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[unofficial weekender] It's Friday CoGs!

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This topic contains 61 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 4 years, 7 months ago.

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    Ah Wolfenstein. I still get goosebumps at ‘Guten tag’.

    Then I wrote a lot here until I realised that was Doom not Wolf. Close call.

    Anybody getting much solo gaming going?



    @avernos would Nazdreg Yellow do an even better job?



    No too yellow no contrast

    And I don’t mean paint. Find a reddish brown colour for gold


    Cult of Games Member

    Painting metal is all about contrast – super high contrast = super shiny surface. Bob Ross nailed it the other night on telly (BBC Four, weekdays, 7pm for UK viewers) you need the dark to see the light. If the mid-tone is too bright, your bright highlights don’t look bright at all. If you look at NMM, it’s often painted in almost black and white bands to get as much contrast as possible.

    I’ve found that a dark green-ish gold (old, old Citadal paints gold or Coat d’Arms gold) works well with bright silver edge highlights, but an orangey-brown-gold would look good too.

    TLDR; yellow isn’t dark enough to make a convincing gold.


    Cult of Games Member

    Never played Wolfenstein, myself, but the tune is good. That counts, right?

    @crazyredcoat the music in that game is way better then the game deserves. They did those “cover versions” so well you could think they are real 😉



    Just so we are all on the same page I’m talking undercoat. Base coat will still be retributor gold, some form of flesh wash (recently saw Duncan use Gulliman flesh for it and obviously it was amazing} then either silver highlights or a dry brush.


    Cult of Games Member

    Got caught up over the weekend playing Total War Warhammer 2 and Vermintide 2 with some mates. I did manage to sit down late last night and pick up some brushes though. My Skitarii Vanguard are now on the home stretch. I need to do shading on the helmets, some detail work, chuck on decals and then give them a light weathering pass with the airbrush.


    Barring disaster that should all get done today. Then I can get back to my Techpriest Dominus.


    Love the Goblin Vampire mate, reminds me of one of the yearly White Dwarf minis I have. Not sure which year he’s from but he’s done up as a Dwarf Vampire Hunter and attacking an undead Black Gobbo in his coffin. Always meant to paint it up as an RPG mini as I think a Dwarf Vampire Hunter would be such a cool class to roleplay.


    You’d probably find it easy to play a lot of metal too, most of the early stuff just stole riffs from the blues and added distortion.

    Music over the weekend has been a mix of Irish bands I usually see playing live. Really hope that things have settled enough for the Siege of Limerick to happen at Halloween.



    @sundancer It’s definitely not my choice for game, but you’re right on the music. Personally, if I want the ‘Bethesda Experience’ I go for Elder Scrolls or Fallout with all their lovable bugs and game-breaking mods. 😛

    I’ve been brainstorming my experiment for this hair thing I want to try. Perhaps later I will actually get some paint on the mini!


    Cult of Games Member

    My stupid internet connection is worse than ever this morning. Can hardly stay online for ten minutes at a time before the annoying red light starts blinking. Annoyingly, when there’s no internet connection, the stupid godforsaken pile of crud forwards *all* traffic on port 80 to their ridiculous holding page (which shows a lovely picture of a hub with an orange light on it).
    So I spent half of yesterday setting up a server on a machine so I didn’t need internet access in order to continue development on my game…. and when the internet connection drops out, I can’t send or retrieve data from it through my app (and I’m really, really reluctant to change all the web-based interaction to web sockets just because BT are a bunch of useless b@st*rds).

    Of course, in normal times, I’d just take my laptop to a local cafe, hope on their wi-fi and have table service while I got a few hours development in.

    Stupid BT.
    Stupid virus.

    Sod it. I might sack it off and go and paint some minis…..


    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465 I feel you. As someone earning a living dealing with peoples ISP… that’s a special kind of hell… Maybe get a 4G/LTE/UTMS data stick for your laptop with a small datacap? Just to get things done.


    Cult of Games Member

    I think that’s the way I’m going to have to go – put everything back online (since it’s no good offline if my router/hub won’t let me access stuff on my *local* network without an internet connection!) and use mobile data for a consistent connection. Grrrr.


    Yep… definitely feeling a little inadequate in my basing skills right now. I gladly share the simple video on something that was done quite simply but turned out awesome. I have the very same model as this guy and I’m thinking that eventhough I can make the same, since its all easy material building, the finished product is overwhelming visually. Music later.. errands now.


    Cult of Games Member

    Squad of Vanguard done and dusted. Shots are over-exposed but I’ll try get some decent army shots later in the week. I’m back to work tomorrow after being off since mid-March. Not feeling too enthusiastic about that.



    I’d use the white spray. I use GW metallic colours myself and I always prefer to put them over something other than black. Otherwise you need multiple coats to get them bright. If you’re not sure you could always take a few spare arms or even bits of sprue, spray them each a different shade of primer and then paint over with the gold. See which one looks closest to what you have on your other minis.



    Well my experiment was a success. Later tonight I’ll get a new project started and put the pictures up there. Some painting got done, for a change! I even did some script on a base, but that’s nothing fancy, just a name.



    A question for anyone in the know, by the by, but does anyone know if it was at all common for junior officers in WW2 to carry packs with them? I can’t find a definitive in any of my numerous books on the subject… I know that they stopped making themselves obvious as officers so they weren’t shot as often. Bit random, but I’d like to used this one mini I have as a 2nd Lt. but he has the pack on. I am going for Late War NW Europe, if that helps… I’ll continue looking on my end.

    Music as an offering.

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