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[unofficial Weekender] Why is G'Wullu seemingly invincible?

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This topic contains 20 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  solar 32 minutes ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    GW fixing mistakes ?
    nah … they just release a new version, claim the mistakes are a feature and hope the existing fans of the old version have moved on to other products so they can fool a whole new generation of useful idiots 😉

    Meanwhile other companies release version updates that do have a reason to exist beyond pure marketing bs.




    People saying GW isnt in any risk I think are being a bit optimistic. GW can have one or two bad release cycles and they will certainly be at risk, and as I said before if they ruin the IP or drive away fans of the IP then they will also be in big trouble quite quickly. Businesses can be doing very well one year and then go bust the next. Im not saying that I want this to happen but to claim it cant or wont isnt correct.

    One of the smartest things GW has done in more recent memory is use the IP for videogames, that has massively helped them but they only did that because they were struggling. If the videogame industry starts to dry up for them then they will probably find themselves in difficulty again

    • This reply was modified 10 hours, 19 minutes ago by  solar.

    Cult of Games Member

    But how bad would they have to ruin their ip?

    Killing of the old world didn’t do any damage, but then that was a dead branch anyway even though the fans might not have seen it that way.

    How much more can their customers swallow before they drop gw en masse?

    And the 64k$ question: where will those folk go?

    There is nothing even close to gw in terms of size in  (tabletop) gaming.


    Cult of Games Member

    After reading all of your replies I’m going to try to get a distilled vibe from it. (But it will potentially go horribly wrong as my brain is foggy as flock)

    GW has mad some (from a capitalistic standpoint) good decisions:

    • own high street stores
    • luring of new customers
    • spreading the IP through various media to be seen everywhere
    • forcing independent retailers to make most space for GW product “or else”.

    Unless some venture capital company starts buying shares GW will remain the goose that lays golden eggs and they will keep it that way. There might come a day where either they speculate to high and loose a ton of money *or* some other company will have a success like X-Wing but then nurturing it to its full potential.

    My personal takeaway: enjoy your hobby in any way you like (some expressed their fondness of GW minis) but try to support other companies.

    I think I’ll go to bed early. Not feeling to well Mr. Stark.



    I believe his name was Tony Stank according to the postman that looked a lot like Stan Lee…



    I agree with you @limburger Im more saying that even though GW is riding high right now that doesnt mean that things cant change rapidly. But right now I dont think GW is going anywhere but honestly anyone trying to guess over a period of say 2 years is really just guessing. Who knows what technological changes may be just round the corner?


    Personally I dont want to see GW go anywhere, I dont really feel that it does our overall hobby any good if we lose them even if they are a bit too dominant.

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