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What Are You Painting Now?

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    Cult of Games Member

    Last night I was able to finish up this little commission. Lilith from malifaux. Although I was told she was going to be used as a main NPC in a rpg. I can only imagine what waits for those poor players after meeting her.




    @chaosgorka – Really good result, like it a lot!

    So this is the start of my most recent addition to my ancients armies, six Numidian light horse from Victrix. Picture one and two show that I will be painting the riders separate from the horses. As always the figures are well detailed and with minor mould lines to be removed. The movement tray is further described in my 3D printing project, as it was drawn by myself in TinkerCAD and printed on my Prusa i3 mk3.



    I thought I would describe how I make my bases, as I use more or less the same approach for both the movement trays and the figure bases. The third picture shows the larger rocks added to the tray using super glue.


    Then I coat the full surface in PVA and add my second scatter, some cleaned dirt from the garden   The fourth picture shows this step halfway through. Overall, this gives I think a realistic base for me to start the next step, airbrushing…



    Cult of Games Member

    What is cleaned dirt?  You just avoid where the dog has been and fish out the big lumps?  I’d never though to grab a handful of mud from the garden for basing.  I’ve grabbed specific stones, but that is all.



    @lawnor – No pets, only clean dirt… 🙂 No, I take some soil from the garden, put it in a box and add lots of water… stir properly and all the unwanted organic stuff goes to the surface. Decant the water+leafs and stuff and dry the residue… voila, perfect looking fine basing material. 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    I may have to experiment.  I’m always looking for new basing effects.  I assume you do this in large batches and store a small box full that lasts a while, and don’t do this on a base by base basis.  How do you decant the water and leaves?  Just pour them out of the pot?  Surely you would also loose the clean dirt, or end up leaving a lot of water behind?  Or am I overthinking this?



    Rolling thunder….

    Yesterday I finished two tank hunters for my Bolt Action late war Germans. They will support my Volksgrenadiers I showed some time ago.

    It’s a Jagdpanzer 38(t) ‘Hetzer’ (1/56 Rubicon; plastic kit) and a Jagdpanzer IV L70 (1/56 Warlord Games; resin)


    It was a lot of fun to paint them (and to continue the work on my Bolt Action army)





    @lawnor – It is no problem if you have a lot of water left with the “mud”, you just pour it out on a tray and let it dry. Time is your friend, you do not have to do a thing… 🙂 And yes, I do a small stash each time so I do not have to redo it for some time. I try to collect dirt with different “crudeness” from different places. Actually, one of my best samples I got some 15 years ago outside the girlfriend at the time´s parents place. Had a small crisis last year when I ran out as that particular relationship ended a long time ago and I could not really do a refill… 😀



    Cult of Games Member

    Are you in a warm country where the mix can dry readily, or in a county with weather like (normally) miserable (but currently baking) England?

    When I started gaming a friend went to the seaside.  I asked him to bring me back about a mug of sand for basing materials.  He came back with a Celebrations tin full of sand.  At least 6 years later the sand levels have barely dropped and I use it all the time!



    Rainy west coast of Sweden, probably one of the few places which can compete with England regarding wind and clouds… but indoors is dry enough, so no problem. That said, also here it is currently so warm that literally everything is drying up… oh well.


    Cult of Games Member

    Then I’m sure I can find somewhere indoors I can leave a tub of mud to dry out for a few days.  Thanks for the idea.



    First unit of Star Wars Legion Snowtroopers finished, now 2 more units to go before I can get them on the table!

    Snowtroopers Sq1

    Obligatory project link 🙂

    Ollie paints….. Star Wars Legion


    Cult of Games Member

    So here is a ton of finished mini’s to show off.

    These are the Old, Young and Intimacy Survivors that I painted for Kingdom Death: Monster.

    The Watcher for Kingdom Death: Monster.

    For more pictures of my Kingdom Death: Monster mini’s, visit my project on Beasts of War here:

    A basic Space Marine from Games Workshop painted in the colours of the Doom Legion.

    Canoness Veridyan from Games Workshop. Yes, this model is failcast and it’s annoying and a pain in the butt to build, but they are okay to paint.

    This is the Eldar WhatsHisFaceWithAStaffAndPistol or some will know him as a Farseer with Staff from Games Workshop.

    Nowada from Bombshell Miniatures. It took me a while to figure out how I wanted to paint this model, but I do like the result.

    Hanako from Hasslefree Miniatures. Did a bit of free-hand on this miniature and love how it turned out.

    Dynamic Boudi from Hasslefree Miniatures. This was my first speed paint and I finished the paint and base in less than an hour (58 minutes). Primer and varnish were not included in that time frame.

    One of the women warrior models from V&V Miniatures. Really lovely sculpted miniatures although I’m not a fan of the sculpt of the face, but that’s just personal preference.

    Catwoman from the Gotham series from Knight Models. I think I should have used less black around the eyes. Due to the many many miniatures I was making pictures of the .gif for this one got lost unfortunately.

    For more pictures of all my other mini’s I painted, visit my project on Beasts of War here:



    So, I noticed neither my Silver Tower project log nor the Dwarves I put up in WayPN appeared in this week’s Hobby Hangout. Now, I don’t want to say I’m bitter about this, I’d never want to say that. So I won’t. Say it, that is… Anyways, here are some of my latest work.

    Other Goblins 001

    I was told my nieces might be visiting once school was out for summer and got a Unicorn for the smaller one. At the same time, I found these Pathfinder style Goblins, sold under a line called Wizkids. Like the Unicorn, they are supposedly pre- primed and ready to just paint. That may be so, but they are also cheaply made compared to what they sell for. Once the novelty of their unique look wore off, they stopped being very fun.




    Cult of Games Member

    @brianfowler713 Don’t be disheartened if your stuff won’t show up in Hobby Hangout, there is just so much stuff on the forums and in the projects that they don’t have the time to cover everything. I’m often surprised I see my own stuff on there because there is so much more amazing stuff out there.


    Cult of Games Member

    Just about finished my T’au R’Varna Battlesuit, just need to finish the basing, clean up some details and then seal. Must say I am quite pleased with it 🙂

    Project Post

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