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[unofficial weekender] man down…. call in reinforcements!

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This topic contains 64 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  coxjul 3 years, 7 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer get well soon …

    ) Cars. A necessary evil?

    Never learned to drive and I honestly can’t say I have a need to either. I’ve lived without a car for almost my entire life too.
    Public transport is pretty good where I’m at and most of the stuff I need is within bike or walking distance (a good ten minute walk).
    The only downside is that I don’t have any means of transporting ‘big’ stuff, but I am planning on adding a trailer to my trike to sort that out. Haven’t had the time to dive into that stuff though.

    ) How many of us are currently on “hobby hiatus” – either knowingly or unwittingly?

    I think I’d be more accurate to say I am on an anti-hobby hiatus, because I rarely do any hobby unless I find time and motivation to do so.

    ) Back pain – it seems to be something we all become familiar with once we reach a certain age.  …
    I haven’t experienced it yet … and I hope it will be a long while 😀

    I’m looking for a house and I think I’m not yet ready for that kind of DIY that you’re doing to yours @warzan
    Maybe all I need is to find the right house to get me motivated, but at the same time I’d be scared of potentially wrecking the very thing I’m supposed to be living in.

    Although given the prizes they dare to ask for houses in my area I probably will have to bite that bullet some day …


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger – one of the more satisfying things I did was move house using just my pushbike and a trailer! I think it was the challenge of physical exertion and overcoming problems using nothing but brute force and stupidity 😉

    One of the things I loved about staying in Berlin was how everything was either a bike ride or a quick train ride away. We haven’t quite worked out here in the UK that to encourage people to live more locally, walking and cycling to destinations for example, we need to… well, have everything a walk or a bike ride away! Brighton is pretty similar – it’s a physically small city, and most things are accessible without needing a car (though personally, I’ve stopped using public transport so much, so my day’s planning is at the mercy of the weather more than I’d like). I just need the rest of my family to move here and we could all  probably share one car between us!


    Cult of Games Member

    @crazyredcoat In Celtic myth magical animals were often described as being white, red, or a combination of the two. So I painted them like this to turn them into magical dogs.



    @danlee That’s actually pretty cool. Gives me some ideas for future minis… 😛


    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465 I’d argue that ‘bike distance’ and ‘walking distance’ is a mental thing and not a physical limitation.

    It’s all about enjoying the journey and taking life at your leisure.

    ‘bike distance’ is around 20 Km (about an hour), but it’s not something I’d be doing each and every day.
    As such I’m glad my daily commute is a ten minute bikeride instead of the 40 minutes (14 Km) I used to have.

    ‘walking distance’ … is 2-3 km if need be (or about half an hour), which takes me to the center of town from where I live.
    And unless it’s raining cats and dogs I don’t mind walking instead of taking public transport as I can get home faster that way … (why wait for half an hour for the next bus when you can get home in that amount of time ?)

    We do have the advantage of not having any hills … but even that is something you can get used to.
    I’m so used to living without a car that I don’t see it as a problem that the car-addicts claim it is.

    I must admit that the kind of stories I hear from cyclists in the USA would scare me into using a car …



    I once walked 26 km just to get drunk for New Years. It was about -20 celcius at the time. I’m not a smart man.


    Cult of Games Member

    Youthful exuberance can often be mistaken for foolhardiness. Don’t do yourself down! (as a student ny friends and I were often faced with the choice of getting a taxi home after a night out, or spending our last few coins on some fish-and-chips and walking 8 miles – about 13km – to get home as everyone else was having breakfast.) On reflection, some of your choices may not be so smart – but hey, who wants to be boring? 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Many moons since jumping in on one of these. Slow start to the weekend on the far west coast of Canada.

    Cars – necessary evil. Always lived far enough out that they were needed and public transport not viable. Car shares are slowly popping up, but not something I’d go in on without a good deep clean in between users.

    Hobby hiatus – generally touching paint and brush at least once a week, but have mostly worked through pile of shame. Hobby budget has been going to storage solutions instead of new stuff stuff for the last while.

    Back pain – been there since I was young with two ruptured disc’s in an accident. Everything has been locked up good for so long, hard to say how I should be feeling. Used sparingly  it can still get me out of the odd undesirable activity for the missus… so not all bad?

    Hobby pledge – saw the news on OTT a few weeks back about Fifth Angel and Mercs. Picked up the Texico squad to replace the metal one I gave to a friend back at the start of the game. Have had them primed and zenithed for a couple of weeks, so time for some base colour.

    … and music – the band of my youth, my hometown Kingston band, The Tragically Hip released some lost recordings from decades ago last month and they have bounced to the top of my playlist of late.

    Have a great weekend everyone!


    Cult of Games Member

    Good morning or as we say here: Moin.

    First of all thanks @blinky465 for picking up the thread this week. But what was that with the sock and sneezing? I think I know where this is going but… let me guess: putting on socks + violent sneeze = blown back?

    @warzan you keep making me very *very* jelly of your home. Seeing that you already are done with cleaning your sheds my regular warning of “please wear a proper mask while cleaning” comes a bit late. Most people don’t know (and I’ve learned that late) that mice droppings can carry the Hantavirus.

    Onto the questions:

    • Cars. After reading all the comments here I think I can agree with most comments. A car is a nice to have, two are luxury. Most of the time I don’t need it (it’s parking after all) but when I need it I need it *now* and in front of my door. Nothing a car pool/club can provide. Other than that I use my car for getting to work on a daily basis and doing the weekly grocery shopping. (side note: I did that yesterday the first time with my wives old Opel/Vauxhall Corsa. The trunk only fit 2/3rds of the usual shopping… I had to get creative on the passengers seat. I want my combi back)
    • I think the last time I pickup up a brush was for my (now dormant) spring clean challenge project. After that I build two kits from the Warhammer Conquest magazine. But that’s about it. Since Thursday there is a game for free on the Epic Store (Frost Punk) and that is really a nice time waster…
    • Thankfully backpains are only when I’m under stress. Most of the time. But there is no use denying: I’m getting old. And I (or rather my back) really miss going swimming to get weight of the discs in my back and muscles working. Maybe soon.

    On a side note: Link to the New Member Thread and the Project System need to be added “from code”. Maybe I’ll redo that C&P text again next week.

    Oh look at that: miniature digging equipment. Don’t let Andrea see this @warzan

    Also music:


    Cult of Games Member

    Great job @blinky465 for running the Weekend thread this weekend.  😀
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery @sundancer .

    So @warzan is apparently an archeologist as well.  Good deal!  😀  Just remember, if find any strange golden idols, don’t touch until you can safely replace them with a properly-weighted bag of sand.  😀 😀 😀

    Finished this up earlier this week:
    BMP-1 02BMP-1 01BMP-1 03

    And for this weekend, I’m working through the research and scenario design for this game tomorrow:

    Sitrep Title Slide 61 A


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve been listening to all the music on here (my wife commented that there was an “eclectic mix” coming from the speakers) and wanted to tell everyone how great it all was, but the truth is, some of it, I didn’t actually like. Some of it, like @dominator ‘s Tragically Hip, I hated from the opening notes, but by the end of the song, I really got into it and wanted to already know the words, so I could sing along while washing the dishes.

    At the start, I said nobody would be judged and to include music you actually like (rather than stuff you think others would find cool) and it’s been a great start already. But it got me thinking – is there any music you’ve *pretended* you liked, in the company of others, but in your hearts of hearts, didn’t really?

    Here’s a start: I love (the song) Cowboys from Hell, the staccato aggression on “This Love” and “Walk” always gets a wry smile when it comes on, but other than these (and maybe Cemetary Gates) I’ve got to stop pretending: I don’t really like Pantera. I’ve just taken them off my playlist(s) so I don’t have to keep skipping the other tracks.




    I have a fairly eclectic taste (though favouring the heavier side) in music, I suppose, but what I listen to tends to follow my mood so sometimes I may hate a song for that, but when I’m back in that mood I love it again. I’m well known for voicing my dislike of music I don’t enjoy, so if I’m being polite I just don’t comment rather than pretend I like it. I’m also that wierd type of heathen who can listen to the same track on repeat for hours on end so long as I’m in the mood for that particular track. 😛


    Cult of Games Member

    Nope. Pretending to like someone or something is always a bad idea… at some point people will find out and it’s downhill from there. I can be polite and say “that’s nicely played but not my cup of tea” but that’s about it.

    I used to like every song from Iron Maiden (even the weird B sides) and then Bruce left, Blaze came… aaaand nope. Nothing really groundbreaking or likeable since then… even when Bruce came back…



    “Not my cup of tea” is something I say a lot…maybe I should have it put on my tombstone… 😛


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s ok not to like everything even if it is something that is supposed to be ‘popular’.

    I do notice that I tend to dislike popular stuff by default simply because of the kind of fans those artists appear to attract as well as the inability of said fans to handle opinions that not complete and total adoration of their idol.

    And the music I like does kind of depend on my mood

    Sometimes I do have these on my tracklist :

    I also got this :

    And then I run into strange new groups I see at Elfia and some I like ..

    Crazy scandanavian pirates :

    Weird Australians :

    (if that isn’t the perfect ‘western’ song … great to hear them playing those acoustic guitars life )

    Techno and all that modern electronic stuff I usually dislike … but I do make exceptions. Often because I heard them in a videogame and they just fit the mood of the game really well.

    Hotline Miami 2 :

    And then there’s the gems I discover thanks to threads like this and the stuff posted on the OTT discord


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