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[unofficial weekender] May seems to be going well…

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This topic contains 32 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 3 years, 7 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    ### Start of shameless copy & paste ###

    First time visitor to OTT? Then please introduce yourself in the New Member Thread and look around in the Project System. Then come back and read on…

    Read all of this before you start as it will save any trouble later.

    First thing you must do is make your “pledge”. It can be anything gaming related, big or small, and you don’t even have to finish it. No, in here, happiness is the road. Have fun doing whatever it is, but it is not a race. Accompany your work with pictures or we might think you are do something sinister and just using us for cover.

    You are also presented with a few questions. It is to get the conversation started. Try and keep your answers ‘conversational’, no text speak, and certainly no “basically”. This is how we all get to know each other better. While you are here feel free to tell us a story, show a picture, joke, tales of love or woe, or just add your own little bit. This is the whole point…in here it is just us.

    If you have never taken part before we may bark and bite, but we also like a cuddle! It is all done in the best possible taste and it is character building. feel free to give as good as you get.

    A few other things to note: NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS! Glasgow pub rules are in effect. If you need to make a better point then it is fine, but don’t take the piss. And always keep it civil.

    Play plenty of music to go with your work. Loud and through proper speakers. Write us a playlist of things we might not have heard before.

    Now, after all of that there is only one ‘real’ rule in here and it cannot be broken: NO DICKS! (Exceptions may be made for little fighting men with little plastic/resin/metal wieners)

    And don’t forget the highlights of the weekend: The Weekender on Friday and XLBS on Sunday. And the little show that is the unofficial Hobby Hangout over at

    ### End of shameless copy & paste ###


    • How is May going for you?
    • What was your biggest/proudest hobby moment so far?
    • Which hobby moment would you rather not have happened?



    Cult of Games Member

    Pledge: learn more on how to use Vegas Pro 16.


    • Good. Could be way worse.
    • In the beforetimes. 20’ish years ago when I kept two players in two different games in the same 40k tournament from getting a decisive victory by keeping ONE (1) ork alive with a saving throw. Two games, each time one ork stood strong. I count that as a victory!
    • Imnotsayingitbuttheheroquestrebootfromhasbro.

    Happy Friday!


    Cult of Games Member

    My pledge is to get those trees finished that I started several months ago then put in a box. Then it will be starting on my Rangers of Shadow Deep warband, which is 6 models I’ve selected from my collection of unpainted Otherworld models I got last year.

    How is May going for you?
    Pretty good so far. I’m off work now for a week and have finally managed to book my vacations. Oh and I’ve just bought my first Hot Wheel cars and got my rulebook for Gaslands.

    What was your biggest/proudest hobby moment so far?
    Receiving two golden buttons from a certain well known site. Other than that it was painting up all 70 of the miniatures in the Clash Of Hero’s box for SPQR from Warlord last year after around 12 years of not painting anything.

    Which hobby moment would you rather not have happened?
    The end of the Warhammer world. Seriously, GW didn’t have to destroy the world to change game systems. I’ve been re-reading some of the old novels like Drachenfels and the early Gotrek & Felix stuff and I love the Old World.



    I’m not going to make a specific pledge this week, as I tidied up my hobby supplies yesterday in prep for moving…but that’s not actually happening for month or so, so they might come out again for some small projects. I might pull out some of my shade paints to re-colour the webbing on my other British Tommies, but no promises.

    How is May going for you?

    Sometimes May be good, sometimes May be shit! It’s been a stressful start for me with moving and waiting for grades from the Uni Year from Hell… The grades were good, though, so that was a nice positive.

    What was your biggest/proudest hobby moment so far?

    Not sure I really have one, to be honest. There’s paintjobs I’m rather proud of, and maybe that one time I knocked out my brother’s entire Guard Command Squad with a single Multiple Rocket Pod from a Valkyrie. That was 3 or 4 editions ago, though. To this day I have to find whatever is the closest to how that weapon worked in whatever army I have and always use it against him. Shame the Primaris don’t really have something like it…

    Which hobby moment would you rather not have happened?

    I’d rather not have had to deal with reading a lot of hate about particular games, or specifically having to deal with how badly the anti-AoS hate can affect my brother sometimes to the point where he won’t look up things about his favourite game just because people are still upset that they moved on from even 1st edition Fantasy… I’m very much a ‘whatever floats your boat’ sort of gamer and everyone can enjoy whatever they want and should be encouraged to do so. I use AoS as an example that I have personal experience with, but really the basic idea applies to all games. Most of the time this site is free from that sort of stuff and it’s nice and friendly enough to even have civilised chats about certain topics…but not everywhere is like that, unfortunately…


    That’s a slightly less cheery response on the last question, so let’s add a bit of a lighter mood with some music..

    Hopefully none of these are region-locked…


    Cult of Games Member

    How is May going for you? It was going pretty well until this morning and now it’s p*ssing it down and gone really cold. But on a personal level, it’s been pretty good up to now.

    What was your biggest/proudest hobby moment so far? I recently won a painting contest with my animatronic “Little Alice” miniature that paid (in part) for a new guitar. (a Harley Benson HB-35+ in red if you’re interested). That was pretty cool. And last year I won a golden button for my app-controlled cyberpunk police scene from Titan Forge miniatures. I don’t think accolades get bigger than that, do they?

    Which hobby moment would you rather not have happened? I’ve repainted the wall in the room we now call Nick’s “art studio” three times and the streak of nuln oil running down it still shows through. I’d much rather have never spilled a full pot (one of those tall ones) *and not noticed for two days*. We built the extension on the house ourselves and the indelible stain on the wall kind of sullies all our hard work!


    Here’s your music for this week. It feels appropriate.


    @crazyredcoat – when I lived in Wales, my local was often frequented by Bill Innes who one week brought his brother Neil to run the pub quiz. An entire three hours on which chemicals make up the volatile compounds in various forms of nitro-glycerine and the lyrics to folk songs inspired by 16th century poems. It was the one time we had the same chance of winning as the team of three ex-professors and a retired civil servant (every pub quiz has one hyper-competitive team doesn’t it?)



    Cult of Games Member

    Which hobby moment would you rather not have happened? I’ve repainted the wall in the room we now call Nick’s “art studio” three times and the streak of nuln oil running down it still shows through. I’d much rather have never spilled a full pot (one of those tall ones) *and not noticed for two days*. We built the extension on the house ourselves and the indelible stain on the wall kind of sullies all our hard work!

    makes you want to take chisels to it and just plaster it, doesn’t it? But: how do you not notice that for two days? oO


    Cult of Games Member
    • How is May going for you?
      Can I say ‘meh’ ?
      That C-thing can go *beep* itself … and I’m not talking about the current pandemic.
    • What was your biggest/proudest hobby moment so far?
      I think both Beasts of War bootcamps where my biggest hobby moments (Flames of War & Bolt-Action both desert war themed).
      Getting to fly and see the studio where the magic happens in real life was a great experience. And I got to build an army and play a few games.
      I did feel like crap after the first one (I suspect I was sick before and the return flight made it worse), but the experience was great. Second one (Bolt-Action desert war) was better. My poor Germans getting beaten by an English radio operator and his pet monkey … I hate monkeys now … 😀
    • Which hobby moment would you rather not have happened?
      I think we can all agree that ‘The Event’ (stay indoors!) should never have happened …

    With real life having had a bit more priority (thanks to the big C) I have had zero time for hobby.
    Am going to try and do something, because I need the distraction.

    @blinky465 that is a damn sexy guitar … and not soo expensive as well if my Google fu is correct.
    I wish I could play. I do have a Squirer stratocaster that I got to play Rocksmith (the videogame that uses a real guitar) and it was amazing to pluck a few strings and feel like I learned stuff.
    The automated backing track that game was out of this world, although I suspect that someone who can actually play the guitar would probably break the system.
    Need to get back into it though.
    Heck … I also got a little Ukelele I want to learn to play.
    Alas I have the attention span and commitment of a squirrel on caffeine …



    Another week has gone already? Honestly time seems to pass so quickly it’s making me quite uncomfortable these days! This weekend I’d like to get more done on the terrain I’m working through. If I get too bored I’ll start on the Malifaux minis for the Blackjack May-lifaux painting challenge.

    How is May going for you? Meh, quickly apparently. My work is re-opening next week and I’m not looking forward to it but other than that, it’s fine.
    What was your biggest/proudest hobby moment so far? I don’t really know. Most hobby I do for myself alone. My Golden Button was certainly a highlight though.
    Which hobby moment would you rather not have happened? I can’t think of anything that comes to mind immediately.

    Not got any music choices this week. I’m rewatching Penny Dreadful as I hobby instead. I’d forgotten how good and creepy it is.

    @crazyredcoat I’m sorry that your brother has to suffer that kind of nonsense but that is an excellent point. I struggle to have any online interaction with things I love because of the vitriol of online discourse. It’s sad that so much energy is spent tearing down things that people have worked hard on and love.

    @blinky465 haha that is an epic spill for sure. Thankfully I’ve not spilt any on anything other than my cutting mat though I do have a nasty stain on my caret from the Geek Gaming Mars base ready mix stuff. Bloody awful product. As @sundancer says how did it take two days to notice?

    @limburger I’m sorry to hear that the Big C has struck. It’s horrific. For whatever it is worth, hobby was a great distraction for me when my dad had it. That and a really deep RPG video game to go into. Fallout 4 was mine. Never finished it and I’ll never go back to it but it helped in the long hours when I couldn’t switch my brain off.


    Cult of Games Member

    @ninjilly at least I have my work and my hobby for now … it is a grim reminder that both my parents are old (my dad is 80) and the end will come. One never expects it to happen even though technically I should have seen it coming as a few of my aunts and my grandma died as an indirect result of the big C. 🙁

    Anyways … I try to avoid thinking about it as best I can.
    A good videogame can be a very good distraction.

    Currently playing ‘Evil Genius 2’ with my second evil genius (each evil genius has his/her own plan). I can recommend it as it is a much better game (less random nonsense). The only negative is that traps are useless. Once you unlock automatic tagging (and set up cameras to cover entrances) the defense against investigators is much easier. I am playing at the lowest difficulty setting though.




    @blinky465 I would have loved to be at that pub quiz, mate! We don’t have enough of that stuff over here in Canada…probably because North Americans haven’t yet worked out what a pub is. Then again, from what I hear a lot of pubs back home have adopted American styles since I left all those years ago… The first thing I want to do next time I can come home is go to a proper pub and have a proper pint…

    @ninjilly It is difficult, but the fact that it is far from common here is one of the reasons I’m happy to stay. Yeah we all have our remarks about round vs. square, but it’s all in good fun and we have so many people with so many interests that it’s a breath of fresh air to hear so many opinions quite often. I never knew just how many options there is for WW2 games, really, until the debate on armoured vehicles in skirmish games the other day/week (has it been that long?). I know that around my area (mainly related to Miniwargaming) that Fantasy 6th (I think…) ed. has become quite popular for gaming with many people and there’s a fair bit of switching some armies back to squares. My brother is thinking of doing it for some of his older Dwarf minis so he can join in, but he also likes to play AoS as well and most of his armies are set up on the rounds. Sometimes I think there are people who don’t realise it’s ok to enjoy multiple things, which is a shame…

    @limburger Sorry to hear about your troubles there, mate. It’s not the kind of thing anyone should have to deal with. For what it’s worth, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it all works out well in the end for you and yours.

    Oh and on the subject of squares, if we assume that the inherent ‘correctness’ of a base is linked to the number of faces it has, then rounds win because a circle has infinite faces! 😛


    Cult of Games Member

    I think we’ve got pretty nice debates on these forums.

    None of that silly uncompromising hatred of all things that are different that seems to be the default outside of this community.

    Which reminds me that we need more topics like that.
    Maybe we are far too civilized for forums to work ? 😉
    Because the only ‘activity’ appears to be in the weekly unofficial weekender thread and the ‘what are you painting now’ thread.



    Cult of Games Member

    I still am of the opinion that’s mostly due to the nature of the “forum” integration within wordpress. But that is neither here nor there. Myself I’m currently to stretched thin on most of my activities so I barely have enough time to engage in longer and deeper discussions. Plus I keep making new things while doing others… never finishing anything XD


    Cult of Games Member

    I finished my first unit of Celts. I like how they came out but don’t feel particularly inspired by the project right now. I want to do a 75mm pinup piece as a palette cleanser so I’ve been trying to get the 3D printer running again for almost a week. I think I’ve almost cracked it.




    Full project entry here:


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m of the opinion that it is the nature of this hobby that digital media tend to be not used as much, because 90% of our hobby happens off-line.
    It’s the Event (stay indoors!) that has forced more of us to be on-line …


    Side note … why the heck does buying a mask for airbrushing have to be so friggin’ complicated.
    It’s either the companies that make them that seem to want to make stuff that isn’t compatible, because they want to lock you into their system of replacements.
    And then there’s the webshops selling this that either cater to professionals so they don’t feel the need to explain stuff or just are too lazy to explain the essentials (like what filter goes with what version of the mask).
    All of this because I noticed that the disposable mask I thought I could use had a ‘use by 2016’ indicator.
    So yeah … this stuff doesn’t last even if you’re not using it, so I can’t afford to buy too much of the ‘good’ stuff either.



    Speaking personally, I have to spend so much more time in front of a screen for work these days that I find I’ve no desire to do it as much in the evenings and weekends for hobby related chat. Plus most of what I’m working on right now isn’t very interesting 🙂 Just building and texturing MDF terrain kits mostly so I’m tending to have an audiobook on in the background rather than having my ipad to hand.

    @limburger it’s all the incidentals like masks and filters that can add up in this hobby. I was chatting to a friend recently and saying that most of this month’s hobby budget was spent on varnish and paints. Adding airbrushing into the mix would be too much for me

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