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[unofficial weekender] I'm not late… just lazy

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This topic contains 23 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 2 years, 8 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    ### Start of shameless copy and paste ###

    First time visitor to OTT? Then please introduce yourself in the New Member Thread and look around in the Project System. Then come back and read on…

    Introduce yourselves (New member thread)

    Read all of this before you start as it will save you any trouble later.

    First thing you must do is make your “pledge”. It can be anything gaming related, big or small, and you don’t even have to finish it. No, in here, happiness is the road. Have fun doing whatever it is, but it is not a race. Accompany your work with pictures or we might think you are do something sinister and just using us for cover.

    You are also presented with a few questions. It is to get the conversation started. Try and keep your answers ‘conversational’, no text speak, and certainly no “basically”. This is how we all get to know each other better. While you are here feel free to tell us a story, show a picture, joke, tales of love or woe, or just add your own little bit. This is the whole point…in here it is just us.

    If you have never taken part before we may bark and bite, but we also like a cuddle! It is all done in the best possible taste and it is character building. feel free to give as good as you get.

    A few other things to note: NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS! Glasgow pub rules are in effect. If you need to make a better point then it is fine, but don’t take the piss. And always keep it civil.

    Play plenty of music to go with your work. Loud and through proper speakers. Write us a playlist of things we might not have heard before.

    Now, after all of that there is only one ‘real’ rule in here and it cannot be broken: NO DICKS! (Exceptions may be made for little fighting men with little plastic/resin/metal wieners)

    And don’t forget the highlights of the weekend: The Weekender on Friday and XLBS on Sunday. And the little show that is the unofficial Hobby Hangout over at

    ### End of shameless copy and paste ###


    • Gaming in person – are you feeling comfortably again doing it?
    • How do you look for new players after you “found” a new game/system?
    • Why did the chicken cross the road?

    And now back to the show.


    Cult of Games Member

    My pledge: meh… who cares? No, but seriously currently I don’t feel it to do anything physical. Loved the Stargrave videos and Mel coming back but build? Painting? Meh.


    • No, absolutely not. The sheer thought of being in close proximity with other games really makes me nervous… Never was the social person to begin with but currently.. nope.
    • Good question. I really don’t. I just hope that some people I know jump on the same train.
    • I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you.

    Music that I’ve been listening to these days:

    Side note: I wanted to grab the new Rammstein CD from a local electronic store only to find them closed for more then 6 weeks because the fire suppression system failed and flooded the complete store… Oo


    Cult of Games Member

    Happy weekend everyone. Its a bank holiday here in the UK so we get Monday off too.


    This week’s pledge is to finish the large demon model I’m currently painting.


    1. Gaming in person – are you feeling comfortably again doing it? – Still not doing it, though mainly because my old club meets on Tuesday evening and I prefer the unofficial hobby hangout instead.
    2. How do you look for new players after you “found” a new game/system? – Either I’ve always been introduced by someone else, or I picked systems for the models with no particular attention to play, so I’ve never done it.
    3. Why did the chicken cross the road? – Because some berk put a road in the way.

    Cult of Games Member

    Monday off? You lazy gits! 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Happy Friday erm Saturday.

    My pledge this weekend and on to next week is to start work on the Skull Swords box for the Sláine miniatures game.

    Gaming in person – are you feeling comfortably again doing it?

    I have been since last August, but only with my group, that’s four of us. I don’t frequent a club or play in a shop so no worries here.
    We all decided during lockdown that before we started gaming again we’d all need to be fully vaccinated. We have lost a few weeks here and there since, when one of us is unwell.

    How do you look for new players after you “found” a new game/system?

    I don’t. I either get my friends to play my new game (or they dive in themselves), or I go it solo.

    Why did the chicken cross the road?

    If we knew that we’d know a lot more about the nature of the universe.



    Cult of Games Member
    1. Gaming in person – are you feeling comfortably again doing it?
      Sure .. why not ?
      I do hate crowds (not Krauts 😉 ) more than I used to do, but if there’s plenty of room I don’t feel like I should avoid things.
    2. How do you look for new players after you “found” a new game/system?
      I wouldn’t know.
    3. Why did the chicken cross the road?
      to get to the other side either in the literal or metaphorical sense 😉

    I’ve been listening to the new Rammstein release too. With ‘Angst’, ‘Zick Zack’ and ‘Zeit’ they’ve got at least 3 new great videos and songs. It’s also like they’re one of the few artists left that make proper music videos like they used to do when MTV was all about the music …

    ISP decided that I ‘needed’ a new cablemodem, so I’ve been busy trying to get that thing to work like it needs.
    Net result at the moment is that my pi-hole isn’t blocking ads and thus I get to ‘enjoy’ seeing the crap again.


    Cult of Games Member

    I love the concept of the pi-hole but I know it’ll lead to problems. Already see that with just the uBlock ad blocker on certain sites…


    Cult of Games Member

    never had any problems to be honest

    it also shows how often newsletters use tracking links … which is neat as I can skip those

    I work on one simple principle : if you annoy me then you’re not worth the trouble. I’ve got better things to do than to fight with websites that abuse trackers and related quircks to gather data. So those dark pattern cookie walls (*) either result in me picking ‘reject all’ or never visiting the site again.


    (*) dark pattern : a design that pretends users have a choice, but that makes picking anything other than the desired choice as complicated as possible. The cookie wall dialogs tends to show this by making ‘accept all’ a one click option and anything else is more complex (or not as easily found).


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger some sites I was at suddenly stopped working correctly. Last case was S02E07 from Picard on Amazon. Yes, it was that specific. Everything else worked with uBlock running only Episode 7 didn’t start unless uBlock was turned off.

    In general, it’s moanday morning. Hope you lot had a nice weekend. I didn’t get anything done hobby related. Just a bit of commenting on videos and not much else.

    My gut tells me: this is going to be a looooong week for some reason.


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer when it comes to streaming sites I blame the obsessive DRM ‘protection’.

    And based on what I’ve heard I think your computer refusing to display Picard episodes may be for the best 😉

    finally sort of recovered from my belly ache I’ve been suffering from since friday.
    So yeah … definitely going to be a long week for me starting now. Not because I want to, but because I need to end things for my own health. Don’t worry … I’ll live. It’s others who may have to suffer.

    Should give me more time to hobby as it were.


    Cult of Games Member

    Well I did manage to watch Picard in the end.. and the show really goes weird…

    regarding belly ache: yeah. Hard decisions (no matter the context) can do that to you.


    Cult of Games Member

    A few formalities left to do and I can go on with my life.
    It’s weird, but I do feel like I’ve dropped a burden from my shoulders.

    I think I will be doing more hobby while doing research. Maybe spend some time on my project to hone my skills as well ?
    One door closes and another opens … or so they say.


    Cult of Games Member

    Depending on your financial situation it might be best to step away from anything work related and just do things you find enjoyment in. Just to unwind and give yourself the chance of getting better.


    Cult of Games Member

    Money isn’t *that* big a deal, except that I’d rather keep as much of it as possible because even in a best case scenario I’d be spending 90% of my savings on buying a house with little room for extras like furniture …

    My boss and I have also come to an agreement that makes it a bit easier.

    I know myself well enough that if I don’t keep a steady rythm I will have lost all track of time in a few weeks (I once almost managed to flip day/night cycle at the end of a two week holiday … ). So I need to be very careful with how I spend my time.

    Anyways … the issues resulting from the new router that my ISP forced upon me appear to have been fixed. I am annoyed that I need to run my own DHCP server just to use an alternate DNS server.

    oh … and as a bonus their is some sort of construction work going on in the appartment building, so I get all the joy of listening to hammering and drilling during the daytime. Not exactly happy fun time. I honestly don’t know why they’re doing that sort of stuff, but as my appartment is on the list as well I will have to suffer it myself too.


    Cult of Games Member

    “Just” set an alarm clock to keep your daily rhythm 😉

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