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This topic contains 32 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 5 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #1450776

    Cult of Games Member

    I also found this cool Dish Towel that shows a local landmark the “Big Pineapple” which has gone somewhat downhill in the last decade or so since today it’s most know for being the site of the worst Child Kidnapping/Murder in the Country.
    Anyway back to the fun stuff this tea towel has “Mooloolaba” on it but take a look right down the bottom. PHOTO_20191027_171302-min
    How on earth did you Irish gits get the job of making local tourist tat for the Sunshine Coast, Australia?

    @warzan nice those look very cool. I got a little rush of joy when I saw you recognise them as Arnhem because of Major Digby. He is an utter Mad Lad. At Arnhem he lead a Bayonet Charge against Tanks and he actually disabled an Armoured Car by sticking the driver in the eye with his umbrella. I believe he carried the Umbrella because he could never remember the password and he figured the Umbrella marked him out as a Brit. If I remember right someone told him that an umbrella wouldn’t be any use and he just replied with “But what if it rains”.

    Anyone know the Company?


    Cult of Games Member

    I suspect that it doesn’t matter, provided that it is consistent and your opponent doesn’t start screaming bloody murder because yours are bigger.
    Their store sells 25mm round for infantry, so that might be their preferred size.

    Besides the bigger problem will be getting them back into those foam containers once you do rebase them 😉

    And then there’s this article :

    Modelling: Dioramic Basing, Part 1

    That definitely is not a standard sized base …

    Bigger bases for team weapons may simply make it more difficult to place them, which may or may not be a problem for your style of play.



    I think those British may be from Offensive Miniatures. But I’m out for my fat walk so I can’t be certain. BA is agnostic basing as well @warzan so you’re grand rebasing.



    Yesterday was a hobby disaster as I got distracted by rugby, reading and searching for 1mm drill bits.  I did build a 1/100 Tiger though but didn’t find the drill bits.  Once the Wales v SA game is over I will continue my search.



    @elessar2590 just home and had a close look at the umbrella and then checked all the 28mm manufacturers I can think of and couldn’t find it.

    So I went back and looked again and I think it may be a conversion as it looks like it would be a bugger to cast held in that way.



    @avernos is a fat walk a walk to buy stuff to get fat or





    Cult of Games Member


    Cult of Games Member

    More Dark Judges


    btw: did you lot notice what music @avernos was humming in the XLBS all the time? I did.



    was I humming music 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    dramatic fighty like music… reminding me of Kirk fighting some lizard thingy



    you’ve gorn and confused me now Punny ^^


    Cult of Games Member

    then my work here is done. PS: have fun with your Obi Wan 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Nice to see those para’s I sent ages ago getting some use. They were from scarab miniatures, along with a few (dodgey ) conversions!!

    @avernos, the umbrella conversion was a paper clip tissue paper and pva glue with a a bit of thread.

    @warzan, I left them on their metal bases, because I had some issues getting them to look right and the standard 25mm plastic bases. They looked too tall! the bases only got a dry brush cos I’m shite at basing minis! Also I want to see what you do with the weird WW2 germans that were in the same box.



    @recon63 have I told you lately that I love you… lol

    Anzac Beerholders used in the adventure this weekend!, My children over the flipping moon to have ANZAC bikkies for christmas – seriously you should have heard the cheer mate lol

    And an awesome WW2 Para project that was there when I really needed it – I needed a project badly this weekend and they had been on my mind and finally it all clicked for me. Thank you mate, my head needed these guys and although they have been waiting – It was just what I needed right now 🙂

    Ok so next stages were undertaken this morning…









    So they are going to get a rural basing scheme as if they have just landed in a field or hopped of the glider.

    and @recon63 don’t worry about the Weird Nazis, the plans are in the works already for those bad boys!

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