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What Are You Painting Now?

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    Cult of Games Member

    So, to continue my effort to get back into regular painting and share what I am doing, here is a tank I finished not too long ago.

    leman Russ-14leman Russ-15leman Russ-12

    I have a complete set of step=by=step images for how I got here in my project blog.


    Cult of Games Member

    This is Vercingetorix, Gallic Celt Chieftain by Warlord Games. This is the first mini I did in 2 sub-assemblies. I personally don’t like doing that too much, but it worked out in the end. I also like how the shield turned out with some freehand work.

    The Mistress of Repentance from the Sisters of Battle made by Games Workshop. This is an old miniature I picked up at a local game store at some point and I’m quite happy with the result.

    Rennie & Tilda from Hasslefree Miniatures. I think they are a female representation of Asterix & Obelix and thus I painted them like that.

    Poison Ivy and her plants from Knight Models made for the Batman Miniatures Game. These models are amazingly detailed. I love them. There are some problems with some mould lines unfortunately, on the legs of Poison Ivy they were a bit hard to clean up due to the details.

    For high resolution pictures please visit my finished mini’s project.


    Cult of Games Member

    I got a little painting in this weekend and I think I’ve finally gotten my hunters to the stage where I don’t need to think about colours anymore.  All thats left is bone, wood, metal and one more shade of leather, mainly for belts and straps.  The problem with a group of models like the hunter is that they need to be done in natural earthen colours.  Once you realise how many layers there are and how many different colours you need you run the risk of either using 10 different shades of brown, or just painting everything as if its the same material.  Ignoring the bear or human hair I think by the time im done I’ll have used 7 different colour schemes you can argue are brown or brown adjacent.  8 if you count bone.  Is that a lightish brown?  Plus there will be the ground and some rocks etc.  Oh, theres Zarolas flesh tones.  Ulfr has some brown in him too I suppose.  Brown brown brown brown brown brown brown.


    (That word no longer looks spelled correctly to me)



    I’ll update my project log tomorrow:



    Fireforge plastic knight:





    I’ve been carrying on with the weird and wonderful medieval demons by Antediluvian Miniatures, painting a satanic imp, devilish black goat and incendiary siege cat.


    More of these and other stuff in my project.




    Getting back into GW games. Painted my first Age of Sigmar figure and it was a joy to paint. I hope to put together a project (for average painters like myself) for the next couple as I work through them 🙂



    @lawnor – Brown is the best colour… 😀

    I completed painting the Port House from the Printable Scenery Kickstarter. It was printed using 0.1mm on a Prusa i3 mk3 and painted using lots and lots of airbrushing. It is a rather large building about 20cm to the top of the chimney so needed some way to speed up the painting. I like how it turned out and I think it promises a lot for the other buildings from the Kickstarter… 🙂






    Cult of Games Member

    More Warband options for Burrows and Badgers.


    The gang since UK Games Expo has grown quickly



    Cult of Games Member

    Going a bit crazy with my Deathguard armour colours of late. I have decided that some of my marines come from other chapters and have been infected with Nurgle’s gifts and are not in the standard Deathguard cream or green armour as a result. One or two have had to grab armour from their enemy’s bodies as their wounds and mutations have resulted in losing pieces of their original armour. _20180612_001155_20180612_001036

    Deathguard army – dugthefug1644

    Check out the project to see what else I have been up to with my army.



    Tortle cleric with resin beach base completed! The miniature is from DarkSword miniatures. First time using resin; was going for the impressions of the tide coming in around the miniature on a sandbar. The resin ran further than it did on my test pour but I’m pleased with how it turned out 🙂



    Cult of Games Member

    It’s been busy in the Redvers’ household recently and painting has been very low on the list of priorities. But, it was my son’s 7th birthday party at the weekend and I got asked to produce a Star Wars cake at short notice. Now while this isn’t exactly the traditional fare of the WAYPN thread, I hope that the use of some (un)painted Imperial Assault miniatures and a few painted marshmallows does at least loosely qualify for a post here, even if very tongue in cheek 🙂 .

    This was my first time working with marshmallows in this medium and I used a Sainsbury’s food colouring to get the green effect. This was brushed on and despite the liquid being a little thick, it did pool nicely into the recesses to give a good shading. I thought it brought some colour to an otherwise somewhat monotone landscape.

    As you can see from the pictures below, I’ve also used chocolate fingers and Mini Wispas to creat some cover.

    I did however have to grab the miniatures off of the cake before the rest of the 7 year old’s took them home in their party bags.







    Cult of Games Member

    The last two join the mix.



    This makes me very happy, ten days ago I did not have a single Barrows and Badgers model but with a bit of focus I have a pretty good collection.


    Mmmm now I want more 😀



    Howdie folks!

    Been a while since I last posted. I’ve been working on full scale things sorting out a new bedroom and a dedicated gaming room.

    Finally back at the bench and working on my fallout table. This is one of the last ‘builds’ for the table, TT Combat’s Monorail.

    20180612_200529 (1)20180612_20160820180612_200459 (1)




    Howdie folks!

    Been a while since I last posted. I’ve been working on full scale things sorting out a new bedroom and a dedicated gaming room.

    Finally back at the bench and working on my fallout table. This is one of the last ‘builds’ for the table, TT Combat’s Monorail.

    20180612_200529 (1)20180612_20160820180612_200459 (1)



    Cult of Games Member

    Small tweak but gave them all brown bases as I think it is a better fit. Really happy with them.


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