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[unofficial weekender] The snow has gone! (at least here)

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 3 years, 10 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    For today’s Sitrep Podcast General Show, we open a 15mm Battlegroup game (informal, unofficially modernized for 1991 weapons and equipment) depicting part of the US Marine Corps’ drive into Kuwait International Airport.

    This battle took place near the end of the 1991 Gulf War (Desert Storm), with 1st and 2nd Marine Divisions supported by the “Tiger” Brigade of US Army’s 2nd Armored Division. Facing them were the remnants of at least ten Iraqi divisions, including their old friends from the 3rd Iraqi Armored Division and 5th Mechanized Division (Al Khafji and Al Jaber-Burqan Corridor)

    This game will be the grand finale miniature game for our 30th Anniversary of the Gulf War and Desert Storm! We hope you like it!

    Kuwait Airport – 15mm Game Video


    Cult of Games Member

    Another batch of terrain crate scatter terrain done.


    On to more Dweghom next for the next milestone.




    Cult of Games Member

    Is it just me, or is anyone else absolutely mesmerised by Crooked Staff Terrain Glynn (yes I know his name is Kristian, but in my head he looks and sounds just like Brummie chef Glyn Purnell) and his mastery of pritt stick and cereal boxes?

    I’ve yet to build any of his 2.5D dungeons – but they look absolutely stunning on camera.



    “…sounds just like Brummie chef Glyn Purnell…”

    I don’t really know who that is …but Brummie … a Brummie – I’m definitely no Brummie good sir (them lot dow spake proppa ovah thee’er). I’m from the Black Country 😉 (a yam-yam if you will).

    Seriously though, glad you like the vids (I’m having a lot of fun making them …even though I’ve not gamed in person for the best part of a year now …but I am looking forward to getting some of this stuff to the table when things allow).


    Cult of Games Member

    Aren’t accents peculiar? We all seem to be hyper-sensitively attuned to discriminating between our own localised accents, but unable to tell between other accents, from outside our area.

    I grew up in St. Helens – between Liverpool and Manchester – and can tell a fellow “woolyback” from the peculiar blend of scouse and flattened Lancashire vowels. At the time, anyone from Stoke to Milton Keynes was a Brummie. And anyone further south than that, a cockney.

    But woebetide anyone who suggested someone from Billinge (just 2 miles up the road from St. Helens) sounded like a wooly – it was a akin to blasphemy. And they’d poke your eyes out for suggesting they sounded like a “pie eater” from Wigan, just 10 miles up the road.

    When I moved to Brighton about ten years ago, everyone “down south” sounded the same – from London, Portsmouth, Brighton. Now I can probably tell which part of the city someone comes from, just by their accent! And by the same token, down here, my own accent has been placed in Blackburn, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds and even Hull(!?)

    I have neices in Birmingham who – to me -sound hilarious (how they make one syllable words last two, sometimes even three syllables is a wonder). My wife’s lad who lives in Wolverhampton thinks the same. Yet to me, they are indistiguishable!

    (so no offence meant, calling a Yam-Yam a Brummie – I know how cutting it can be; I smile sweetly when my neighbours suggest I sound like one of them Yorkshire lot, but inside I die a little).

    All that said, I think the videos are brilliant. The scenery looks great, the presentation style is relaxed and at the end of one, I’m left thinking “yeah, I reckon I *could* make one of those”. (I’ve yet to, but that might just change in the coming weeks….)




    @blinky465 I’m a Briton living in North America…I am constantly asked if I come from some very strange places. Australia is the most common. Every now and then someones says New Zealand. I’ve been asked if I’m from South Africa, the Netherlands, even Poland. I’m from the South East of England…


    Cult of Games Member
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