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[unofficial weekender] TGIF and Happy SysAdminDay

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This topic contains 25 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 3 years, 5 months ago.

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    Yeah I’m surprised the cull has been so small in the transition to AMG… or perhaps that’s more telling as to how few people FFG had actively working on Legion ?

    Didn’t manage any painting but I did start the next prep for August’s main project. A few weeks ago I found this vase in the area around the bins of my building where people leave things to freecycle (nowt wrong with it, I don’t want it anymore, first come first serve to take it away).

    It’s  nothing much to look at but on closer inspection…

    Someone was clearing out their collection of 20 and 25mm bases! Yesterday I finally got round to pouring a bottle of kitchen degreaser in there and two hours later:

    198 25mm (2p) bases and 485 20mm (1p) bases cleaned and ready for use. The main goal of August is my plastic Bolt Action British Paras for club games coming back in the autumn so a bunch of these will get used soon. It’s not much but on my six day week, I don’t often manage much anyway. At least this felt good and productive for very little active time


    Cult of Games Member

    @ninjilly or it is more telling of how easily replaceable and unknown those people were.
    The top level leadership/design team would have made headlines if they had been touched.
    Anyone below that is just a grunt and can/will be replaced if management sees fit.

    It also depends on how big famous/known they were within the community.
    Was he just another FFG employee who happened to work on Legion ?
    Or was he *the* guy to talk to about all things Legion …

    Given the relative lack of pitchfork & torches mob screaming ‘justice for whats-his-face’ … I think he didn’t have a big impact upon the community.
    Even as outsiders of the game I’d have expected to hear  quite a bit more, especially given that his contract was terminated.


    Cult of Games Member

    @ninjilly  don’t let @lloyd see that stack… 😉



    I’m a little bit late to this week, but I spent the long weekend at my parent’s place so I wasn’t really around. Pledge will be continuing the Marines. I have my decals with me now, so I’ll be able to finish them properly. Eventually.


    Have you praised your SysAdmin yet?

    Don’t know who that would be…I guess the IT guys at uni would count…

    Did you appreciate the poor souls that are keeping the fragile construct that is called “internet” running recently?

    Well the internet has kept me both sane and stark raving mad this past while…so I guess we’ll call it a draw?

    Have you read “Bastard Operator from Hell (BofH)”?




    @limburger also true. I’m only in I’ve Legion group and they haven’t even so much as mentioned it… They’re far too busy bitching about our local game shop.

    Trying for a hobby streak in August so tonight put together some plastic paras watching the UHH



    Cult of Games Member

    I got snacks!



    Cult of Games Member

    Snacks? Tasty.

    You know what else is tasty? 3d printed Lego bases 😉

    I’m introducing a 10-year old to tabletop gaming – softly, softly now… he loves Lego and has heaps of minifigures. So we’re going to make a game where he can use some of his Lego characters as tabletop miniatures, giving them stats for attack and defence and so on. And build defences for the characters to hide behind, to break up lines of sight and so on.


    As as not to frighten him off too early, and to use what is hanging around rather than spend weeks building a playing area (that’ll come later once he’s hooked!) we’re looking at a simple 8×8 grid and I need some easy-to-use but interesting-to-play rules that’ll keep a complete noob interested long enough to want to play again.

    So far we’re come up with:

    • Each player has six characters, on a simply laid out grid (walls run along grid lines, no diagonals etc).
    • All movement is along horizontal and vertical lines (no diagonals)
    • At the start of a turn, three characters are chosen at random (maybe by drawing cards?) and are given an action point.
    • Action points can be conserved between turns.
    • Characters can donate their action points to other characters. A character donating/receiving action points can do nothing else that turn (all or nothing, you donate all your points or none)
    • Scattered throughout the map are tokens that give a player an “action card” which allows them to perform additional actions (either during that turn or can be conserved for later turns)
    • It costs one action point to move one square ahead. Rotating costs nothing. Shooting costs one action point
    • Characters must turn to face a direction, then can either move or shoot (we’ve yet to decide whether you can do both or whether to just limit shooting to only once per turn irrespective of moving)
    • Different characters have different attack and defend values, diceless shooting (always a hit, always takes damage). So he has, for example, snake-headed dudes who could maybe spit venom for 2pts damage, ice warriors who maybe do double damage to the flame-headed guys… it’s really an exercise is getting him to think about giving characteristics a “points value” to use in the game.
    • Cards could be along the lines of “shoot twice this turn” or “double damage this turn only” or a “shield that protects against fire” or “you can split your APs if donating” or that kind of thing.
    • Winner is either last man standing, or we could put objective markers on the board that need to be collected, or something like that.

    So far, so basic. But, hey, it needs to be simple because a) it’s for a kid to play and b) he’s never really played tabletop games before. The idea is to give him strategy decisions – constantly move a bit at a time, or save up APs and perform a chain of actions in a few turns time.

    So the obvious question coming is…. how do we make this a cool, fun game to play (for both of us, because I’m going to be his opponent to begin with and I don’t want to be bored to tears either!) and, of course, are there any rules for a simple game that already exist that I can just lift and use Lego characters as counters for? 😉



    Cult of Games Member

    Don’t let LEGO see that… they are worse in some cases than G’Wullu

    The was a rule set for the use of generic minis and Playmobile figurines but I can’t remember the bloody name…



    I only played it once but had a lot of fun playing Mobile Frame Zero. It’s most commonly played with Lego. Fairly basic rules and free through their website. There’s a big community of builders who love making models and putting instructions online too. We played with terrain made from Lego as well and it was a really fun afternoon.


    Cult of Games Member

    lol … so LEGO and had to think of Mobile Frame Zero as the system to use.  I suspect it might be a bit too complex for kids.

    Then again … what system is fun to play and easy to understand for kids with the attention span of a squirrel ?

    In other news … my Warlord orders have arrived on the same day, despite me ordering the August Dredd surprise a few weeks ago and the other one last week.

    Now to choose between assembing my K’47 Germans or Judge Dredd & co or the Starwars bits … soo many choices.
    I wish I could limit myself to just one game/series, but that doesn’t work for me.



    Cult of Games Member
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