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Warhammer 40K rumors are the space dwarfs on the return?

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    Cult of Games Member

    @limeburger Well it wouldn’t be a 40k torunament legal as not using currently avaliable GW minis.

    As regards movement, what do ratlings move at? Or are they back out again?





    If the squats are coming back no dout a codex will be on the card’s?


    Cult of Games Member

    @admiralandy I don’t know and with GW being GW it probably doesn’t make any sense regardless.

    It’s a damned shame that for all the background in 40k the rules themselves don’t match the lore for any of the factions.
    And I doubt GW is ever going to fix that, because (a) it would cause issues with their fanboys and (b) unlike WFB there is no way to scrap the universe and restart with a clean slate. It sucks, because tehre is so much potential for great games in the 40k setting if they just were to tone down certain aspects and allow factions to be unique instead of turning them into not-quite-spacemarines.



    Yes very true @limburger


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger I’m not really up with current Meta, haven’t played 40k for quite some time. I’d agree about the Space Marine Factor.

    It was my first wargame so I keep it on the radar so to speak, but as they retcon so much of the lore I’ve no idea whats supposed to be what. Much less if it makes sense in relation to the game, so what you mention sounds about right.

    Imo there going to retcon that Primas Marines were the only Marines, or have a Horus Heresy 2.0 knock off Gulieman and other whats left of the original 20 (Probably the 50/50 Dark Angels kicking it off, once big bad some were traitors not secret gets outed) and ok to maybe there dead, maybe there comic book plot coming back. With Primaris only SM left standing.

    @zorg The only thing can say at the moment is that not all Squats/Demiurg are dead, but presently the only ‘official’ playable option is some addon gang members in Necromunda. So if Squats come back, as a totally new release it would depend if intended to have own vehicles or not.

    What I would say is if Horus gets its own 40k core set and gaming line which seems to be on the cards, Squats were freely tunning around at the the time of the Heresy so I’d keep an eye on the news from that range to see the Squats do or don’t come back.



    Ooh chaos squats interesting.


    Cult of Games Member

    @admiralandy if you look at the spacemarine codex then they have already effectively squatted the classic spacemarine.
    And given the extra primaris-variant troop types they’ve added you’d be a fool to field any of the ‘old’ troops.

    It’s kind of standard GW tactic when it comes to updates for any faction TBH.
    stuff gets released, stats get fixed after a few tournaments and then the cycle restarts (there is a funny parody video about this on youtube somewhere).

    I kind of doubt they’d do a Heresy 2.0 or anything remotely similar, because that’d threaten their main line 40k.
    It’s the same reason why the 40k Apocalyps rule set was a one shot / blink and you missed it kind of deal.
    And it’s probably why they turned Killteam into this atrocity with a release schedule that only ever is going to update 2 factions every few months … (they did a compendium and it is clear it only exists to ensure fans don’t stray from the herd before their favourite faction gets the new book & box set)

    Anyways …

    I think it is safe to say that as far as the 40k lore is concerned that there is plenty of space for a faction like the squats to be re-introduced. Either on a planet that had been hidden by warp storms or as part of a Horus Heresy era update.
    I kind of doubt they will do any HH era updates for factions that aren’t spacemarines, because the focus does appear to be spacemarines vs traitors. No HH era Eldar or Orks. At best a few related factions like AdMech or Imperial Guard.
    (I know … Squats were kind of sort of mentioned as demi-humans that could be in an Imperial Guard army raised on a high grave world, but squats were also supposed to be an unique culture/race of their own)


    Cult of Games Member

    @admiralandy I wouldn’t bank on a ret con getting rid of Primarchs, if anything I think they will make more


    Cult of Games Member

    One thing to be mindful of; in any case they will not be the old styled (and totally awesome) ‘biker dwarves in space’. It will be a lot more just ‘space dwarves’. As mentioned, the Necromunda Dwarves are probably a good reference for the new style.

    A lot of people liked the Squats as much for their looks as how they played.



    The Blackstone fortress board game also has two squat character models, they could be relevant for the style of future squat models.

    CP Models has a range of ‘Runts’ that has both Ratling and Squat type models, and often better armoured then other versions.


    Cult of Games Member

    @mousaka Rein & Raus were space halflings (or ‘Ratlings’ in 40k), not space dwarfs.
    You can see that by looking at their bare feet and lack of proper beards 😉

    Squats as they were when they were developed were a product of their time.
    The almost perfect counter part to the football hooligans that were the Orks of that same era.
    So much character has been lost in GW’s attempt to make their copy&paste parodies more unique and trademarkable.


    Cult of Games Member

    I don’t think we can speculate on what new Squats may or may not look like and while Necromunda probably is a great reference point, it’s probably for a different reason.  The Squats in Necromunda live their lives in the Underhive around Imperial citizens and that will have influenced the design of the models, they wouldn’t be limited by that if they made a new range.  Buy looking at the new Necromunda range as a benchmark, they have captured the themes and styles of all the old gangs in the new models and improved upon it so I wouldn’t see any reason that they would go in an entirely new direction with Squats

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