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[unofficial weekender] man down…. call in reinforcements!

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This topic contains 64 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  coxjul 3 years, 7 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I think the silver clasp looks good enough. The simple fact that it isn’t the same yellow-ish tint as the rest works.
    However it is your mini and your paintjob, so you do you 😀

    I found a new game to play : how to spend more than 50 and less than 150 in order to qualify for ‘free’ stuff …
    So I’m getting a ‘free’ Panzer IV with my next order from Warlord 😀

    It was a tough game, because I had to remove items from my cart.




    Perhaps I’ll give it a bit of a silver shine then. At the moment it’s still grey with a little bit of brown spilled over it. 😛 The buckle is silver after all… 😛

    I feel your pain on that game, @limburger . I have literally spent some stupid amount of shipping from GW just because I needed like three paints and nothing else and it was just cheaper to pay for shipping than to try and match the shipping price; almost everything I could have added that I was after just made it way to expensive… Main reason I prefer to buy paints from my FLGS…though that’s been a bit harder to do of late.


    Cult of Games Member

    At least you have a FLGS for your paints …
    There’s only a tiny (maybe 5 x 5 meters ?) GW shop, which only ever has GW paints. At that size I don’t find it a fun shop to visit and browse.

    However I’ve found a website that has almost all of the paints related to this hobby (Tamiya, Vallejo, AK Interactive, Scale 75, Army painter, etc. ) so shipping is reasonable and they’re quite fast as well. They also do ‘free’ shipping (and tell you how much ‘extra’ you need … ). I recently bought some polystyrene sheets and pipes for scratbuilding & kit bashing.

    Which reminds me … I need to test the superglue and see if I’ve finally found one that works for me.



    Cult of Games Member

    Friday again.

    New thread:

    [unofficial weekender] Heeeeeeere is Johnny!



    Cult of Games Member

    Pledge: to do something, anything hobby related this weekend on Father’s Day, even if that’s just clearing a route to my hobby desk and cutting some bits off a sprue.

    Hiatus: Lockdown with a necessity to be in isolation most of the time has been tough. As if that wasn’t bad enough I realised a few months ago that one of the reasons the world had been closing in on me so much and I was finding hobby difficult was quickly developing cataracts!  I haven’t done anything hobby in 2021 yet – that’s my hiatus.

    A couple of year’s worth of hobby budget later via a loan and the cataracts are done and the new eyes settled in.  Waiting for new short distance glasses but in the meantime have an old pair that are fairly decent.  Need to kick-start that old mojo…

    Back pain: not enough words or space… Aggravated by sedentary, lockdown inactive lifestyle.

    Cars: As I needed one for work in the old-normal a car has always been a necessity but I’ve leased rather than owned for the last 8 years.  Handed back the old diesel SUV in January at end of lease and didn’t replace – not paying that much to have one sitting doing nothing 100% of the time.

    With signs of a return to a new normal where a car becomes a necessity, plus my release from isolation and friends/family to see, places to go and the imminent return o travelling for work my front drive is now occupied by a new 100% electric BEV… Loving the virtue signalling smugness that comes from driving it and so far I’ve not had any issues with the charging infrastructure while I wait for a home charger to be installed for really cheap 2p of energy per mile motoring!

    Sad to say in a way, but that chunk of metal on wheels and the freedom to drive somewhere nice for a decent walk has really given me a lift!




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