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[unofficial weekender] He did what?

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This topic contains 54 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  horati0nosebl0wer 4 years, 3 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Stepper motors are nice. But they’re massive. And the little tiny ones aren’t really much use for tabletop/miniatures (a single “step” being a whole quarter turn in many cases, meaning they zip round way to fast to be useful for very much).

    The 28BJY stepper motor, however, is fully geared. Something like 4092:1 (I know!) So it takes 4092 steps to do one complete revolution.

    Now, all you base-2 nerds out there will immediately spot that when multiplying up by two, 256 becomes 512, becomes 1024, then 2048 and finally 4096. But I found, in practice, that these little things take a few steps under 4096 for a complete revolution. It’s hardly noticeable (though if you left one spinning for a few minutes, you’d notice that it’s stopping position would not be the same as the start position, if you rotated it in multiples of 4096 steps).

    All this is by-the-by really. It’s just a great little stepper motor. And because it’s so heavily geared (inside the stepper motor is teeny-tiny and only has about 8 steps per revolution) it runs really quietly and can be driven pretty slowly. Which makes it great for a slow moving gantry, for example.

    Here’s a quick and dirty laser-cut framework for a moving Jabba’s throne (to reveal the drop into the Rancor Monster pit). @avernos said no golden buttons without audio and movement. I thought I’d cracked it with my Knight Rider/KITT project (currently on hiatus) but since I’ve been having such fun painting up Star Wars characters, I thought I’d add a bit of life to my Jabba’s Palace diorama instead (or maybe as well….)


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer :wave: nice to see you! Next time bring biscuits. And photos of your necromunda terrain!


    Ok… I had to share because I think my boss is nuts in wanting to build a model version of the office space he envisions. Of course, me being the known gamer and nerd, I was given a task of building said model. I have no idea on creating true to scale modeling architecture but I really think its just a means of making me busy and using my hobby interests. Do people really need  model terrain setups for reasons other than tiny fighting men?


    Cult of Games Member

    Yup. I’ve worked with quite a few architects in the past to create scale models of their artist impressions. I’ve also worked with museums to put fancy lights and motorised doors and things into displays. Museums love tiny little models as well as the big lumpy stuff (though almost all of them go weak at the knees if you can incorporate a Raspberry Pi for some reason!).

    In fact, I think Ben from 4Ground mentioned this a while ago – tiny fighting men is only a part of his business.


    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465 has beaten me with the two main examples that jumped to mind.

    Scale models are also used in a testing environments like wave tanks and wind tunnels from an engineering and design perspective. There’s a lot more digital simulation these days, but the physical simulation systems are still used.




    Per the deafening roar of @blinky465 and his command from on high that there be pictures of my progress on the Necromuda I provide evidence as I dug into storage to get my table 2’x3′ hobby mat. I also am happy to report that all minis meant for overseas travel are now on their way as @rayzryr should expect his packet of peace to arrive… ehhh…. probably next spring if @sundancer is any measure of global postal transportation.

    Note: Remember, play with your balls when you’re bored and sitting on the front stoop. Just don’t get dizzy while doing so

    I imagine this was inspired by Kung Pow Enter the Fist

    When oompaloompas meet Kraftwerk

    Now as far as other weirdness I offer out to all here, @avernos and @warzan especially, the following.


    Cult of Games Member

    Mörnings… I like the calipers


    Cult of Games Member

    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer and the biscuits…?


    @blinky465 ::nudges empty box of cookies away with foot and brushes crumbs from mustache::: I’ll be sure to bring them next time

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