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[unofficial weekender] yet another week passed

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This topic contains 32 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    What a co-incidink. I’m currently on book 3 of Dune.

    Also this reminds me very much of Heilung


    Cult of Games Member

    My dungeon pieces for dungeonalia are built. Do any of you have advice on painting laser cut MDF? I want to try and preserve the laser cut details.


    Dan’s Dungeonalia


    Cult of Games Member

    Only that spritzing it with some watered down PVA will save you a tonne on paint! Without sealing the wood, it just soaks up your paint like a sponge (and the paint dries super-quickly, leading to nasty streaks and dark splodges anywhere you apply more than a thin coat veneer). Seal your mdf before painting! (unless you’re using an airbrush – then I’ve no idea, but if you’re brushing paint on, seal it first).

    Depending on what the laser details are, something I did on (my own designed) laser-cut western buildings was draw over the details with a biro pen. The black lines still showed through much of the paint, but even where they didn’t, the extra depth made a real difference (I also quite liked the ‘hand-crafted’ finish it gave, when a lot of laser cut stuff looks very precise and clinical). If you want your lines to be a bit thinner (or you’re doing sci-fi/techno type terrain) you could use one of those mechanical pencils for more precision?


    Cult of Games Member

    “go light on paints”. When the details are cut reasonably deep they will survive a coat of paint. (I use acrylic car paint from a rattle can to prime and seal in one go)

    Looking at the piece I’d go with the advice from @blinky465 since even if the details remain after painting I feel it can use the extra work to make everything a bit more round.

    Good morning everyone. It’s Tuesday. It’s below freezing and its snowing.



    Snowed in UK over night too.

    Rattle cans don’t cover the dark lines left by laser cutter with a single coat and I tend to let that show through.

    Where you cut the mdf from the sheet it is still light however, but I touch that up with brown paint. Sometimes I just do that and don’t bother priming, but that only looks ok if you want wooden look builldings.


    Snowed yesterday and is below freezing here in the US.

    MDF seems like a great material and another arena of the hobby I will not touch for time. Good on you for pushing into it @pagan8th. I hope this damnable cold doesn’t hamstring your efforts.



    Not bought any mdf in a while so it’s already assembled. Currently using some of it in my project… although I’ve taken the project down for the moment while I do some editing.


    Cult of Games Member

    Good day you lot. Thursday already. Day 18 of 2024 and I still haven’t done any painting at all. Lazy me XD

    Little rant incoming:

    It’s bloody cold outside, I’m tired though I slept rather long and well and my back decided to start aching after today’s ride to work. Getting old is really not much fun.

    Anyhow. I think I’m giving Dungeonalia a pass this year. I have no idea what to do and I won’t force myself to do “something”. Especially when the hobby mojo in regards to building and painting is at a low. Now, coffee and work.


    @sundancer Stretching every day (or nearly every day) makes you resistant to the suffering of any strain from naps and good rest. If your cats tell you anything, though, it’s how much a nap might be needed to get through the day.

    Hit minis that you don’t care for with paint. It may sound like forcing yourself but it’s just practice. You have no emotion invested in results and the practice is the point. If you don’t want to mess with material things write up a story and crazy idea for a background on a project you are doing. Try to avoid a new one as it just means more on your Pile of Overwhelming Potential amd mental backlog.

    Getting out of your head and out of the regular places you inhabit could help too. Random movies could be a distraction from the inspiration doldrums.



    Random movies is a great source of inspiration as @horati0nosebl0wer suggests…

    Pick something you like that you haven’t seen in a while… this week I watched Flash Gordon…

    Blue Brothers is on my list to rewatch soon… (is there a Jake and Elwood out there in miniature form)

    Saw this on amazon over xmas and although I don’t have scalextric I was very tempted to buy…

    But I managed to resist…


    Cult of Games Member

    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer – or you could (I don’t know how controversial this is) do absolutely nothing. Don’t try to distract yourself, don’t try to “solve” losing interest in hobby, or find ways of “getting over it”.
    Maybe it’s ok to just watch others making their projects.
    Your mojo will come back – but like a recurring toothache, a malaise won’t go away if you spend all your time focussing on it.

    I quite like the idea of both you and Gerry – with neither having “skin in the game” by having your own project involved with it – just overseeing Dungeonalia, heckling from the sidelines, like our very own Statler and Waldorf 😉

    Nice Lego set!


    Cult of Games Member

    or you could (I don’t know how controversial this is) do absolutely nothing.

    Well I don’t do anything besides the uHH and playing Skyrim so I’m good 😉

    Don’t call it LEGO. They are very quick with a c&d when you call something LEGO that is just “interlocking toy bricks”

    Finally, Friday. Had a nice game of Battletech last night. And by nice I mean my friend rolled dice so well that in turn 2 one of my 3 mechs was completely evaporated and in turn 4 another just went “poof”. So we had a nice chat afterwards planning Tactica Hamburg 2024.


    @pagan8th Hmm.. random movies. On that note I’m taking 30 Days of Night into my eyeballs. Fun time for a fright night (though Fright Night could be done but I’ll save it for after the Feast trilogy).

    @sundancer Plastiblok kit ftw! Next, Gundam!!! It’s only a step away from Battletech anyway. Now, as far as things going *poof* you can always load up a King Crab with 5 PPCs and have a wonderful glass cannon while stripping all the armor and having fun firing and shutting down from heat.

    @blinky465 The ebb and flow of hobby dopamine hit. As long as we get our fix and never overdo the intensity we should be in good form to actually be productive.



    Cult of Games Member

    Gundam? Been there, done that. Would do more if I had any space to put them XD

    Now it’s already XLBS time and still no new thread. Maybe later 😉

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