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[unofficial weekender] Hush… be quiet… I think I smell something!

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This topic contains 74 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 4 years, 7 months ago.

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    @m30wm1x decals are from Victrix (via Little Big Man) or Warlord.



    Also got another basically finished



    Cult of Games Member
    • it’s Ireland…. all 4 seasons in the same day, if not the same hour
    • NOPE, BBQ means BEER! can’t hobby when drinking beer, not if you don’t want risk serious injury or cocking something up
    • Netflix and Disney+ and maybe other illegal activities……………………….

    Cult of Games Member

    Managed to get back into painting a bit and finished of Mephiston for my Blood Angels. Full project entry here:




    Cult of Games Member

    I love the wings on that shoulder pad!


    Cult of Games Member

    They’re just one highlight over a grey base. Combined with the sculpt and applied neatly it works well.


    Cult of Games Member

    @robert Nice work continuing the tartan, after one squad of brewers I know how hard it can be to keep going with pinstriping.

    @danlee Very good looking lord of death you have yourself there.

    Finally got all of the FoW brits done, minus 2 17pdr, for my Grandad’s army. Ill try to get a project together to show the ‘in progress’ with the finished photos. Just need to do the same again for the German side of things. Not that I’m likely to get a game in person any time soon, but I might have the startings of a plan on that one too.






    Lovely stuff @danlee and @m30wm1x. I like the use of flowers as a way of identifying units, doing the same with my Germans.

    bit more fiddling done today.




    Next project is primed! A German Officer this time. Not sure what exactly to paint him as, yet, but my thought is either Artillery Officer or Luftwaffe Officer. Though for some of this week I REALLY need to work on some non-hobby stuff… 😛 I probs won’t succeed…



    So I think I’m going with Luftwaffe for the simple reason that I have another Officer in the tanker’s uniform who I plan to do as a Sturmgeschutz officer (which would be artillery). Only problem I have is some of the intricacies of Luftwaffe uniforms, specifically whether I use yellow or red waffenfarbe…though one of my reference images is Klink…so we’re probs going yellow…


    I am still amazed by the stuff you guys are kicking out and completing. Being in this community is definitely motivational. It also is a bit of a kick to tune back in and suddenly see there’ve been visitors to my project. I really hope those damn ferns come in soon because I really want to finish the project in a reasonable amount of time.

    By the by, does anyone have any copies of pointed helmets with the turban around the bottom found in the Medieval Middle East in 28mm that they’d be willing to part with? I have a separate build of a female fighter that you might find in Al-Qadim (if the setting were to be reused) that might be more interesting with some gear littered on the base. I’ve thought about sculpting the thing but not really keen on the idea as I really want to focus more on painting since I go back and forth between build/paint modes.


    @buggeroff Sailing the high seas with dark waters while drinking might be an option. There seems to be some sort of rivalry with ninjas though so be careful.


    Cheers all.. back to playing around with displays.


    Cult of Games Member

    nah get really bad sea sickness until I get my seas legs so gave up sailing 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Ugh – Hobby Gods are being less than subtle in their encouragement for me to stop what I’m doing – in the last 20 minutes I’ve had 2 pots of dropper bottle paint clog and then ejaculate their contents on my palette when the nozzle shot off, broken a mini and had both the plastic and super glue on hand run out to prevent me from doing repairs. Anyhow, some progress made!



    Just going for tabletop so from here just need to touch up a few of the oopsies and a targeted ink wash then on to the basing.

    @robert love the plaid and tartan work on your Celts. straight lines on folded cloth are not easy to manage – I tip my hat to you good Sir!

    @danlee nice work on the pale skin tone – looks properly pale/porcelain without being unrealistic. Well played.

    @horati0nosebl0wer great work so far on the base! hope your parts drop lands soon. I’ve had very mixed delivery times in the COVID-world, not that I’m complaining. None of my stuff is actually urgent 🙂

    @m30wm1x congrats on getting the Brits finished! And a nice touch themeing the force that way 🙂 Yeah a coupel of us picked up some Tanks starters but haven’t gotten around to playing yet. Time to socialise has very much been at a premium recently. (Grumble grumble, stupid real life stealing our hobby time…) 😛

    @irredeemable glad your cat is OK after it’s adventure 🙂 Nice vibrant yellow look on the robes!

    @crazyredcoat nice progress! Love the realistic looking fabric tones on the Odin mini. I do like to see minis in realistic cloth colours now and then rather than the bright heroic colours we seem to be drawn to on fantasy minis.

    @blinky465 I’m still trying to work out how to make faces look believable. I’ve got no issues painting yellow, white or black but realistic skin tones – that’s difficult. Nice bases!



    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu – I paint my faces the way Bob Ross paints his trees – 100% technique!The colours may change, the context might be different from one to the other, but the technique remains exactly the same.

    Just as he *always* starts with the dark leaf shapes at the back of the tree before doing anything else, always, always start with the eyes. And take your time. Get the eyes right. Everything else will come from that single focal point on the mini! Start with the whites of the eyes – thinned paint, just slap it in, roughly in the right place. Then, thinned black paint, draw the eyeliner. Start far away and move in, towards the eyeball. Paint the “underhang” of the eyebrow and line along the top of the cheek – repeat, getting *ever so* closer to the eye each time (don’t try to do it all in one). A vertical line of dark in each each (slightly closer to the nose on each side to avoid the googly-eyed stare) completes the eyeballs.

    Then with a thinned-down dark skin colour, turn your Alice Cooper make-up into neatly outlined eyes – as before, paint around the eyes keeping well away from the outlines at first, working ever closer inwards.

    Whack some dark skin colour on the rest of the face and, if you really must, some flesh wash; if any of it gets into your freshly painted eyes and you can wick it out quickly with a damp brush. Then with mid-tone flesh, a T-shaped line down the bridge of the nose and across the nostrils. Little triangles (points down) on each cheek. A line on each eyebrow, a swoosh across the forehead and a little line along the chin.

    A line of dark red or purple (maybe even brown) on each lip (focus on the lower lip if you have to choose one over the other) then a thin line of your chosen (brighter) lip colour to highlight. A couple of dots of your bright flesh highlight colour on the very tip of the nose, on each cheek, maybe on the chin you like, and…. bam! That’s your face done.


    The bases I made myself in Blender and laser cut some rounded rectangles on the laser cutter. I was channelling @lloyd – bases and faces FTW! They’re really only getting a basic drybrush over black primer and maybe a few edge highlights, but even then they’ll be a hundred times better than what I’ve been pretending I can get away with to date 😉





    @evilstu I always prefer natural colours, particularly on Historicals. I’m counting Odin as a Historical, though at this point I am not unconvinced that Fenrir has howled and Ragnarok has begun…so maybe he’s a Present Day? 😛 Even with my 40k stuff I prefer more dour tones with some bright high points.

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