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[unofficial weekender] The Story so far…

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This topic contains 27 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 9 months, 1 week ago.

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  • #1880599

    Cult of Games Member

    As there is no weekender this week I suspect that @sundancer won’t do a new [unofficial weekender]

    Also I’m sh*t out if ideas on questions currently so I’m just dragging this another week.

    I really should get my Bar Room Brawl done *sigh*

    I can only have one?

    Yes, that’s that “favourite” implies. The best of them all! Though I’m not sure if Mordheim is a universe in it self but more a setting. Wouldn’t that be part of the Warhammer Fantasy Universe? @horati0nosebl0wer

    Now back to doing laundry and watching the OTT stream


    @sundancer Bah, one game setting to rule them all, nonsense! I do think that the Old World was good as it also included BloodBowl. Fair enough then, I’ll stand by my decision. For me it boiled down to mini design. I was not yet exposed enough to try and buy any huge armies but seeing them later made me regret not doing so before GW nuked the setting from orbit over Narnia.

    @pagan8th More cowboys! Don’t worry about the long term effort. Blipvertus has been doing some great things for a while on the same theme and I think it’d be good fun for more “Wicky wicky wow wow” as our cleverly coiffed Wonder Wookiee likes to say ( @warzan quick.. get ai generated art mixing Gerry, a wookiee and Wonder Woman… however you might want to make that work ?)

    @limburger 1:1 scale hobby for the trike looks pretty intense technically. Very swanky in concept but a bit daunting for execution (says a man who creates much silliness at ridiculous scale).

    @danlee There has been so much world building for the franchise it is difficult to try and shake it. In the arena of settings I think the best contender for one considered ‘grim’ and ‘ dark’ was the World of Darkness when White Wolf was kicking out material left and right. I think the implosion and self immolation with their End Times was quite a bit of a hit to great writing. It really was meant to end and perhaps that was a dynamic of storytelling that made it good. The modern rehash touches on good elements for cultivating imagination but the cohesion to other systems doesn’t seem to feel the same. I guess its a function of staying in one’s lane game-wise and learning lessons from cross pollination.

    40k has had and still has their stories which make the world. Saying that I was made aware of  Ciaphus Cane and might do some reading in future.




    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer I’ve ordered the trike … I’m not building it. That’s for experts. Only building I’ve done is pick which parts I want on it. Fenders or no fenders; luggage rack, tires, seat, gear and similar things. Only thing not on their list were bicycle locks.

    1:1 scale terrain is in the wall painting phase at the moment. A few things to touch up and then I can start assembling my wargame table. However I may need to disassemble bits of it before I can build it as I kind of misjudged my own weight lifting capability 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    It is Monday moaning. Feels like the weekend didn’t happen. Looking forward to Wednesday when the garage gets a big clean up. Hopefully that frees up enough space to make the workbench useable again (That’s where the airbrush lives)

    At the same time the new-old-car needs MOT (or Hauptuntersuchung) and I’m unsure what problems will raise their ugly head.

    Having only glanced over most content from UKGE I am intrigued about the hex-click-terrain. Need to invest more time on that. And as soon as I have some breathing space at work I will catch on on some of the interviews. (Battletech, how is shipping? XD)

    Hope your start in the week is more relaxed.

    Sidenote: current floodings in Germany are in Bavaria/the south so I’m not affected. 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    So last week I did get a few models done. A little historical project – not my usual choice but they made a nice change.


    Dan’s 2024 Side Projects




    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer the shipping was not mentioned on camera 🙁

    (I think it was the local catalyst team so they may know as much as we do 😉 )

    // — edit : update  —

    Adventures in DIY : the saga continues

    Remember that mini circular saw I got recently ?
    I’ve used it for real today (had to get some ear protection as the thing screeches loud …)

    First board I cut went suspiciously well … and then I found out I had cut a tiny groove in the floor underneath as well.
    Second board didn’t go so well, but I got there in the end.
    Lesson learned : don’t ever do this again … or at least use the thing for smaller projects next time.

    It still is a scary thing to use, which may explain why the second time didn’t go as smoothly.

    Anyways … job is  done. Board can be transported by me, so now I really can get on with it.
    The walls of the room where the table needs to be have been painted as well.

    Things didn’t go to plan or as fast as I wanted them to go, but progress was made so I iz happy.

    TIme to relax 🙂

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by  limburger.

    @danlee You’vetaken to painting little naked men as well now? Whatever will @warzan do!?!

    @sundancer Be a good role model to Holmes and Watson. You might end up with more than you bargained for if you don’t.


    @limburger Saw can be scary. You just need to have a good table or surface to cut from next time. Lesson learned and something to work on next time. Good to see things are coming along.


    Cult of Games Member

    Morning CoGs. Last time I’ve said:

    At the same time the new-old-car needs MOT (or Hauptuntersuchung) and I’m unsure what problems will raise their ugly head.

    Well, that went as well as was expected. Short summary: my father in law (who bought the littler bugger) has been screwed over big time. Approximated repair costs: 1400€ + 200€ for the MOT itself. Longer list (for those interested in such things)

    • Frame on the right side back needs welding
    • Exhaust needs parts
    • Lambda probe needs replacing
    • Left headlight needs replacing
    • Front breaks need new break discs and pads

    Additionally the car was sold with “next MOT 03/2026” (which is an obvious lie) and with 165.300km on the odometer. Garage did a readout of the compute-module. it’s at 181.000km.

    Sadly my FIL has bought it “as seen” and with no contract whatsoever. So trying to get the money back from the seller would be a very difficult thing if even possible.

    Needles to say my mood is at rock bottom currently. I just hate every car seller currently. Especially those who take advantage of easy believing people.

    Sorry for the off topic rant but that needed to leave my system. Now coffee.



    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer I had watched this video :

    I’m no expert, but I suspect the second time the board was probably pinching (sp?) the blade as the blade would stop spinning.
    The thing also doesn’t appear to have the power for the task I was using it for (which may have saved me from doing something stupid).

    Complacency is deadly with this sort of stuff.
    Fear is good, it keeps you awake and stops you from doing something stupidly dangerous.

    Anyways … I probably should post some more details of my construction in the project system as I am getting to the final stretch. OTOH now I may have jinxed myself 😀

    @sundancer *ouch* that does sound like you got taken for a ride by the seller.
    It’s a shame such folk have the gal to do this to people that simply need a car that works.

    and you just know that if he was to sell that car to the same guy he suddenly would find all those flaws and a half dozen more.

    When I was looking for a house to buy I’ve noticed similar things. The folk selling always had pictures from angles that hid flaws and showed the ‘good’ bits only.
    I think I’m glad that I was outbid on the house with the wobbly floor as that probably would have been more expensive than the 10k the real estate agent who was helping me had estimated. Even in my current house I’m slowly discovering things that aren’t quite as good as they looked at first glance. Nothing major, but definitely worth taking care of.



    Cult of Games Member

    power tools for the win!

    So, it’s Friday. And I am wondering:

    • Will there be a Weekender today?
    • Will I get the chance to finally varnish my Bar Room Brawl and be done with it?
    • Why to my elbow joints hurt?
    • Why is my coffee mug empty?
    • Where am I?

    Other than that: enjoy your weekend you lovely plastic-pushers.



    Sadly my weekend does not start until saturday afternoon, but this one lasts for eight days which is nice.

    I’ll be working on some wild west buildings and painting some miniatures if all goes to plan.

    And now a ‘Health and Safety’ warning…

    When drinking hot beverages please ensure you maintain a firm grip on your mug.

    I failed to do so a couple of days ago which resulted in some very hot tea making contact with my belly. There was swearing!


    Cult of Games Member

    weekender was indeed today 🙂

    no hobby tomorrow, because I will be at the Efteling with colleagues.
    I do hope I can continue my table build on sunday.

    I am wondering if I should find a way to cover the gaps between the four boards that are my big table board.

    thinking of using some T-shaped profiles, but then the gaps will become tiny bumps.

    maybe there is some kind of layer I can place on top of that?

    Then there’s the issue that the total weight of the table top is more than I could possibly lift, so connecting those 4 boards may not be a good idea. Practical limitations need smart solutions, but I will find one.


    Cult of Games Member

    maybe there is some kind of layer I can place on top of that?

    A gaming mat! @limburger The neoprene is stiff enough to bridge gaps if not to wide and they make a nice gaming surface.


    [unofficial weekender] Play by the rules!

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