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[unofficial weekender] Oh boy my back hurts.

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This topic contains 48 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #1554786


    I honestly find all of GW’s games to be far better to play with friends; I hate the competitive community it has acquired…


    Ugh.. yes yes all I did buy it. I was enamored with Mordheim way back when and was lost to the simplicity of Middenheimer “Smashy Smashy!” appeal. I like Necromunda for the pure fun of the game with the aesthetics. Like @blinky465 and his looking at Blood Bowl there’s a great thing to have the skirmish level “specialist” game set. I also like the fact that it has great spatial play that can give quite a bit of variety between games. The terrain also appeals to me as I find I want to get more use out of my airbrush and the funky paint I have gotten because I can. Among terrain, vehicles and larger creatures I’m finding my figures are starting to grow as I’m less constrained by the small brushes I know and love.

    Blinky… if you’re not keen on the tabletop version of Blood Bowl go and pick it up for the pc or console. You can avoid the issue with not being able to see the skills and such when you zoom about over players on the field. It also is good because you are held to the game clock and lose out when you dally too long with your actions.

    Oh.. and some more figures got done.

    Lead attempt4




    Lead attempt3




    Cult of Games Member

    Damn those figures are nearly as old as me…. great job on painting them.


    Cult of Games Member
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