drawn to the lighter, brighter areas of the photo, straight to the subject.  Finally, I called the photo “My enemies are many, my equals are none” which is lifted from the intro video to Napoleon Total War.


    Cult of Games Member

    This is going to be my behemoth in a Saga Age of Magic game at the weekend. A zombie hulk from minion miniatures that I was lucky enough to pick up as a freebie from the owner. The body is painted in model  air Grey Blue 71.103 with shadows model air 71.128 over a zenithal shaded prime. Guts are Magos Purple and Carroburg Crimson with a Druchii Violet recess wash.


    I tried out the Dirty Down Rust effect which took some manipulating especially after I dropped the finished and rusted iron ruff into a pot of metallic contaminated water and ruined it first time round.


    Used the amazing blood for the blood god on the human figures. When wiped away it really looks like smeared blood. At this point I thought I was finished, but I didn’t like the purple guts.



    Applied some Vallejo Game Color pale pink to highlight the guts before applying Druchi Violet again in recesses only and Vallejo Dried Blood effect paint to coat them transparently – again it smears wonderfully. I’m calling the body good enough for the table and just working on a base now. All it needs to do now is hit something!






    Done with the oni, Rogaku, from Reaper’s Bones [SKU: 77472]



    One less item in the Pile of Shame


    Cult of Games Member

    Painted some old scholl battle sisters retributors:



    Cult of Games Member

    Good afternoon – Been a while since I’ve been here in the forums.  Glad to see the WAYPAN thread still going strong!

    Some M1A1s I’ve been working on – Battlefront 15mm originally for Team Yankee, re-purposed for 1991 Gulf War.

    The tactical markings aren’t QUITE specific or accurate for all 1991-2003 scenarios … but these were the transfers I had and this way the models can be used for multiple engagements.

    M1A1_Abrams_Finished (1)M1A1_Abrams_Finished (2)M1A1_Abrams_Finished (3)M1A1_Abrams_Finished (4)M1A1_Abrams_Finished (6)M1A1_Abrams_Finished (8)


    Cult of Games Member

    My 3rd attempt at painting tartan on this little 3d printed chap from Titan Forge




    Making a start painting up my Horus Heresy boxset
    Sons of Horus 10

    Sons of Horus 12


    Cult of Games Member

    Figures by Footsore. For use in Clash of Katanas and Test of Honour.



    I’ve been quietly working away on the new 30k starter box  and aside from transfers for the most part its done. now just trying to get the rule in my head!

    My Alpha Legion painted in colourshift paints if any one wants the  recipe as i have been asked for it before, its standard black undercoat with green stuff worlds Celestial Azure as a base layer then from above only Storm Surge Green and for the coppery bits, Evil Forest then edge highlighted with Vallejo Gunmetal Grey. Airbrush is recommended


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