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This topic contains 31 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 2 years, 1 month ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger I look forward to seeing your project.

    @sundancer I love Beavis and Butthead, used to watch them all the time in the 90s. This new movie is going to be cool.



    Cult of Games Member

    @demonsub you have realised that that trailer is for a new series that is coming? After the movie? A COMPLETE SERIES! 8)  I hope they add music as in the past


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer Ha, I didn’t even click on the video. I just assumed it was the one I’ve already watched for the movie. That’s what I get for my assumptions.

    A new series, excellent.


    Cult of Games Member

    ass sumptions … heh heh … he said ass …. 😀

    /beavis&butthead out

    @demonsub damn it … now you’re making me nervous 😀

    I probably should start a project for Deadzone/Firefight as well to remind myself that I kind of promised myself to do something with those as well.

    Disney+ has a Bob’s burgers movie. That was something I didn’t expect to exist as the series isn’t big enough to need a movie, but that may just be me.


    Cult of Games Member

    No pledge this week. It’s far too hot and I’m moving house next week. I don’t want to move a project half done.


    • Have you had any bigger leave from your job this year? – Just the usual.
    • What’s your first act (hobby related) when you are on annual leave/Holiday. – I found that usually when I have time off I plan to do other things that gets in the way of hobby.
    • How long does your leave usually last? – I usually take a week at a time, to coincide with school holidays.


    pledge: Squiggoth (as of Sunday night, I’ve made heroic progress)


    ::: keep getting a “cloud flare error” or I would post on my projects blog  – too frustrated to keep trying

    – I’m retired

    – when I will be able to go places again (fall?) I will be driving the west coast

    – hobby comes and goes, and is prioritized with music and cycling as I feel the need.


    Cult of Games Member

    “heroic progress” sound interesting. Looking forward to see pictures.


    Heroic progress = maximum effort? Will we be seeing Deadpool? Does all of this come with chimichangas on the side? Ooh! A puppy


    Cult of Games Member

    hmmm … too ff-in hot to think.
    I think I better spend my time cooling off than doing any hobby.
    Tomorrow’s gonna be even worse … and it was 34 degrees Celsius today.

    An early night today so I can listen to the UHH tomorrow seems like a good plan.

    So this is how the package looked when it arrived (gorilla baggage handlers ™ ) :


    Contents was fine … even the whiskers of the crab are ok despite the boxes looking somewhat damaged :

    Only annoying thing was having to repack the campaign cardbox, because the entire contents had spilled inside the box.
    I blame the goblins and faeries 😉

    Need a name for my project so I can get started. Probably a pirate pun of sorts ’cause that’s the theme of the set.
    I do have a build order in mind that starts from the least complex boxed set (The Cursed) and ending with ‘Booty’s Bilge’ as that lot also may have to be build in sub-assemblies if I want to paint them.


    @danlee No pledge!?! Get that man an icepack! The moving is fully understood. I recently had plans to move soon but I was able to push them off for a year. I might yet be able to keep pushing it back until better things come about with work education.

    @grantinvanman Hobby as you can. We’ll all heckle and cheer you on here no matter the season.

    @limburger  You finally received your own banged up booty! Lol.  Its good to see you have your project stuff together.

    Good news on hobby, I got some batch work done with Speedpaints and drybrushing. Lloyd shots and a couple other figures in my miscellaneous project.






    Cult of Games Member

    short notice from the heat soaked shores of northern Germany: Still alive! Inside it’s still only 23°C

    Remain indoors!


    Temperatures in Celsius…pfft! Its been averaging in the 90s here for me. Those low numbers just make me think of winter. Let’s see… math work here and calculate a translation… eh.. about 30-33 for you over there. I agree that the outdoors are not kind to the unprepared.


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s been 38 degrees celcius over here … and now (about 45 minutes before the UHH) it’s 37.
    At least it’s 25-ish in here, so I’m not sweating like a pig.

    I also got those speedpaints thinking that (a) they’re much cheaper than Contrast and (b) appear to be more consistent overall.
    The one thing I do know is that I definitely have ‘enough’ paint.
    Current collection :
    = a few GW Contrast paints
    = Scale 75 instant colours
    = Armypainter megaset
    = Speedpaints big box
    = (future) the Scale75 acrylics in tubes (when that kickstarter delivers)
    and whatever I got as part of kickstarters that had paint sets as an option because I thought that would be a good thing at the time.

    It is a bit overkill, but at the same time I feel like the entry level sets are a bit too restrictive unless you already know what you’re going to paint.  Not having a nearby FLGS with a good selection of paints isn’t helping either.

    From a practical point of view I need to start assembling and priming stuff so I can start painting.

    Inspiration is a bit lacking though and I got zero artistic skill in picking the right combo of colours.
    I may have fixed the latter by googling for websites that give practical info :

    This site is interesting as well :

    DarkDanegan posted this on discord … so I’m posting it here as a reminder for myself to watch it :

    It’s too hot to think/hobby at the moment, so that’s my current excuse and I’m sticking to it 😛


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m still a bit baffled that GSW took so long. After Contrast Paints where “the next big hit” from G’Wullu I thought they would be the first that would follow with a knock off brand. At least in marketing speak because: yes inks and washes had been around longer then contrast paints.

    It’s Wednesday and I am not yet melted… molten? Still semi solid and not liquefied!


    I think that beginner sets might be a roundabout way to push the idea of color mixing instead of getting a consistent hue. Most times I’ve seen the Reaper box sets or the Army Painter paints its simple and in order to get more variety you’d need to throw it on a wet palette. Maybe this is a point that we as “established” hobbyists need to revisit? I think perhaps that’s why the Zorn palette, with blue, was such an interesting thing to touch on months ago. It might well be the difference between learning on a single figure versus doing batch. Lately I’ve seen that can make a difference and I’m questioning what I do again. Its a good thing for hobby reflection.

    Heat, bah. Its been funny that my overweight and out of shape housemate that sits in his home office most of the time he’s working at home complained that the temperature, a mere (does math for C°) 20 was too low for him. I hope you all out there stay at least semi solid. None of us needs to be Odo from Deep Space Nine.

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