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Well more "limited" releases that don't even last beyond the first 2 days (GW)

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Well more "limited" releases that don't even last beyond the first 2 days (GW)

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    Cult of Games Member

    Well the last one was the Rohan Buildings (settlement) pack, this time it’s the Goliath (2nd Editon).

    Hope you manage to get your if you wanted some, these lasted for about 2 days in stock on the preorder befor coming OOP forever more. And yes if you click the link GW are now releases 2’ND EDITON CARDS. Not the rules mind you (because they haven’t managed to leave them alone long enough to “form” an edition). These tactics cards in Necromunda are fairly important as they have the all the gang specific rules on them that you use on the table (they are not reprinted anywhere else). The Gang Tactic cards “usually last about a couple of weeks beyond the release date, but these lasted 2 days. Not before everyone chimes in “but they are printed in china and have a long lead time on production”, this has been the case for at least 18 months AND (ffs) they are CARDS (other manufacturers somehow are able to surmount this hurdle GW are unable to beat). I’ve no problem with cards that are “convenience release” that give rules out of the rule book in a more game table friendly format being “limited”. But to me if the cards are the only source of the rules, then the SHOULD be a permanent stock item just like the rulebooks (it’s not like these card packs take up loads of store shelf space).

    Yet again a rant from me about GW doing this stupid FOMO marketing that just divides the playerbase into haves and have nots (and in this case have all the rules, have part of the rules). And it’s not all down to it being “optional” either, as going down to your local club you have players who HAVE the cards (and spent money and want to use them), and those that DON’T (and DON’T have to “option” to buy them due to GW doing daft marketing schemes)




    To quote the webpage you linked to: “Temporarily out of stock Online”.


    Cult of Games Member

    There’s no “temporarily” about it, when limited release items get sold out they always default to that status. The problems is the never come back in stock (and eventually disappear from the webstore). They are for all intent and purpose OOP already 🙁



    Selling out of all your stock for a product looks really good on the books.  Lots of unsold product doesn’t look good.



    It’s also funny (funny sad not funny ha-ha) that GW seem to be the only company that constantly pulls this pre-order short-print stuff.  It’s not like they’re Joe & Pete’s Podunk Minis Company, they are arguably the most well-known minis purveyors on earth, making more $$$ than they ever have, but they pull this obvious “gotta order it now!” stuff just to squeeze their fanbase out of every last shekel.

    For everything GW has done right since their corporate re-org a few years back (and they have done a lot right, especially with the actual gaming products) they still can’t seem to let go of some predatory business practices.



    There has always been one major problem with a high rate of releases in short periods of time,  wallet fatigue.  People run out of money, or just get discouraged with trying to play “keep up”.  So sales tend to slump.

    This is solved by limited, high hype, releases.  You never know when or if it will be rereleased.  So it forces people into the mindset of buy now, just in case… or you might lose out.

    Its a great strategy, and it works awesome with GWs fanbase who will purchase anything and everything they can get their hands on.


    Cult of Games Member

    *eh* local webshop has the cards listed as ‘available’ … and I trust their stock status quite a bit more than GW’s.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if their stock is lagging a bit.

    Only the’Rohan building collection’ was ‘out of stock’. The buildings on their own were still available.

    Looks like the pallisades are still available. The rohan house is currently listed as ‘temporarily out of stock’.

    I think you’re making a mountain out of a molehill at the moment.
    And given how many releases GW has done since the rohan set I’d say they’ve been pretty good at keeping things available.

    So eh … let’s calm down a bit and check in a few days if things really are as ‘unavailable’ as you claim them to be.

    That’s not making excuses for the rather odd way in which GW has handled Necromunda’s expansions and updates though.
    We lack inside info that explains why they may be short on supply at the moment.
    However given that we’ve had two major storm fronts I wouldn’t be surprised if that has caused a minor disruption.
    The Corona virus might have an effect as well even if GW does not use Chinese factories themselves there may be issues deeper in their supply chain.



    I’d be careful of that @limburger – seen a lot of folks who ordered these sorts of packs from reputable webstores get told their orders (or at least the elements containing these short run items) are cancelled because they themselves aren’t allocated sufficient stock to fulfill their pre-orders by GW.


    Cult of Games Member

    This is what had stopped me getting into Necromunda, as if I started now I would always be at a disadvantage.

    The multiple rulebooks required dont help either.



    @dawfydd that’s exactly the issue we had with the OTT store at the start, we’d order 20 packs of something, take 20 pre-orders and then GW would send 10, and we’d end up having to refund half the customers and get negative reviews because GW are massive cunts



    They still seem avaliable on multiple webstores at the moment.



    Cult of Games Member

    yikes … that really sucks. I only ever heard of this sort of thing happen with videogames and certain (american) stores that shall not be named.

    I must admit that I haven’t had this happen to me yet with this particular store, so I haven’t had any reason to not trust them with this.


    Cult of Games Member

    They are available on multiple FLGS webstores at the moment mainly because they haven’t updated their website because they have no idea how many boxes GW will allocate to them (GW can update their own website as they know the exact stock levels), however GW selling out this early is usually an indication that the FLGS store will only be getting a few.

    This leaves the FLGS having to make the apologies (rather than GW), AND getting hit with card merchant fees twice for the original purchase and then the refund. So in a way GW are basically saying “buy from us online and if it shows in stock you WILL get the goods, order from someone else and well it’s a bit dodgy (you’re fault if you do such things) .”

    Unlike the Rohan Buildings, these will NOT be available again in another format (going by the track record they are basically OOP).

    It still amazes me given the sheer amount of rulebooks GW have released for Necromunda and all the “rules for rules sake” they’ve added to pad out these rulebooks to hit the page count that they couldn’t just include the tactics rules in the book for you to either make your own, photocopy, or still buy as card packs from GW as a “convenience” product.

    It’s just shitty marketing (to make the card so essential to gameplay and make it limited so they ALWAYS sell out), and it seems strange that GW are quite happy to leave the FLGS in the lurch buy no advising them of how much stock they WILL receive (at this point they know how much the stores will get, the store will not know until they open the shipment on Friday).


    Cult of Games Member

    yeah, the release/support for Necromunda is odd to say the least.

    Not having a decent summary of all available rules sucks.
    WarCry appears to be heading in the same direction as well, although there was a ‘chapter approved’ summary and the out-of-print unit cards have been sort of replaced by boxed sets. We’ll have to wait and see if all of the card packs get a warband boxed set for Warcry.

    If only GW was willing to explain themselves instead of letting us create our own conspiracies.
    Forcing people to buy only through their own webshop and/or official stores is something I expected the ‘old’ GW to do, but it is as if there is a bit of the evil old corpse left.




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