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[unofficial weekender] Looking back to the future

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This topic contains 31 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 1 month, 1 week ago.

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    Right then… make some pointless comment so it goes to page two…

    “According to U.S. News & World Report, 80 % of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. A 2007 study by Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, even though 52% of the study’s participants were confident of success initially. The University of Scranton’s research suggests that just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals, which means 92% of resolutions fail.”


    Cult of Games Member

    new years’ resolutions are for other people 😛

    I wonder if I dare to go down the rabbit hole that is ancient Rome …
    I can’t avoid not looking for more info on how both armies have to be painted to be somewhat historical.

    But I also found myself googling ‘punic wars’ for interesting books to go along with it.

    Definitely need to form some kind of plan when it comes to assembling and painting this box.
    Need a way to keep myself focused and on task, but not sure how yet.



    be careful googling ‘punic wars’… you’re one letter away from a very different sort of ‘content’…


    Cult of Games Member

    @pagan8th these days anything results in “different sort of content”
    Heck … finding useful results in amongst the auto generated content and ads is a challenge.
    We’re back to the days of pre-Google when search engines were crap.


    Anyways …

    I suspect Osprey has something useful in their range of books.



    Those are the Bush Wars @pagan8th , which happened last century! Thanks to Gillette winning, it’s all gone now ?


    Cult of Games Member

    Good and also morning.

    It’s Monday and my time off work is over

    Sad times.



    I’ve been back to work for a week. Counting down to next week off.



    Long weekend for Canada, Monday off! Not that it affects me – every weekend is a long weekend! ?

    When I did work though I would compress my hours to get 3 out of 4 Fridays in a month off, so a 3 day weekend turned into a 4 day! That always felt great.

    Never took summer holidays, always fall or late winter; Canada is nice enough in summer to stick around. Plus I liked going places when everyone generally was back at school, or work. September is still my favourite time to go on trips.


    Cult of Games Member

    Finished my Rascaltown Goblin. It was an interesting little project, limiting myself to unusual colours, mixing my own washes and highlights.


    Dan’s 2024 Side Projects




    Cult of Games Member

    I forgot to mention that I saw Deadpool & Wolverine … and it was great.

    Got this song stuck in my head now though

    Whoever thought to choreograph a fight scene to this music needs a raise 😀



    @limburger I think that was one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time; it must be a ridiculous amount of fun to do a movie like that

    The Vancouver urban scenes were cool: no matter how much they dress it up, I can still know where I’ve been!


    Cult of Games Member

    Hmmm. I enjoyed deadpool. Maybe I will look into this movie when it’s out on streaming XD



    @sundancer this is the first movie I’ve seen in a theatre in like four years. It was worth it! Went to a new VIP thing the Cineplex does – chair service, 18+ (no kids!!!), alcohol, and the chairs were like flying first class! It was SO worth it.

    Now, nothing compares to the first Deadpool, but this one was really, really good. And so many jokes at the expense of both Fox and Disney, and gentle prods at modern woke-ism : just the right amount, in my humble opinion.  The writing was sublime!




    this was my Monday night. Extreme hailstorm resulting in broken window, shredded screens, and much exterior damage. Ugh!


    Cult of Games Member

    “I  *am*  Marvel Jezus” 😀
    Only Deadpool could ever say a line like that.

    It was my first movie in theater since the good Suicide Squad movie (the one with the Shark man).
    I also noticed how the service has gone down since then.
    You get your tickets at a machine and then have to show them at a scanner to be allowed entry.
    No humans in the entire process, except the one handing out the 3D glasses.

    The chairs were a big improvement. Plenty of leg room and they could be adjusted (not a lot, but noticable)

    I was kind of surprised that I could get a seat at all. I was expecting it to be sold out in the first two weekends, but then I guess people have kind of stopped going to the movies since the event ?

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