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Warlords of Erehwon question

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  nogbadthebad 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Hi All. I picked up WoE at Vapnartak on impulse (whoops) on Sunday.

    Looks like an interesting set of rules that I would love to try out, but don’t have that much 28mm stuff – I do however have 10mm. Could it be played as 1 base = 1 unit either with fig removal, or casualty markers?

    Am sure it can be but am wondering if anyone has already tried this or has additional thoughts – am only half way through the “basic” rules section so didnt know if i was setting myself up for a fail further down the line.


    Cult of Games Member

    Either I’d say. Or one base = one model. Your game, your rules.


    Cult of Games Member

    I was kinda planning it for 10mm. The stuff I have is 5 figs  on 40×40 so was just going to use one base =1 28mm figure. If I really really like I might think of some sort of rebasing  but it would be a big if


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks Chaps.

    I could do 1:1 figs but the thought of moving 10mm chaps individually doesnt overly excite but it is a possibility.

    @torros, what game have you based yours for? The original plan for me was to do Kings of War in the 10 at 50% smaller bases. Unfortunately I got my maths a bit wrong/couldnt decide on figs per base so i potentially have 5000 points of Dwarves before magical items!! luckily in this instance I have yet to put paint to brush hence I have the figs left over so to speak to utilise!

    I might have to just cut some cardboard and see how it feels. Just need to find a victim!

    Anyone in York?


    Cult of Games Member

    @nogbadthebad I based mine technically for Warband by Pendraken or Lords and Lands. If I’m honest I was just enjoying painting them and had some 40×40 bases left over from ADLG so used them. As they fit in with the semi universal standard 40×20 I’m sure I could use them for any ruleset I fancy


    Cult of Games Member

    Cool, is Warbands any good? Not that need yet another rule set mind you, but i’ve stared at it more than a few times!

    I need to spend 20mins with some minis and cardboard and jury-rig a couple of ideas. Just need month end to be over, a colleague to come back from holiday and my wife’s exams to be over and I can get back to just the usual distractions getting in the way!


    Cult of Games Member
    1. Like you I haven’t bought Warband yet and am still staring at it on the website though the battle reports on the Facebook seem good fun



    Cult of Games Member

    That’s my trouble, I can’t stop staring at the different shiny! I’ll checkout the lets plays, they are usually fun even if I keep me wallet locked away ?

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