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[unofficial weekender] Spring Clean Challenge

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This topic contains 20 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 3 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    ### Start of shameless copy & paste ###

    First time visitor to OTT? Then please introduce yourself in the New Member Thread and look around in the Project System. Then come back and read on…

    Read all of this before you start as it will save any trouble later.

    First thing you must do is make your “pledge”. It can be anything gaming related, big or small, and you don’t even have to finish it. No, in here, happiness is the road. Have fun doing whatever it is, but it is not a race. Accompany your work with pictures or we might think you are do something sinister and just using us for cover.

    You are also presented with a few questions. It is to get the conversation started. Try and keep your answers ‘conversational’, no text speak, and certainly no “basically”. This is how we all get to know each other better. While you are here feel free to tell us a story, show a picture, joke, tales of love or woe, or just add your own little bit. This is the whole point…in here it is just us.

    If you have never taken part before we may bark and bite, but we also like a cuddle! It is all done in the best possible taste and it is character building. feel free to give as good as you get.

    A few other things to note: NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS! Glasgow pub rules are in effect. If you need to make a better point then it is fine, but don’t take the piss. And always keep it civil.

    Play plenty of music to go with your work. Loud and through proper speakers. Write us a playlist of things we might not have heard before.

    Now, after all of that there is only one ‘real’ rule in here and it cannot be broken: NO DICKS! (Exceptions may be made for little fighting men with little plastic/resin/metal wieners)

    And don’t forget the highlights of the weekend: The Weekender on Friday and XLBS on Sunday. And the little show that is the unofficial Hobby Hangout over at

    ### End of shameless copy & paste ###


    • Are you cleaning your pile of shame opportunity?
    • Did you make a project for that?
    • Will you stay on target or get distracted by things you find along the way?



    Cult of Games Member

    Pledge: I will finish’ish my SCC project!


    • Yes… god help me… yes.
    • Nice of you to ask. Yes, I did: CLICK
    • Let’s put it this way: I needed to find an orc head for 6th edt. WHFB and ended up sorting my 40k 3rd edt. orc bits. And then the rest of the 40k box. And some terrain.

    Music, needed much:



    Cult of Games Member

    Are you cleaning your pile of shame opportunity?

    Slowly, yes. I’m now at a stage where I’m painting more minis than I’m printing. But – to be perfectly honest – that’s more to do with printing far less often, rather than getting better/faster at painting!

    Did you make a project for that?

    I did. A long time ago. Then I took a look at the number of “open” projects I have, and thought “I’d better not create any more projects – they’re piling up like unpainted minis here!” But just like a broken promise not to buy any more minis until you’ve cleared the backlog of current ones, I relented and couldn’t resist starting something new and shiny.

    Will you stay on target or get distracted by things you find along the way?

    Almost certainly I’ll be distracted – I already have been. But I’m also determined to get this particular one finished, as it’s a bit of a collaboration with another community member; so it’s for them, as much as for me (or, as it turns out, the rest of the gang as it’s for a gift post to send in to OTT Towers). It’s a bit like that scene in Gremlins when it suddenly dawns on Billy that they’re now working together – or like You’ve Been Framed where a cat and a dog gang up to get into the kitchen cupboards – the end result might not be exactly how we planned it at the start, but sometimes the reward is to see people working together, not the end result!

    In fact, I just made the project public – go take a look:

    Here’s this week’s music; I started playing guitar lead this week. After 30 years of banging out chords with my meat hooks, I thought it was time to learn how to play even a basic melody. So I’ve dusted off my old pentatonic scales and learned a couple of “licks” to try out out at a local jam night, once lockdown is lifted. It also means I’ve been listening to Eric Clapton with a newly-found respect.


    And a pledge? Well, it’s to get my Spring Clean project finally finished (it’s been on the go since about last June) and actually sent in the post. Fingers crossed….



    Cult of Games Member

    I looked at the project title and for some reason I had a picture in mind. Completely different to the actual project. My mind went: A remote controlled miniature trebuchet for throwing dice!

    But alas… no weapon of tabletop warfare 😉 But I think I have planted another idea… electronically controlled mechanical dice thrower *g*


    Cult of Games Member

    Another weekend upcoming. My pledge is to finish 11 imps I bought last week. It’s a mixed bunch of reaper models from gremlins to tiny winged demons to sexy naked lady demons. All monsters for Frostgrave.

    Are you cleaning your pile of shame opportunity?

    Kind of,…It’s more of a rolling process. I actually have more models on the way. I did dig out my Core Space sets to use some of the models for a Stargrave Crew, so I guess I’ll probably start painting those soon.
    Ok, short answer is no.

    Did you make a project for that?

    Not yet but I think I will for the Core Space stuff.

    Will you stay on target or get distracted by things you find along the way?

    Once I start painting the Core Space models I’ll probably paint enough models until I’ve finished the ones I need for Stargrave, then move onto something else for a change. I’m eying those Otherworld miniatures I got last year for a Rangers of Shadow Deep warband.




    Afternoon, chaps! My presence has been a bit sporadic and due to house selling I don’t think I can make a proper pledge, but we’ll see. Been a bit of a rough end to the school year, and exams are coming fast, but I’ll pop in as much as I can.


    Are you cleaning your pile of shame opportunity?

    Let me explain this graphically…


    Did you make a project for that?

    I started a new ‘everything’ project, but there’s not much there right now, probably won’t be for several weeks at least…

    Will you stay on target or get distracted by things you find along the way?

    I could just repeat the answer for question 1 here… I am very easily distracted. If I’m lucky I might also have field work in Northern Ontario during the summer…which would put a dampener on my progress.

    As for music…


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s the weeeee-kend already ?
    1) Are you cleaning your pile of shame opportunity?
    cleaning implies work … and I don’t do that.
    I’m not ashamed of my pile either. One day it may reach Gerry levels of stuff. 😀

    2) Did you make a project for that?
    hmmm … to make another project or to finish the ones I got already.

    3) Will you stay on target or get distracted by things you find along the way?
    I don’t get distracted … I merely switch targets of opportunity.
    Like the dragons from the Dungeons & Lasers II kickstarter arriving at the same time as the few bits I bought in the Mantic sale. I also got the Brutality rulebook + expansion.
    Not much savings had in the end (bloody taxes and ‘handling fee’) saw to that, but then I got “Here’s Negan” the Walking dead updated rulebook and a few dead body counters …

    Now I only need to find a way to focus on just one thing before the next ‘surprise’ arrives.

    Music … that’s what has been lacking.
    And given that we now know that shanties are the hot new thing I give you :

    ok … 3 versions is enough, right ? 😉

    Let’s do some Viking inspired music cause we need to ragnarok 😉




    Sorry it’s been a while folks, real life has thrown some shit covered wrenches in the works the last few weeks. OTT remains the safe haven to return to though, knowing the Weekender thread will be here and a bunch of projects to catch up on! I’ve got no hobby done in quite some time so this week my pledge is sort out my SCC and actually start on it.


    • Are you cleaning your pile of shame opportunity? I was but like everything it’s taken a backseat. I’m pretty close to clearing everything I owned before this year started, maybe only a couple months away.
      Did you make a project for that? Aye but it’s got to that “too big for the project system stage”
      Will you stay on target or get distracted by things you find along the way? I try to and when real life doesn’t get in the way, I’m usually pretty good about taking things in small chunks but getting through them.

    I’ve been using my little bit of gaming time recently to play Gloomhaven solo and this tune has been in my head:


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s not even Sunday (ok, technially it is, because I should have gone to bed about an hour ago) but I’ve already got a little victory to celebrate; a quick tweak of the code, and I’ve got custom imagery on the OLED/LCD screens, for each character. Here’s a demo of the base for @fcostin ‘s “Pastel Raven” character:

    Check out the project entry – – for details about how/why it works. Just another seven to go….


    @ninjilly – what a great song!

    Also, that’s not a grubby dirty thumbnail in the video – it’s staining from the ferric chloride! Give it two or three days of scrubbing and it’ll clean up good as new 😉 But watching it back just now makes my skin crawl!



    That’s really cool @blinky465 – I’ve enjoyed reading the project log even though I’m far from a techie person!

    Didn’t get much done at the weekend but today is proving to be a bad anxiety day so I’m taking the morning off to just sit and work through cleaning and basing this lot for Frostgrave


    Been belting out this whole album all morning too… Much to my neighbour’s joy I’m sure


    Cult of Games Member

    @ninjilly – thanks! I saw your first photo and thought “ooh, someone else who’s trying to get on top of their pile of shame by filling a Henry Hoover box (almost to the top) with minis to give away to the local gaming group”. But I guess not.

    When they hit the scene in the early 90s, I really didn’t like the funk-pop-rock mix of Extreme (I was too stuck in my ways, listening to the “hair metal” bands of a few years earlier, and trying to appear cool and edgy to my pals by playing Pantera and Metallica) but hearing it back, they were a pretty damned good band with some great tunes!


    Cult of Games Member

    The Spring Clean continues. I can see the finish line – six made up, just two more to go….



    Cult of Games Member

    Am I clearing my pile of shame?

    The answer is very, very slowly. I have started to sort out my pile into different brands. I’ve probably got around 100 Dark Sword Miniatures still in blisters, and a similar amount of Reaper Miniatures (including duplicates that I’ve bought not realising I’ve bought them before and they are still in the painting queue!). Also a load of Maow Miniatures and 30 or so Freebooter Miniatures and lots of Games Workshop Citadel miniatures and Forge World kits, not to mention more or less all of Tim Prow’s Diehard Miniatures (Oldhammer) from all the Kickstarters.

    <b>Am I doing a Spring Clean Project?</b>

    I’ve got two long term active projects going on with Bretonnians and Ordo Xenos, but I enjoyed doing Commander Glofski’s Tank Squad for Warhammer 40K as last year’s Spring Challenge, so I’m doing another Astra Militarum project to theme the FW Imperial Navy kits I’ve had on the shelf waiting for that opportunity:

    672nd Fighter Wing, Red Dragon Squadron Imperial Navy – “The Red Baroness” (SPRING CLEAN CHALLENGE 2021 by Zebraoutrider)

    <b>Will I stay on track or get distracted? </b>

    Yes and yes… kids, dogs, work (paid), football coaching special needs kids, more kickstarters (Diehard, Dunkeldorf, etc.) will all cause distraction, but the project is manageable… I’m putting on old classic films like Conan the Barbarian, Aliens, Predator, The Thing, Beastmaster and Basil Rathbone’s B&W Sherlock Holmes films in the background to keep me amused while the glue and/or paint dries. Most importantly, this CoG/BOW/OTT community constantly keeps me inspired and that is what keeps me on track, willing to learn and improve.

    <b>BELOW: </b>Two crates contains part of my pile of shame. I think probably it will take me 20 years or more to paint them all!




    @blinky465 “I saw your first photo and thought “ooh, someone else who’s trying to get on top of their pile of shame by filling a Henry Hoover box (almost to the top) with minis to give away to the local gaming group”. But I guess not.” Actually I did that last year! My pile of shame, sorry opportunity, is down to a dangerously manageable level at this point. Clearly time to buy more models and start saving towards a 3d printer.

    @zebraoutrider that’s a nice collection though and it’s only two boxes 🙂 Are all the Reaper minis for something in particular or just general fun painting times?

    So far managed to clean up and base all of these. Hopefully should get them primed today while the Scottish weather is being so generous.


    Also got some work on the Gardens of Morr kit done last night watching a hobby stream.


    Cult of Games Member


    @ninjilly I think like a lot of modellers most of the projects come to my mind whilst asleep! But also like many modellers I butterfly from one idea to another. So I’m constantly coming up with ideas for dioramas or to represent characters when I try to get back into various RPGs. Most of the Reaper Minis and Dark Sword Minis have been bought with that in mind whether fantasy, sci-fi or steampunk. The Freebooter Minis were bought with an intention to get into the Freebooter Fate game and to build a pirate themed game board ever since I saw them at Salute a few years ago. I too have a Gardens of Morr to make – it’s also still in its box! ?


    I’m very lucky to have my own garden games room where I’m exiled to do my hobby but as you can see from the photos 1) it’s a mess 2) there are more hidden gems for me to rediscover as I in effect need to Spring Clean it out! ?





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