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Warhammer 40,000: Conquest – Nationwide Go-Live 29/08

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Warhammer 40,000: Conquest – Nationwide Go-Live 29/08

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    Shame that this seems to be UK only. I would had loved to get my hands on that terrain and those miniatures. But no, once again GW only cares about UK market.



    It’s not GW, the problem I think is with Hachette Partworks, they generally don’t send overseas.



    Hachette do work through partners to bring their partworks to other countries, but it can be tricky – for example their Australian distribution partners recently folded leaving quite a few running partworks incomplete….



    I managed to find it and restricted myself to two copies. I’d get them all but actually new players finding it would be great for my local scene.



    I wonder what they’ll do when it comes to the big items like the flying tank and the rhino, will they be spread over weeks or in one go?



    Going off experience with the Millenium Falcon kit I can see them putting the sprues across several issues and instructions for building the sub-assemblies until you have the main components together.



    For those of you planning on picking up an issue here and there….Only the first 4 issues are available in stores.

    Unlike other partworks that I have seen in New Zealand, the subscriptions will be delivery only.
    GW stores and newsagents will not be handling issues after number 4.



    Each monthly package a subscriber gets looks to include 4 issues and any gifts.
    So any of the bigger kits I think are likely to covered completely by one of these packages.



    Okay, correction, after digging into the FAQ on the Conquest website…
    “I cannot find copies in the shops. What do I do?
    You can ask your newsagent to place a regular order for you, so you can pick up your issues from them. If you need back copies you can ask your newsagent to order them for you or just contact our Customer Service Team. Don’t forget, if you become a subscriber, issues will be delivered to your door free of charge and you will receive some free superb subscription gifts!”

    So you don’t get the free gifts if you don’t sign up directly with Hachette Partworks.



    to be fair that’s pretty standard for these things as an added incentive to stick with the subscription



    And I subscribed! Looking forward to a year and a half of exciting post arriving ?


    Cult of Games Member

    @torros :

    oh god .. those reviews.

    I’d expect at least some of them to be a bit positive, except not like that.

    That’s not just a red flag … it’s an entire parade ground worth of red flags.

    @kiranamida : that’s why these types of ‘subscriptions’ manage to be so ‘cheap’.
    They’re counting on people to never ever complete their full set.
    I’d also would be surprised if they could finish producing the collection.

    @dawfydd : Did you manage to get all the parts of that Falcon model ?
    I’ve seen similar things, but never knowing when or if I could have all the parts to build the model always made me skip them.

    This collection does have the small advantage that single units will at least be complete, but I kind of doubt they’re doing the bigger kits as single issue releases.

    Also keep in mind that the total cost of both these armies assumes one important thing : the various models/units won’t be available at a discount. It also depends on them staying in business for the entire duration.

    Are there any guarantees that they will deliver everything as promised ?

    It kind of sounds too good to be true, so even if it were available locally I still wouldn’t risk a subscription.

    There’s no risk in pickup a copy at a shop if and when available, because at least a single issue + model is kind of useful.
    However even then I’d wonder how much money you’d be saving when compared to just buying a regular boxed set from GW at a FLGS with a discount.

    Part of the problem is that a significant amount of models are from the current 8th edition starter set.
    So unless you only bought the rules for this version you’re going to get a lot of duplicates. Great for a bits box, not so great for actually building an army.

    And then there’s another thing that may or may not be of interest : will these armies themselves be useful ?

    The game itself will evolve during all the time it takes for your subscription to finish.

    In theory the added value could be in the magazines and other extras.
    However with the amount of material on-line and in White Dwarf that might be kind of dubious.

    Can you do a review of the issue you’ve bought ?

    It is an interesting concept, that’s for sure.
    I just can’t get past the slightly iffy and rather aggressive sales model combined with their terrible reviews by customers.

    I would have a bit more faith if this was GW itself. And even then I’d be wary about the long term subscription I’d be ‘forced’ to commit to in order to get the perceived value.



    I’ve ordered from them before and they were mostly good. One issue with them that they handled and they were perfectly fine when I had to cancel. No problems using them again

    The mag is a little bit scatter shot but then it’s for new players, no veterans. Even so I found snippets to enjoy.

    My real hope for this product is that it brings through new players and kick-starts the gaming club cycle. I’m fairly concerned my local group is missing a generation and every little helps.

    Plus shiny toys, in the post!



    @limburger, yeah I completed that one, I have BOXES full of parts and several construction jigs for the idea when exactly I’ll get around to actually building the damn thing though….

    And I also completed their Judge Dredd graphic novel collection earlier this year – was supposed to be 80 volumes but they added 10 more on the back end.


    Cult of Games Member

    @woldenspoons : wouldn’t new players be better of with one of the smaller starter sets for 40k?
    I think such a commitment to two big armies is a bit much, especially if you discover other factions.
    And with Killteam as an alternate entry point there’s no need to scare them with big armies either.

    As such it probably is more effective as a single issue teaser in shops and less so as a subscription.
    Wargames can be huge time/money sinks as is.

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