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[unofficial weekender] Yes I'm lazy

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This topic contains 35 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 1 year, 7 months ago.

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  • #1820653

    Cult of Games Member

    ### Start of shameless copy and paste ###

    First time visitor to OTT? Then please introduce yourself in the New Member Thread and look around in the Project System. Then come back and read on…

    Read all of this before you start as it will save you any trouble later.

    First thing you must do is make your “pledge”. It can be anything gaming related, big or small, and you don’t even have to finish it. No, in here, happiness is the road. Have fun doing whatever it is, but it is not a race. Accompany your work with pictures or we might think you are do something sinister and just using us for cover.

    You are also presented with a few questions. It is to get the conversation started. Try and keep your answers ‘conversational’, no text speak, and certainly no “basically”. This is how we all get to know each other better. While you are here feel free to tell us a story, show a picture, joke, tales of love or woe, or just add your own little bit. This is the whole point…in here it is just us.

    If you have never taken part before we may bark and bite, but we also like a cuddle! It is all done in the best possible taste and it is character building. feel free to give as good as you get.

    A few other things to note: NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS! Glasgow pub rules are in effect. If you need to make a better point then it is fine, but don’t take the piss. And always keep it civil.

    Play plenty of music to go with your work. Loud and through proper speakers. Write us a playlist of things we might not have heard before.

    Now, after all of that there is only one ‘real’ rule in here and it cannot be broken: NO DICKS! (Exceptions may be made for little fighting men with little plastic/resin/metal wieners)

    And don’t forget the highlights of the weekend: The Weekender on Friday and XLBS on Sunday. And the little show that is the unofficial Hobby Hangout over at

    ### End of shameless copy and paste ###


    • Will you be painting one of @warzan minis for his display?
    • Have you ever painted a mini for someone else without getting paid for it?
    • Have you noticed this thread is two days late?

    And now back to the show.


    Cult of Games Member

    Pledge: paint, paint and paint… hopefully.


    • No comment.
    • Yes but no. It was a Gundam and it got send of to John.
    • huh?

    some music:




    Definitely no!

    I have painted PC minis for my players, but they are my minis and they can’t be arsed to paint.

    No really!


    Cult of Games Member

    Pledge:  I recently bought into ‘RUMBLESLAM’………so I’ll be building the 3d MDF ring and painting minis!

    But it is a 3 day holiday weekend here in the STATES………….so it’s mandatory for me to fire up the smoker and cook large quantities of meat.  Pig Butt, Ribs, Eye of Round (for slicing), and my World Famous Southern Baked Beans (which cook on the smoker to infuse smoky goodness into the beans)!

    I will be lightly smoking some veggies for my daughter @her request.  She’s not a vegetarian but has grown fond of infused smoke into some veggies.




    1) Will you be painting one of @warzan minis for his display?

    Answer:  I’m a little behind here I think…….is warzan sending out minis for others to paint?

    2) Have you ever painted a mini for someone else without getting paid for it?

    Answer: Yes…….I was very proud of it…….then found out they sold it one month later on Ebay.  (I don’t plan to repeat that)

    3) Have you noticed this thread is two days late?

    Answer:  I’m just now getting around to reading the latest from the OTT site……… So, it’s perfect timing to me!

    Happy Hobby Weekend my fellow gamer/hobbyists!  ??


    Cult of Games Member
    • Will you be painting one of @warzan minis for his display?
      Hell, yeah. I’ll even print a new one out for him. And if @warzan doesn’t like it, I’ll print and paint a second one to go with it!
    • Have you ever painted a mini for someone else without getting paid for it?
      Yep. I paint minis for loads of different people all the time. Though, I think favourite has to be the “Little Alice” animatronic I made from a few years back. Not just painting, but a whole “mini manufacturing” project. And then just gave it away. It was fun. And the recipient absolutely loved it. It takes a minute or so to get going, but the video of it in action still gives me the creeps!

      (if you can’t wait ’til the end, here’s the abridged version with a pay-off at the end)


    • Have you noticed this thread is two days late?
      Holy crap, it’s Sunday already?! No, I hadn’t noticed.


    Here’s your music for this week. We’re going old school. Real old…


    Cult of Games Member

    is warzan sending out minis for others to paint?

    He was asking on today’s XLBS if people would help him paint minis for his big dungeon diorama. @templar007

    And if @warzan doesn’t like it, I’ll print and paint a second one to go with it!

    That sounds like a threat XD

    Loving your choice of music especially from the horrible German show “Disco” from ages past *g*


    Cult of Games Member

    No pledge this week. I have the week off and I deliberately dial back the pressure when I do that.


    • Will you be painting one of @warzan minis for his display? – Maybe. I haven’t watched the XLBS yet.
    • Have you ever painted a mini for someone else without getting paid for it? – I took part in the pass on a mini from the community last year (or the year before).
    • Have you noticed this thread is two days late? – Not until you pointed it out.

    Cult of Games Member

    I have the week off and I deliberately dial back the pressure when I do that.

    That is a good thing to do @danlee

    This is the long weekend almost over and no mini painting has been done so far. But 1:1 terrain building in the garden and cleaning the garage. Finally space to move again and potentially (hahahaha) use the airbrush.

    Maybe some painting tonight.


    Cult of Games Member

    This little guy only took a couple of sessions to do.




    Cult of Games Member

    Creepy little craftsman.

    Today is Tuesday but it feels like Monday.

    But thankfully my workday is almost done by now 8)


    Cult of Games Member

    11.09am and your workday is almost done?!
    I’m just getting started!

    Bank Holidays are a real mind-melter. I was convinced it was Monday this morning – simply because everyone else on my street had their bins out.

    @danlee – how long is a session? (mine vary anywhere between one and about four hours)


    Cult of Games Member

    11.09am and your workday is almost done?!

    Adjust that for Berlin time it’s 12:09. Now I start my workday at 6am so that’s more than 50% done. 4pm I go home. (3 hours from now) So just round the numbers and my workday is basically done! XD


    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465 I usually paint for an hour at a time. Sometimes while watching the weekender or XLBS it might stretch to an hour and a half.



    I’m not lazy, I’m just inversely productive…

    1. What’s this painting a mini for warzan thing, and who is responsible for it?

    2. Yes.

    3. No. What date is it? Wednesday?

    I tried to talk ChatGPT into terminating itself lately…



    Cult of Games Member

    What’s this painting a mini for warzan thing, and who is responsible for it?

    Watch last weeks XLBS 😉

    No. What date is it? Wednesday?


    I tried to talk ChatGPT into terminating itself lately…

    Good luck with that.

    What the flock happened to the forum last night? davidscott23 flooding the forum with spam. This is not good. 🙁

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