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Vampire based undead army

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  cadfael 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    Need a little help please guys? With AoS practically closing out this option due to story line I am still interested in building an army based on the Vampires. I would like to build a unit or two of thralls and some Vampire foot troops and think Eastern European medieval knights and levies may fit the bill best. Does anyone have any manufacturer suggestions for such troops?



    seen a great unit of thralls for KoW made with basilean footguard bodies and then vampire resin heads from max mini I believe. Doing it with historic ranges will be more problematic as very after market resin head I have seen are scaled for 32mm figures rather than 28mm. In which case leave the helms on and go for a more fantasy colour scheme. Red lacquered armour and black tabards with bats sort of thing.



    if you do fancy going down the historic route are to my knowledge the only company making plastic eastern medieval miniatures.

    There are plenty of companies out there doing them in metals and resin, so they may be a good go to for characters.

    Like V & V Miniatures

    Gripping Beast



    to name but a few



    Harlequin Miniatures made a line of metals in that vein back in the 90s, for their game Raven. The faction was called “Wurdalak”, and I think some of the minis still should be available from Black Tree Designs.

    Maybe. At least many older Harlequin minis are.

    I haven’t really checked.


    Cult of Games Member

    Cool idea, I would love to do a vampire army for AoS. I guess you could use the mini’s from WoK Goritsi, since they have a bunch of vampire models? Not historical of course.

    I am not a huge fan of the only vampire lord available at the moment for AoS. Though I think Manfred Von Carstein is going to show up soon, so maybe we will see some models based around an army for him as the Mortarch of Blood.



    There is no doubt in my mind that GW will do a full Soulblight Vampire model and battletome release at some point as one of the factions for the Death Grand Alliance, and we can only hope it is as good as the Nighthaunt stuff they have been doing recently. Of course, when GW might actually get round to doing it is anyone’s guess.



    @vetruviangeek I strongly suspect you are correct and at some stage the Vampires will return with an army via GW. Problem I have found with GW approach however is it seems uninspired and almost cartoonish in quality. Also I am not sure GW would give it house room for now with the main storyline being Nagash.

    @gerry Fireforge seem to be the front runner for now and thanks for the suggestion. My approach is mainly towards troops on this. I am thinking also of two types. A hoard type of thralls/ dominated with a Vampire in command of them. The heavy troops would be lesser Vampires. A sort of retinue of a Lord. The Blood knights are still a good pick for cavalry. The small heavy hitter units would be Varghiest and werewolf The latter being represented by skin walkers from the Forgeworld range. There are still a fair sized range of heroes in the GW range. My thinking goes much along the lines of the lore set up by the Underworld films. The idea of skeletons or zombies never sat well with me for Vampire troops.

    @maledrakh and @davehawes. Thanks both for your suggestions and I will certainly give them a look before settling on my core theme.

    Thanks to everyone who responded so far. 🙂

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