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[unofficial weekender] Melting point

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This topic contains 62 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  zorg 1 year, 5 months ago.

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  • #1827679

    Cult of Games Member

    While we’re talking about how and why some companies do things, this weeks’ Painting Phase was really interesting:


    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465  ah tax loopholes, you just don’t think of that when you’re making just a living wage… *sigh*

    Painting Phase still needs to be watched. But….




    Cult of Games Member

    Of just empty their accounts ?????❓


    “Achievable; not easy” damn, that’s pretty profound to contemplate. Perhaps that’s the foundation for all our favorite mini painters as presenters. We do the thing and struggle while looking for thr compressed experience of a single polished YouTube video. Then again there are those who go in for the whole shebang and watch a painting session in progress with subscription.

    Now.. time to mess with minds



    Cult of Games Member

    Your music has no power here! Weird man!


    Cult of Games Member

    WoW…….on a side note, for the first time in about five years I’m actually able to load up OTT’s website at work on the open but very restricted network we have for our clients when they visit us here underground.


    I’m guessing it will be locked down again soon.  ?


    But maybe they actually looked at he site and deemed it harmless!  ??


    Weirdness engine, ENGAGE!



    Cult of Games Member

    Mascot Metal is a genre now? WTF did we just see?!

    In other news…. I did some hobby.
    What, finish painting my Blood Bowl teams? Put something more than a little primer on my referee and support staff miniatures? Of course not.

    I found some Leviathan Terminators on Cults3d.
    They looked awesome – and I can never decide which weapons to take onto my Space Hulk but always end up with the same selection, just because of which miniatures I’ve got painted up. So I thought I’d print some other weapon types.

    Then – because I’m really smart like that – I figured instead of printing loads of minis with different weapons, I could print just a few minis, and a load of weapons, and swap them in and out.
    Yep – I’ve been magnetising my minis.

    At was actually quite a lot of fun.



    All those and I only managed to put the magnets in the wrong way around on just one of the limbs!
    (I’ve since modified the stls to include magnet holes in the arms and bodies in case I decide to print some more)

    Woooo actual hobby!


    Cult of Games Member

    Mascot Metal is a genre now? WTF did we just see?!

    Wash your eyes, quickly!

    If the arms are all magnetized the same polarity…. and the magnets are strong enough… could you just stack them? Make 4 or 6 arm terminators? XD

    It’s Wednesday, it’s still very hot and humid in the hobby room and I am about to go to the vet to have Holmes and Watson get their first shots. And do an appointment for them to meet “The Snips”. Poor lads, I already feel bad.


    Cult of Games Member

    They’re 2mm neodymium magnets so they’re pretty strong when they’re in close proximity. But the strength fades very quickly more than a 5mm or so gap. Of those dozen or so arms shown, I only managed to get the polarity wrong on one of them! (it’s marked with a pencil X in the photo). So only one guy can have a *pair* of lightning claws (? in my stl folder, they’re referred to as electric claws). The other guy can have *one* claw. Try to force him to take a pair and his arm falls off.
    (in fact, doesn’t just fall off, but gets ejected violently).

    Still, it’s pretty fun to go “this guy can take a sword and a bolter” and “this guy can have claws” and “this guy can have a machine gun and a power fist” and just pop the appropriate weapons in place. Then, for another game, just go “right, everyone has bolters” and still use the same minis.

    Shoulder pads have just come off the printer, but I’ve got real work, work to do this morning.


    Cult of Games Member

    Poor lads, I already feel bad.

    I feel queasy just thinking about it.
    I had a cat once that ran away and got pregnant. It returned the day before it gave birth – but went to my neighbours house. He was woken by the sound of four tiny mewling kittens the following morning!
    The vet suggested I waited two months before taking my cat to be neutered.
    Seven weeks and five days and the bugger disappeared again. Not only did I have to look after her bloody kittens while she was away but…. yep, she came back three months later, pregnant again!

    She was a black-and-white friesian like cat. She got spiked by a ginger tom. Her kittens were black and white with tufts of ginger stripes on their heads! Like something out of Gremlins.

    Getting the boys “seen to” is a great idea. Even if it feels cruel at the time.


    I think I’ll hold off on the next ear assault.

    as far as hobby that’s good to see you’re back in the swing of things @blinky465. More printing goodness is needed from time to time. As far as pet care, I agree there are things that should be done in order to avoid overpopulation. Sometimes though, a good mutt can be quite nice as a non-human presence.

    @sundancer The boys will be OK. Just remember it’s not your own bait and tackle. Now, don’t worry about the eye wash. The brain bleach is restricted for other stupidity of the Interwebz.



    Just checked the email and Earlord made the public announcement. The option for greater stake in the company is no secret. As was addressed earlier, the great concern might be the loss shifting as with the auto industry. Eh, I guess it’s best to get what glorious metal you can. Teach our OTTerpups what it is to heft lead.

    No not huff


    Cult of Games Member

    “We will be judged by the weight of our miniature collections”

    Don’t know where that came from but I was in my head so here you have it.

    @blinky465 that’s the plus on having boys. They might run off doing naughty stuff but they don’t bring new kittens back. But since they are (for the time being) pure indoor cats that’s the least concern. Worse is when they come of age and start marking their territory XD

    Did I mention I hate windows shares with deep folder structures? I hate them so much.

    Tonight will be paint night. Maybe even impromptu stream. Don’t hold your breath.

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