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This topic contains 4,635 replies, has 346 voices, and was last updated by  grantinvanman 17 hours, 28 minutes ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Oathmark plastic dwarves for Saga: Age of Magic and Warlords of Erehwon.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve been a backstage member for over 7 years now & have never shared anything I’ve made. (HOW VERY DARE I) After being one of the lucky few to acquire the Sisters of Battle box I thought it would be cool to attempt to track my progress of putting these ladies together before they are let loose upon the battlefield to unleash fire & faith upon the heretics. I’ve already painted a test model of awesomeness but figure it may give me more of an incentive to get an actual army completed if I chuck it all on a project. I’m mostly using contrast paints with some extra highlights. I’ll go through the painting process more once I get my box of plastic goodness in the post. Yes!




    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for the comments on my Gremlin.

    Love the cyber / Zorro cat @144artist.

    @eternitygate thanks for sharing, great work.

    Fantastic stuff everyone putting me to shame and inspiring at the same time.


    Cult of Games Member

    @thedace thanks man! It’s awesome to finally start sharing some stuff after a long time lurking like a weirdo



    Good paintjob and very nice presenation  : D

    Pullin´this standard for a whole army, we are in for a treat. Of course only if you care to keep sharing this awesomeness : DDD



    38B576F3-ECE9-4704-ACFA-7A761246B45CFixing some stuff and trying out painting on the sprue


    Cult of Games Member

    Day 13 of the journey into the world of 1938 A Very British Civil War and we are back with the Somerset Freedom Fighters. Yes the SFF are one of the smaller factions within the world of VBCW but they have had a large impact and it goes to show the depth of the world and the only limit to the game is your imagination.

    This chap is showing them toward the end of 1938 where there has been no knock out blow by any of the sides and the fighting has petered into skirmishes and ambushes as weapons, ammunition, food, fuel, clothing, etc, start to get harder to come by. Some factions are better placed then others but all factions are feeling it as operations slow down.

    He is dressed in locally made uniform with a leather jerkin from the Great War as protection from the elements.

    SFF Trooper




    Another bit of terrain from the Marvel Crisis Protocol core set. If you’re interested in how I got this look you can check out my blog post on the subject. I am also planning a video on the subject.


    Cult of Games Member


    Experimenting with some Blanchitsu

    Do Servitors Dream of Electric Priests?



    Cult of Games Member

    This is a project close to my heart, and one I’ve been putting off for <i>far </i>too long. For almost two years now I’ve been wanting to build a US Marine Corps Team Yankee force, but instead of using them in a fictional war in Europe, I wanted to build them for 1991 historical Desert Storm.

    So I finally broke down and bought it all, enough to field a respectable US Marine Corps force approximately as it would have appeared in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, along with some enemy forces I can tweak into the T-55s, Type 59s, BTRs, and other vehicles used by the Iraqi divisions holding this section of the line. Possible recreations may include part of the Battle of Khafji in January 1991.  Kits included the Ryan’s Leathernecks, the LAV-25 Platoon, and US Infantry Platoon sets from Battlefront (15mm / 1:100).

    Part of the project involved updating some of these vehicles from “Team Yankee” theoretical 1980s combat to 1991 historical combat.  The biggest example of this will be the addition of ERA panels (explosive reactive armor) fitted to USMC M-60A1 main battle tanks for the 1991 Gulf War.

    These are sheets of metal and shaped explosive designed to explode outward when hit with slower-velocity projectiles like enemy rockets, missiles, or HEAT warhead shells.

    I have reference material showing how these blocks looked in 1991 and how they were generally laid out, so I’m building my own pieces, coloring and scaling them to fit on my three M-60A1s.

    US Marine Corps M-60A1 main battle tanks, “almost finished.”

    So here is one of the sheets – Photoshop drafted to create the ERA panels, colored and scaled to fit on the tanks, with markings and the “mounting lugs” suggested in the graphic. These will be mounted on very thin cardboard, cut with razors very carefully, mounted in place, then painted around the edges. On the tank I have some color-test pieces just for scale and color.

    It took the better part of all evening, but these are the three tanks “finished.” Now … one thing I’m not 100% keen on at this point is <i>spacing </i>of the armor. Everything’s fine on the hull, glacis, and front of the turret (mantlet, etc.). What has me a little peeved are the pieces along the sides of the turret. These should be spaced much further from the tank. So they will be cut off, re-mounted with new seats, and re-painted where needed.

    A close-up one of the the tanks before the three side pieces (one on the left side, two on the right side) are re-mounted.

    Here are the three tanks again, with the ERA panels re-mounted in much better positions. I’ve also mounted antenna (bristles from a small plastic whisk broom – after drilling the radio antenna mounts). This photo was taken in outdoor daylight in an attempt to give a better impression of what color these vehicles actually are (photographing khaki / sand with indoors light is pretty tough – and I just have an iPhone for a camera).



    Some AB British underway…


    …and a Void Pirate…





    Pulled out my firestorm planetfall boxset and started painting it finally.20191129_20134020191120_190026



    Pulled out my firestorm planetfall boxset and started painting it finally.20191129_20134020191120_190026


    Cult of Games Member

    Finished some more Terrain for our upcoming Gorkamorka Campaign:


    Scatter Terrain from Kraken War Games.


    Cult of Games Member

    Painted this at Warhammer 40k Open Day, yesterday, quick and dirty with mostly contrast paints


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