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[unofficial weekender] Kids all over the place

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This topic contains 25 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  pagan8th 1 year, 6 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer – the first few bars of that Elmer Bernstein track sounds like an TV advert for Xmas party food!


    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465 I’ve basically fed on such things in my youth. From Peanuts and Garfield over to all of the Franco Belgian stuff. Peyo, Franquin, Goscinny and Uderzo, Möbius etc


    A hot day where I actually was able to find a corner of the construction site and take a short nap on the floor of a shower that was being built. It was a hell of a lot better than just sitting in the heat. Play! Can we turn the temperature down again?

    @blinky465 Does that make Heavy Metal a holiday movie then? I know that Krampus is my yearly treat to watch Weta Works on screen.

    @sundancer If you enjoyed Locke &Key jump in with the comics to then hop over to the likes of Sandman comics. If you like the aesthetic dig into the 30 Days of Night graphic novel. I believe that the artist responsible for the series did a Silent Hill run as well. Work done by Guy Davis is a favorite of mine since seeing the various installments in various White Wolf books and the short run comic “The Marquis”.



    @blinky465 How dare you? I’m not a Brummie! I’m a Potter!


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer I am enjoying the TV series. But having had a look at the comic: not so much. It’s a type of modern style I really don’t like to look at. So I guess I’ll stick with the TV Series for now.




    Cult of Games Member

    I’m not a Brummie! I’m a Potter!

    I love this. I presume it’s the same in other countries? How local rivalries (and slights on a person’s character) are all the more strongly felt if there are just a few miles between them.

    I moved to Brighton from “up north” about 12 years ago. Until then, anyone south of Birmingham was basically “southerner”. It also works in reverse. When my friends and neighbours hear my flattened (some say gutteral) vowels, we’ll happily agree it’s because I’m a “northerner”. But to them, there’s no difference between Lancashire northern and Yorkshire northern (though locally, that’s an animosity greater than between forces of good and evil).

    When I lived in Wales, my accent was mistaken for “scouse” (Liverpool). But in my home town of St. Helens (roughly midway between Liverpool and Manchester) the only insult worse than being called a scouser would be to be accused of being a “manc” (there are less than ten miles between these places). Similarly, here on the south coast, for my friends in Worthing to be mistaken for “one of those tree-hugging vegan snowflakes” from Brighton, no insult could be greater!
    (fwiw I don’t know of anyone from St.Helens who is proud of our geographical nickname “woolyback”).

    To mis-place someone by a great distance doesn’t seem to be a major cause for offence.
    But misplace someone by just a few miles is about the worst insult you can give!

    @pagan8th – oatcakes, yay or nay?



    @blink465…. pancakes yay of course.

    Know a bloke from coventry… he doesn’t like pancakes… weirdo.

    Lancashire vs Yorkshire… they’ve been adversaries for centuries…

    Regional rivalries is norm in the UK. It even affects animal kingdom.

    Recall an example from years ago where a stuffed bird was put in a garden up north and they played the song of the same species recorded down the south… the northerners attacked it 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    @pagan8th – my wife’s daughter lived in Stoke for a quite a few years. I was never more disappointed than when she finally presented me with a Stokey-oatcake. In my mind they were like a savoury, rounded flapjack. A cake. Made from oats.
    I was given a wholemeal pancake. Which, I now understand, technically meets the brief of “oatcake” – if you’re generous. But they’re not really cake-y are they? And I’m not entirely convinced that the one I had was actually made of oats and wasn’t just a wholemeal tortilla wrap 😉

    I like your description better – oat pancakes.
    (ok, now I see it – but pancakes aren’t really that cake-y either, if we’re honest!)
    Oat crepes.

    northerners attacked it

    We do that to things we don’t understand 😉



    @blinky465 They are definitely not cakes. I have them rolled up with a cheese and tomato filling and sauce… or as part of a meal involving bacon, cheese and tomato…

    I’m a savoury sort of person.

    There was outrage in stoke once because the EU wanted us to change the name to ‘oat pancake’…

    It may have led to brexit 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    You lot are getting political! 😉

    New thread!

    [unofficial weekender] Make it so



    @sundancer… oops sorry… regional politics…

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