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Warhammer Parties???

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  redcalx 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    So my local Warhammer store just posted this on their Facebook page:

    Celebrate your birthday or special event here with a Warhammer Party!
    Packages are available for ages 11 to adult & include models, paints, game & gift, hosted by a dedicated staff member in a dedicated area.
    Minimum participants is 6 & parties last 2 hours.
    Drop by tomorrow to discuss a booking!

    Just checked and there is nothing on the Warhammer Community page.




    Cult of Games Member

    As far as I know most stores have a certain level of autonomy and can do such things if they wish. Sounds nice though. Prices are not listed I guess?


    Cult of Games Member

    I actually did one of my sons birthdays in a local GW store just set it up myself, with permission of course.

    6 kids

    Bought a box of Lizardmen and Beastmen, base brushes and some paints (store owner happy as he made a sale)

    Each kid made one of each model, we then primed it and the had 30 minutes to paint.

    People in the store then judged a winner

    Then played some simple battles with a couple of models each.

    Party lasted about 2 hours and each kid when home with 2 painted models and I think 2 or 3 unpainted, a couple of paints and a brush.

    Took a cake into the store no one minded, they all got cake.

    Sounds very similar to the above but you could just DIY it.



    @sundancer – I presume the price depends on the package, how many people, what they want to do…  So they may have a pamphlet in store or an excel spreadsheet that they enter the data into and it would spit out a price.

    Any price I would have would probably not be helpful, since in would be in New Zealand dollars, and full GW prices here are way high – I’m sure you’ve come across this before.


    Cult of Games Member

    Funnily enough my 60th celebration on 15 th Sept ended up a bit like that with myself , my mates neices 9 and 5 painting Conquest Sapce Marines and then with their older brother playing a simplified game of kill team with sprues and glasses as cover.



    Damn, in my early thirties and this is what I want



    @mage – one of the comments on the post was someone wanting to take their work colleagues to a party and the Store Manager said that was okay.

    GW wants the monies, all the monies.



    Company in ‘wants money’ shocker.

    These sound fun. I had my 40th party at my flgs including a tournament and a green lantern cake

    Finished with possibly the most intense unbelievable balloon fight in history. Good times.



    We just had my son’s 8th birthday at Warhammer Perth (Scotland). He and friends loved it.  The cost of a couple of starter boxes with paint, brushes and models (depends what you actually want though) and they got to take these as their party bags rather than the usual tat. We took a pile of Pizza and cake and overall it was a lot more affordable than other party options. Also they got to play Kill Team on the launch weekend and the manager there was great with them.

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