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What Are You Painting Now?

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This topic contains 4,597 replies, has 345 voices, and was last updated by  grantinvanman 28 minutes ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @janus1004 those heads look awesome!  Really like them.  I still use washes because there’s some effects that are harder to achieve with paint (try a thinned purple was in some of the deeper recesses) but you have done a superb job there.


    @george_sealy what on earth were you thinking when you agreed to that challenge!  I can only imagine you weren’t thinking! Looking forward to seeing how it goes – definitely rather you than me lol



    The character figure for my US Rangers





    Cult of Games Member

    Hello everyone. Once again the standard on display here is both motivating and intimidating! I’ve painted up a bunch of scatter terrain for my Necromunda table.




    Long time one and off painter, recently fell off the wagon, only to climb back up again when my youngest niece came over. Here’s an old model of Mannfred von Carstein, before he traded up on mounts. While judging, please be advised this is a Finecast model, so yes, it is a little… crumbly. For example, the sword tip broke off, and after several attempts to sharpen a new point, I just chopped it off. It seems weird, but flat tipped swords have been used, notably by executioners. The base is from AoS Shattered Dominion. I wished I took a photo before mounting him.

    OldMannfred 002

    Also, I finally checked out the Hobby Hangout videos and flipped over the moon when I saw John and Ben talk about my Eschers.


    Cult of Games Member

    Finally got a chance to get into the brand new site and give the project system a go, it’s pretty sweet. I was having a whole bunch of sympathy stress during the upgrade process, migration is less than fun, so it’s nice to be able to poke my head back in during some relative calm. Well from my perspective 🙂

    Work had been keeping me away from the painting table but I finally said nuts to that (haha, get it…because the figure is a squirrel) and decided I’d at least finish off my in progress burrows and badgers figure. Project here, hopefully



    Cult of Games Member

    Finished up this dark eldar Archon last night. He is part of a large commission I have been working on this year for a guy local to me.



    Cult of Games Member

    Hi guys! It’s been a while since I’ve posted, but I’m back! And yes with more B&B!!


    This time it’s the awesome little crossbow weasel! I absolutely love this guy and I think he’s turned out pretty well.

    I’ve also got an active project log going for Burrows and Badgers where I’ll post anything I do with B&B. I’ve got pictures of everything that I’ve painted so far and what I’ve got next to do. Got some 3D printed terrain I thinks suitable for the game and even a little guide on how I paint fur on my foxes. Head over and take a look and leave some comments. I’d really appreciate any feedback from you guys!

    Burrows and Badgers: A Furry Tail






    Another big figure from ‘Shadows of Brimstone’IMG_20180620_121627


    Cult of Games Member

    So I am painting my first real 40K army and also learning how to use an airbrush at the same time :O

    This is what I’m working on right now and here is the project



    Cult of Games Member

    Hello All,

    I said that I’d be working on a Hare next so I thought I’d show some WIP of this one. I have started a project for my B&B that can be found here:



    Cult of Games Member

    I have published my project/guide on how I make my .gifs and you can read it here.
    And here are some examples of my .gifs of some mini’s I finished recently.

    The Hand from Kingdom Death: Monster. I painted it in a similar colour scheme to my King’s Man. For more pictures please visit my Kingdom Death: Monster project.

    A simple Space Marine from Games Workshop painted in the colours of the Imperial Fists. For more pictures please visit my Finished Mini’s 2018 project.



    My local store is having a painting comp using the new Sigmar intro minis.
    Decided it would be fun with all entrants painting the same model… not made much progress on mine yet though 😛
    Got to start somewhere though, right?




    Currently working my way through a bunch of stuff. Did a mass base coat session last night and got over 50 models ready to go. So I started into the plaguebearers as I reckoned they’d be the quickest to get done using shades for the most part.

    plaguebearer colour list

    More images and details are in the project here —


    Cult of Games Member

    Finished my Hare!See my project




    So I don’t know if this thread is still open but I’m taking my chances. Here are some Dwarf Miners:

    Miners 001

    Miners 002

    Miners 003

    Oh, these poor Dwarves. If miniatures could talk, these guys would certainly have put me down in the book of grudges. I got the Battle for Skull Pass box set over ten years ago for the goblins, which I also never completed, but the Dwarves were never even started, until it did IT. I got a can of yellow spray to prime a Lord of Change, and once that was done, I realized I was stuck with a can of yellow spray paint and since I don’t collect Imperial Fists…

    By the time I realized what I had done it was too late. The poor, poor Dwarves were covered in mustard yellow, and I had even gotten carried away and over sprayed some. The poor stunties never knew what hit them. I tried to make amends by soaking them in Simple Green for a week, which worked before. Only it wasn’t working so well this time and the yellow paint was not coming off, and then I lost patience and got out the rotary tool… and if look carefully at the poor standard bearer above to see how well that turned out.

    Now, I’m taking one last crack at doing the Skull pass Dwarves some justice, starting with these miners. If it doesn’t work, I’ll take the Slayer Oath, but I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that. One; stripes are not my color. Two; wearing nothing but pants is fine now, but come November it will be a different story. Three; I am way too old to be sporting a red mohawk.

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