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Warlord drop Gates of Antares (moves production to Skytrex)

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    Cult of Games Member

    Well first it was Cruel Seas, now it’s Gates of Antares

    The Future of Beyond the Gates of Antares – Warlord Community (

    To be fair Warlord has mostly released all the minis for the game (other than a couple of vehicles) and only one major faction missing (The Vorl). Not sure if the resin miniatures are also going to be produced at Skytrex.

    …I wonder what game is next for the chopping block over at Warlord 🙁


    Cult of Games Member

    If the effort isn’t worth the cost then it is logical to drop it.

    Consider that Warlord could simply have scrapped the entire thing … this at least means there is hope for a future.

    I like that they are letting Priestley take control of the rules with a possible free v2 of the rules.
    It will be interesting to see if they can find a way to grow the community and the game.

    There simply isn’t enough room in the world for all the systems, especially in the non-historical side of things.





    My guess is Blood Red Skies is next.



    How come, does it not sell?


    Cult of Games Member

    @mrpage in a market dominated by 40k … and possibly Legion there is no room for tiny franchises that cost too much to maintain at barely noticable sales.

    Also consider the rising cost of resin/metal production …



    Their Doctor Who range has quietly been canned. Shame really I wanted the Brigadier model they showed off at Salute 2019.


    Cult of Games Member

    lots of Doctor Who related things have ‘dissappeared’ … but then that is an IP thing, which means that once the license ends things get dumped into the thrash bin.

    At least Gates of Antarez gets a chance to survive …


    Cult of Games Member

    @Tom Look SPAM



    Cult of Games Member

    Just checked the Web Store, it looks like the Dr Who range is still up there for sale?

    I’m expecting them to move game systems with metal (or mostly metal minis) as I doubt Skytrex will be dealing with the plastic range items (could be wrong however). The “moves” might be down to warehouse space perhaps at their new HQ (I just don’t know). I WAS floored  however when I checked on the Warlord site just how much things have gone up. The old 10 man boxes of WW2 Bolt Action are now £25 (I’m sure they were £15 a year ago), and the plastic boxes of infantry are now £35 (I remember them being just shy of £30, so they haven’t gone up by as much). Alas with all the increases in energy costs, distribution and supplies no doubt they HAD to raise the prices….but with the cost of living increases I’m wondering just how many gamers are going to be priced out.

    Anyhow, anything where Warlord are paying a license to produce I suppose Warlord HAVE to keep that going to return on their investment (so that’s Judge Dredd. Strontium Dog, Slaine and Dr Who safe). Warlords of Erewhon is a purely paper product who no dedicated miniature line, so it wouldn’t benefit them moving that over to Skytrex. So the only few candidates left (with metal minis) that I can see being moved over to Skytrex is Konflict ’47 and/or possibly Black Seas (Resin hulls and metal “bits”, but Skytrex DOES have some experience of cast smaller resin pieces). And we have to remember I suppose that Warlord now own Skytrex (so is production really leaving the company, or is it more of an internal reshuffle?)





    Cult of Games Member

    Sad to see it go but good to see the game for now at least still lives on. I think this was somewhat inevitable really, I’ve never really seen much talk or gaming of Antares. It’s always been one of those games that I’d considered just never tried, and I think mantics alternative scifi offering appears better or more popular at least. I wish the game all the best under Tim and Rick.

    I remember the open day last year Warlord saying Antares wasn’t going anywhere just not getting anything new, and that was in a way that made me think its time may be limited as they highlighted a renewed focus of bolt action and black powder.

    I cant see Blood Red skies going anywhere, production-wise is relatively simple compared to a whole scifi lineup there’s relatively few miniatures and they have moved the renewed blood red skies minis to siocast making the process more affordable. If it has an issue it’s that the card stock is low quality and the minis are expensive but otherwise it fits in well with their “bolt action” expanded range.

    I think Warlord are in for a rough few years, they have a focus on Bolt action as its their cash cow and to a lesser extent black powder so I think we’ll continue to see a decline in the other ranges and maybe even a few more go. Ive heard of smaller retailers being told more the the Bolt action range is direct order only so its having an impact on the smaller guys too.

    I think price is going to be their biggest challenge, outside the increased material cost increases which are inevitable warlord products have had what 2 or 3 price increases in the last year or so. Part of this is due to their general operating costs and they said the extra expense of a bigger location etc, personally i think that’s just bad business planning  but nothing that can be changed. John Stallard used to say one of the big appeals of Bolt Action was to 40k players, who instead of paying say £40 for a 40k tank could get 3 shermans or panzers, that’s not really the case anymore as phaidknott points out warlord have got “expensive”. If you couple that increased cost with very strong competition for the likes of Victrix, Wargames Atlantic, Girpping Beast, the Perry’s I can see them losing sales to more cost-sensitive customers.

    Anyway, not bashing on Warlord Games, I just think the hobby is entering a challenging time, I think the bigger players may struggle the most and so will the small guys but I’m hoping some smaller companies will also benefit and hoover up some of the largest customs.

    Take Offensive Miniatures for an example, you can get a squad of 10 excellently sculpted metal WWII figures for £15 vs buying 10, sometime questionable sculpted metals from Warlord for £25.



    Cult of Games Member

    @jamescutts I think no one could have predicted the past two years, so I’m not convinced that moving HQ/storage was bad idea.
    Maybe badly times, but given that we don’t know the internal details I’m tempted to think that it was one of those things that had to happen.

    Warlord have the disadvantage that ‘anyone’ can make tanks … so they’re also competing against the likes of plastic soldier company and any number of cheap plastic model kits (Svezeda?).

    Anyone know how much of the plastic kits are actually Warlord’s own and not outsourced to Italeri ?
    Maybe Brexit affected that deal too ?

    Anyway … the simple fact that they’ve recently updated and expanded one of them German half-track thingies (sdkz 251-series ?) means that there’s still plenty of things for them to sell.


    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah not saying they could have planned for the last two years @limburger, more the fact that in one of the previous price increases their justification was along the lines of “the new HQ has bigger operating expenses than we planned for”, there’s a post on their community site somewhere.

    I think though I may be wrong that most of the Italeri kits are also listed on the Italeri site?


    Cult of Games Member

    plans rarely work as intended , so them misjudging the operating costs isn’t impossible … it all depends on how much of a gap between reality and plan there is. And I suspect that both Brexit and the event (stay indoors!) have played their part in that bit.

    I know that they sell (some of) their plastic kits with more prominent ‘Italeri’ logo’s, but I haven’t seen any of them in the wild … which is mostly due to the fact that I don’t know any scale model shops.

    I suspect this to be the list that Warlord & Italeri share based on the fact that these are the only 1:56 scale kits (which is 28mm in real world scale … ) and scale models usually are 1:35 for military vehicles (or 1:72 for tiny variants):

    I noticed that the IS2 kit from Italeri also has the white markings on the turret as part of the decals … not sure if the Warlord variant has them.



    Cult of Games Member

    @jamescutts The daft thing is, if you go over to the Skytrex site they sell the “old” 15mm Command Decision now in 10 squad pack (they used to sell them only in bags of approx 50). Now for just £4.00 you can buy an entire squad of 10 Panzer Grenadier Section 43-45 Advancing – Skytrex So now you could play games of Bolt Action in 15mm, no need to change the table scale (in fact the games will look a lot more realistic). I’ve got a LOT of these Skytrex WW2 minis, the did change designer part way through (alas the old designer in the US died at a rather young age), but I can attest the basic Late War Commonwealth, Russian, Late War US, and mid-late war German Heer are all excellent sculpts (in fact half the time I keep mistaking painted ones as being 20mm AB figures..I kid you not. So you could get 30 15mm for £12 in metal vs 30 28mm in plastic for £35 (or 1/3rd of the price…something to consider I’d warrant 🙂 )



    Cult of Games Member

    Sad to see it, but unfortunately not surprising. Antares is a great rules system, but I suppose the miniatures range never tempted enough people in and since 40k get back in vogue with whateveredition it now is, it was game over for Antares.

    For gamers though, freely available v2 ruleset, assuming they’ll do only minor adjustments and just reorganise the book better, and 3D printed armies would be a great opportunity. The lists and the lore in Antares is very open to what ever you might think in terms of sci-fi.

    I would imagine Warlords of Erehwon and the fantasy ranges Warlord carry to have the same fate.

    Blood Red Skies too, although I wouldn’t be surprised if they just end it completely. As far as I know the game has very little traction. Unlike Antares and Erehwon it has ugly miniatures and is a rather weak game overall.

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