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[unofficial weekender] Hush… be quiet… I think I smell something!

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This topic contains 74 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 4 years, 7 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    This week’s pledge is to play another solo game of Arena: The Contest. I’ve played two so far and feel I might be getting into it.

    I also want to finish painting Mephiston for my Blood Angels. I’m about half way through but its really hard to get any painting time at the moment. My kids’ routines are totally shot and they’re not going to bed these days until 10:30. Its preventing me from getting any time for hobby.


    1. How is the weather in your part of the world? – It was great up until a couple of days ago, then its been raining quite a bit recently. Looking like it will get sunny again soon though.
    2. Miniature painting and BBQ. Can you do both simultaneously? – Probably not, nor would I want to. I don’t paint outside because the paint dries up and I don’t do barbecues because it takes too long to prepare/cook the food.
    3. How many streaming services are currently subscribed to? 4: Youtube Premium (to get rid of the toy adverts when my kids watch), Netflix (for Star Trek), Disney Plus (my wife bought it for the kids), Amazon Prime (my wife bought it for the better shipping on Amazon purchases).


    So I started basecoating the areas on my Tommy for some Contrast paints and I realised that he kind of looks like he’s wearing trainers… Reminds me of some reenactors from back in the day when I worked at a historical site…


    Have some mildly relevant Sabaton, too!


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey Team, hope everybody’s well 🙂 @sundancer thanks for hosting!

    Been stupidly busy with work etc so hobby has been pushed to the side of late so thought I would jump in this week and make a pledge in the hopes of actually getting some progress made…


    – How is the weather in your part of the world? Cold. Southern hemisphere winter and far away from the coast, combined with clear nights means it was down to close to 5 below this week. Topping out at the 12-14 mark so pleasant enough once the sun is up and doing it’s thing but early morning starts are a bit more brisk than I’d ideally like. Means any outside stuff (either gardening or hobby related) gets pushed back until it’s warmed up a little.

    – Miniature painting and BBQ. Can you do both simultaneously? Possibly?… I have known issues with rinsing my brushes out in my coffee so I’d probably prefer a bit of distance between the BBQ and gaming table personally. Although now that you mention it, using BBQ tongs to push counters around an old-timey command style map could be fun…

    – How many streaming services are currently subscribed to? Two (I’m assuming OTT counts as I watch it more than any other form of media; although of course it feels more like a community than a platform so maybe the use of the term ‘media’ isn’t quite appropriate…).

    Pledge: To get some progress made on my Slaneesh daemons that I was supposed to be doing for the Spring challenge (Yup, missed the boat there…). Still, would like to get them painted up so I can move them to the basing stage and start to look at more historicals. So please feel free to mock and point and jeer at me if I do not make progress this week – I do need to get them finished before work gets really busy in 3 or 4 weeks… 🙂

    @sundancer sounds to me like you have good hobby weather at the moment, although I may be slightly biased 😉

    @robert been liking the progress on the Celts, and the tartan too 🙂 Can see that a change may be due though given all the progress you have made.

    @blinky465 nice prints! wow, love the detail in not-Gandalf’s beard and not-Galadriel’s hair too

    @flatbattery oooh fun looking project ahead of you there.

    @horationoseblower oooh really like the basing! Hope you are recovering ok and all your bits are loosening up once more.

    @m30wm1x Nice work on the FOW 🙂 I’ll confess I was half-tempted to get the new starters and revisit my earlier efforts form back in 2nd edition but I have enough on the to do list for now, and I probably don’t really need to add 15mm scale to the list as well… Yours looks great though!

    @limburger Oooh Oak & Iron! On a bit of a 17th century reading binge at the moment (mainly 30 years war…); strikes me that that could integrate into some campaign games nicely.

    @crazyredcoat Arctic? that just sounds unpleasantly cold to the likes of I 😉 Have personally had mixed success using the contrasts on historicals. I’ve found it is handy for packs and things but I prefer a little more control over the colours on uniforms that I can seem to obtain than when using the contrasts.

    @danlee I’m inferring the kids are presently too young to be handed brushes and set to work then? 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    sounds to me like you have good hobby weather at the moment, although I may be slightly biased

    It’s ok’ish but still my time is very restricted. But tonight my dear Watson, tonight! There will be hobby. *muahahaha*


    And it will be horrible XD




    ready for varnishing tomorrow. Going to drill out some gun barrels now. Yeah!!  Woohoo!



    Did this while cooking the tea… not BBQ, Bolognese…



    Cult of Games Member

    “Freedom! Ya gits!”



    @evilstu I tend to use the Contrast on black areas and skin, and it works pretty well. This time round I tried to use the Black Templar over Leadbelcher on the Sten. It kind of worked to look like blued steel, but I think I would need to thin the paint a bit in the future (but I don’t have any of the medium right now).

    Also finished up my WW2 Sergeant. More angles of the mini are on the project page, but here’s a sort of front facing pic!




    I stripped paint from my old metal Battletech miniatures so those and 8 plastic mniatures from current boxed set are my ongoing project.

    1. It has switching between been sunny and rainy. So really we have had similar weather to typical British weather.

    2. Well it might be possible with some practice but I sure won’t be able to do that.

    3.  Currently none. Besides I have had so much things to do that I wouldn’t had time to watch anything really.


    Cult of Games Member

    hmmm … I thought today my Oak&Iron kickstarter stuff would be available for pickup, but I suspect that due to Covid-19 and the way the delivery service used works that didn’t happen.

    I don’t mind waiting a bit extra, but I was expecting weekend delivery to still be possible.

    Anyways … I also got a mail telling me that something from Monolith is heading my way.
    It doesn’t say what, but the one of the tracking id’s in the mail starts with ‘BATKS2…’ so that could be the season 2 Batman bits.

    I think I remember watching this series on German tv (ZDF?) :

    This one needs to be a skirmish/rpg of some kind :

    Is there anything like Frostgrave and ‘Rangers of Shadow Deep’ out there for a more modern setting ?


    Getting some more stuff done and a pic soon.

    @m30m1x The forces you have there read well for FoW. The touches of red really set the Brits off from just being a blob of uninteresting green.

    @limburger Lazy? Good sir that spinning cooking thing you speak of is called rotisserie from where we get shwarma. No no, that is divine food. We even know this from the after credits scene in The Avengers. I agree that the wait for packages is a pain in the butt. I fired a volley of the Gift Cannon a while ago and minis I sent to Wales got there while poor Pundancer in Germany has yet to receive his. Now for music I do remember watching Tour of Duty. After the end Youtube suggested the Airwolf theme and I couldn’t help but remember the videogame for the Commodore 64.

    @robert The highlight to the cloak is good. I’d say if you can read it from afar on the tabletop then you’ve done it right. Tiny fighting men are difficult enough to see sometimes and the extra visual punch just amazes the eyeballs to register where they are. Those shields are just the kind of thing to do it to as well as the mullet coiffed Celt in loud pants (just remember plaid does not go with stripes).

    @crazyredcoat Always good to hear that there’s work going on somewhere in the background. Seeing that first picture all I can think of initially was Afro Samurai. “AFRO!!!!”. The final shot really makes it and I applaud the mini.

    @danlee Youch! I’m in a similar situation with kiddo timing. I’ve been adopted into my boss’ home as a part of the family and his two sons are more than happy to watch tv in their room ‘til about the same time. In catching them when they try to sneak by my room to the bathroom I remind them to go to sleep.

    @evilstu Sweet Merciful Booby Bouncing Buddha! You’re Alive!!!! Yep, you’re in winter as those read as temps close to what we get here by me. Now about those tongs… go for a metal spatula like the one for baccarat. It would be great to use as a substitute to flip burgers with. On the subject of Slaanesh forces I’d like to see that. I’ll be bothering somebody about a box set of the Khorne/Slaanesh here soon. Speaking of that particulary Chaos god my bits are not a part of conversation when speaking of loosening. I think that there is much fear that should be had from what kind of temptations there are and shouldn’t be. It reminds me of a little bit of fluff I wrote thinking about a Chaos ship that was warped by Slaaneshi influence.

    @mecha82 Ahh.. the old Ironwind Metals stuff. That and the tech manuals have a special place in my nostalgia alongside Robotech (which lead to “The Unseen”). The release of Battletech as the original turn-based game after all the Mechwarrior releases just hits me in the feels. I wonder what those harlequin patterns might look like at the 25mm scale.

    Music to wrap your ears in oddity and chill the hell out by


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer that spinning cooking thing is not BBQ

    that requires charred coal instead of just gaspowered flame.

    it’s the stuff you can’t make burn faster or hotter without risking the revenge of Darwin


    Cult of Games Member

    A bit of progress made – Still need to do a full pass over all the minis of oily steel for weapons, metallic purple on details, another top-coat on the steeds, skeleton bone on to all the protrusions and spikes, targeted black in k wash and then a final detail pass and work on the characters. But closer to finished than I was at the start of the weekend at least 🙂



    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu yes they are too young at the moment. Having them around while I try to either paint or play a game just leads to rapidly increasing stress levels.

    @horati0nosebl0wer I always depended on the kids being asleep and out of the way to get the paints out or setup a boardgame. Right now we’re lucky if we can contain them in their room before 9 and they’re still bouncing off the walls until late. Last night I think we fell asleep before they did. I thought I might try waking up early instead, but I felt too tired and new that if I got up early to do hobby and then was tired later in the day my wife would not be happy about it.



    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer yeah the ‘moral corruption’ angle is interesting and a bit difficult to really work in to miniatures gaming. Works really well for RPG’s though. Most of the time you don’t even need to push the party in that direction – just line up the goodly low level characters and watch them turn into merciless killers motivated purely by greed and self-interest by the time they hit mid-levels… 🙂

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