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Video Recap of 2018

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  144artist 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I made a very quick video of everything painted up in 2018, if you fancy taking a look it can be found here, thanks



    Strong work buddy


    What are you looking to improve on in 2019?


    What do you think will be your first project this year?


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks @noyjatat

    mmmm what am I looking to improve… let’s face it everything. I am pretty much paint to what I think in the hobby is a minimal level compared to most so I would like to take some time to improve my skills, right from building the models (mould lines, gaps, kitbashing) through to painting (layers, blending, freehand, skin tones,) to basing.

    I hope the more I paint and watch others I will learn more and more but I do sometimes think the level I am at is just where I capable of being at this point.

    Project wise off the top of my head I have

    Afrika Korps (Bolt Action) thanks to you from the bootcamp

    Cruel Seas & Blood Red Skies (ideally before the Warlord bootcamp)

    Number of Kill Team Squads

    Number of Shadespire/NightVault Warbands

    and then the list just goes on and on


    How about you?



    Started a Tale of Gamers with a couple of lads today for Kings of War and 40k, we do two months on one to reach 500 points then switch to the other.

    If I ever hit the months 500 points early I will look at doing some Shadespire stuff and other small skirmish level projects. But will be trying new techniques from a guy I am following on Patreon.



    Let’s not forget your shed!

    Very cool, quite the project you’ve ramped up over the year!


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks bud, I should do (probably will) do a Lodge tour soon as it is pretty much in a ready state.


    Cult of Games Member

    Hats off to you, laughingboy, not only an impressive amount of of work but jaw dropping variety as well. I am inspired by your finished Scylla Gang and hope to have a completely painted one of my own by the end of 2019. You have really made the most of that shed!

    Here’s to an even more productive and entertaining 2019! See you in the Project Blogs and WAYPN.

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