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[unofficial weekender] Happy Easter! Sweet bunnies and big eggs!

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This topic contains 37 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 4 years, 10 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465 “I replaced mine with two tonnes of pea shingle a few years back.” I suggested to my wife that replacing all the grass with concrete and green paint would look the same and would be much nicer for the eye…

    …went as well as any married man should expect XD


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer – my wife loved it; she’s always been a fan of large, ornate pots (I’m sure it’s just because it gives her an excuse to buy ever more plants, every year!) and loves the (relatively) low maintenance. I fear your green paint idea might have scuppered things for you 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    So I got my gun printed, assembled and wired up.

    I’ll be honest, it’s not as impressive as I’d hoped. But at least I’ve got my pledge for next week – to get it (and all the replacement guns for it) painted. So some good has come out of it. Bring it on, @sundancer, I’m a day early and ready for your next weekender 😉

    Write up here:


    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465 but why are breadbords called breadboards? Also: Patience!


    Cult of Games Member

    I think it’s something to do with the old days of wire-wrapping (when test circuits were made by wrapping wires around little pins). I’m guessing those pins used to be nailed into actual wooden board? I don’t know. I may have even just made all that up. But I’m fairly certain it harks back to the days before PCBs and when circuits were actually made from wires.


    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky I just found this

    This terminology goes waaaaay back to the days of vacuum tubes.
    Generally, you would mount a number of tube-sockets on standoffs to a piece of wood (the actual “breadboard”), and do all the wiring with point-point wire and the components just hanging between the various devices.
    If you needed additional connection points, you would use a solder-lug terminal strip.

    Sounds reasonable to me


    I got to my storage unit early in the week and dug a fair way in before being frozen out. My mini stuff is too far back in the lot of stuff and stepping over unstable things isn’t the best idea. I will forego the base build until later. In the meantime I have gotten more commission work so it will be good to get off my butt and paint. I have my beloved furball back in my care so cat love makes the mobile life interesting.

    @woldenspoons I’m taking care of myself on this end of the world. You stay out of too much trouble on that one. There’s too much going on to avoid being out of it completely. A side note, try out New Vegas in the Fallout 4 engine. I’ve seen good stuff as the graphics are a great overhaul for a solid story. Once again, a product before its time like Ico or Shadow of the Colossus.

    @crazyredcoat I had a good time painting my own dreadnought and found the easy build kit a little disappointing as it lacked the grenade launcher and opening hatch. I was glad to have the experience since I played with some of my metallic paint and learned the build. I hope to get another, a full kit with full price tag, and have a Star Phantom piece modded. Seeing what’s possible with 3D prints and considering what is possible by hand makes me think it best to put some sketches for custom parts. I look forward to seeing what you’ll come up with.

    @dawfydd I saw the figure and thought a 28mm scale robot of doom, the likes of a robot from the movie Megamind, would be fun. The transparent canopy can be removed with the screws and it just needs a “pilot” put inside. I have the gobs from the scrap tanks I bought from Kromlech somewhere that might be fun to put inside.

    @sundancer Painting rocks… one of the classic punishments of military history. If you try to process that in the weird way we all do just think about that in your military days. If I’d subjected any subordinates to it I’d hand out miniature painting brushes.

    @blinky465 Wow…. again what can be done with our hobby and tech. It makes me think of all the Gundam modders


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer when I was in the military we didn’t paint rock…. we send them down in the hall to all the vehicles and make them do oil changes on the trucks and fun things like that 😉

    IT’S FRIDAY! New thread here:


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