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Warcry Price Up

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  redscope 2 years, 11 months ago.

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    I was considering buying the Slaanesh Warcry band as the price for previous bands was pretty good for what you got and they have some cool minis.

    But they want £52.50 for the box… about £20 up on the last batch they released. Similar sort of prices for the orks, daughters of khaine and lumineth. The cheapest being the sigmar thunderstrike at £32.50.

    Guess I’m saving myself a pile of money today as I’m not paying that sort of money for a warcry band.



    In all fairness most of the older warband boxes had half as many miniatures. The equivalent warband box of Stormcast was £30, and the new Stormcast box is £36.50. All the other new warband boxes are 15-20 minis, and so a lot larger than any of the older warbands except for Skaven and Gitz. So I am not surprised they cost more given they are effectively two unit boxes in one (The DoK box is for sure).

    Not only that we do have to factor in that contained within are cards, and tokens, and given the cost of card going up a lot recently, the price is not surprising.



    Cult of Games Member

    The boxes may have more content, but as a result the cost of entry has gone up as well.

    I can understand gitz and skaven needing to outnumber their opponents as they (ought to be)/are more squishy than the rest.

    However I have my doubts about Stormcast needing the numbers as they are elite troops, unless the extra troops are there to provide options.

    Daughthers of Khaine : Warcry  : 65 Euro
    = 10 witch elves  => 1 box of witch elves for AoS @ 45 Euro;
    =  5  melusai blood sisters => 1 box of blood sisters for AoS @ 42,50 Euro

    If you want to build an AoS army then it definitely is cheaper to buy a couple of those Warcry warbands instead of the AoS equivalents. The only thing you might not have in that box are the AoS stats, but given that the new AoS codex is coming that may not be a big deal.

    However compared to the standard warcry warbands (listed at 40, equivalent to a standard AoS unit box) the increased cost is significant.



    GW has always charged a lot for their stuff , i remember the 20$ land raider … but this , is too much , has been for a wile now.



    I was hoping they would be a bit cheaper but as a lot of people have pointed out these are bigger sets of more expensive models. On average you save about 33% over buying the items seperate now. However as the original sets are going to increase after March 7th it is likely these boxes have that priced in. Hence they would be inline with the typical 35% – 37% saving we had with the last warcry sets.

    Slightly interesting that some companies are only offering an 18% discount on the boxes and not the typical 20%. I have noticed this with hobby companies they are also changing the discounts they offer on GW products. It just reflects general cost are going up for everyone.


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