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[unofficial weekender] Happy Easter! Sweet bunnies and big eggs!

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This topic contains 37 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 4 years, 8 months ago.

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    I put up my Project! I am very out of practice with navigating online forums and text styles… The pictures are not all that great, but I’m working on replacing those that I can when I can. Unfortunately the lighting at home today is not the greatest and it’s beginning to get a bit dark now. Ah well, they will be updated as they can be.



    @crazyredcoat nice one. Don’t forget a free pop of posting a link to your project.


    Cult of Games Member

    You lot really do nice progress… to my shame, I haven’t done any hobby. Today I was with my daughter in the living room, reading all day and now I’m exhausted while she’s in bed. Tomorrow a normal work week starts for me so no rest for the wicked 😉

    Maybe a bit more Fallout 4 tonight



    @woldenspoons I never even thought about posting a link. Here it is: The pictures aren’t all the best, but I wanted to get the catch-up bit all set up, so I will slowly change the pics for better one (I’ve already done it with a few things there).

    @sundancer This is the most hobby I’ve done in years, so don’t fret! I’m also playing a lot of Fallout lately, let’s just say it counts as hobby. 😛

    I have a Redemptor Dreadnought in the works at the moment. I’m hoping to maybe do a bit of a step-by-step in my Project, but the pictures may also find there way here.


    @biggabum Always good to see you about. Very swank setup for the gaming. I should have a package out your way soon. I found I had packed it among the minis I’ve been dragging along with me. Funny what you find when opening random boxes stuffed into the car.

    @woldenspoons If you want to make things even more dramatic for your table drop one of those Arachnaroks down. Mother of All Nightmare Spiders indeed. I think I have your package of stuff from last year in storage. I’ll check and get back to you.

    @sundancer Lol.. yardwork did the man in and now he has to raise himself from the dead for work that’s going to kill him again. Toss it all in and make minis your vocation! I’d do that myself if I could. By the by the long awaited package might soon be on its way. Overtime hours have been kind to me.

    @damon The calls your mom in law makes sounds like me with me dad on the weekends. I can say that the old bugger has been working with me to get his laptop up and running. Congrats to him that between two phone calls and 3 hrs worth of time I was able to talk him through Windows 8 to get his wifi connected and get him to copy of photos onto a thumb drive. Now to talk him through IE to get him updated to Windows 10 **shudder**

    @dawfydd Ever the mass builder of GW plastic hordes. As a fan of Transformers would you take on a modification project? I picked up a robot that is part of some kids show and thought it would be cool to repaint/add bits to. Since I have no workbench I think you’d be the best fit for playing around modding it. If you have one of those Greenstuffworld rollers added cables would probably be neat. Due to the moving I’ve taken it from the packaging.





    Well, this is today’s work. The full collection of images got posted to my project, but he’s how far my Dread has gotten so far!


    Cult of Games Member

    I had another session with Tainted Grail last night and got through two and a bit chapters (admittedly they were short ones). Full write up here:



    I’m intrigued @woldenspoons – what are you looking to turn that blighter into?



    @horati0nosebl0wer always nice to have a clear out. Hope you are staying safe.

    @crazyredcoat Dreadnought looks good buddy.

    @dawfydd erm, I’m turning it into a Space Marine Repulsor. Crazy I know.

    I play Fallout 76. A lot. Any of you play it.? On xbox.



    @woldenspoons sorry dude, my bad – meant to ask that question of @horati0nosebl0wer – wot you looking to convert him into dude?


    Cult of Games Member

    @woldenspoons I played Fallout 76 pretty solidly for the first year it was out on PC. My interest flagged once I’d explored the entire map and done every quest. I’m going to get back into it soon now that wastelanders is out.


    Cult of Games Member

    I tried Fallout 76 when it was new…. nope, not mine. Fallout is a universe that is best experienced (IMHO) as “lone wanderer”. I don’t dare to add all the hours I spent in Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4…. I guesstimate aprox +2.000 hours.


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer I agree. I played the whole thing ignoring other players (in the rare occasions when I encountered them) and played everything solo. The only time that didn’t work was the end boss fight. The story was average and linear at best, but the world you could explore was on-par with the other Fallout games.


    I have 976 hours in Fallout 4 alone, the others pre-date my Steam account so didn’t count my hours for me.



    I also played Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4. A lot.

    Fallout 76 had some issues but there is always something new to discover or do. Even more the case now Wastelands is here.


    Cult of Games Member

    Wow. It’s Wednesday already. A day and a half to get my pledge made and completed? That’ll be cutting it fine.

    I’m working on some electronics-y stuff – actually, quite a lot of different things (from the new project to some playable gameboards, to LED-fitted miniatures for painting contests, to stepper motor-driven gun turrets….) so I should really pledge to get at least something finished before the weekend.

    I printed this guy from Monstrous Encounters (I’ve spent a fortune on Patreon since the start of this month – if my furlough money doesn’t come through in a few weeks, as promised, I’m going to have some explaining to do when my wife wants to know why I’m reluctant to go out and do the shopping!)


    It’s some kind of gun turret tripod thingy. It seemed impossible to just print and paint it. So I dug out some tiny little stepper motors (I may have salvaged from a printer or a flatbed scanner or something in the past) and mounted the turret on top of one. I’ve got until tomorrow night to get it moving under it’s own steam (ok, under 5v from a usb port, but you get the idea).


    So. Lawns eh? I replaced mine with two tonnes of pea shingle a few years back. Plants look pretty in pots and you can move them about as the weather dictates. I’m happy never have to cut a lawn again, thanks.

    Totally missed out on chocolate this year. My wife and I have been taking the virus pretty seriously (not like everyone isn’t – but some are a little more cavalier than others). We go out only when absolutely necessary. So had to make do with Rich Tea biscuits instead. (spoiler alert to anyone else considering it – don’t; they’re shit).

    I’ve been speaking to family more in the last few weeks than I have in the last ten years. It’s been quite nice. It’s the one thing I’m going to try to keep doing once all this is over (that, and not working – I’m trying not to have to go back to work, but sodding bills and stuff keep getting in the way).

    I thought I’d have loads of time not just for current hobbies, but to try one or two others. Now I’m terrified we’ll get the all clear and have to go back to work and I’ve not done half of what I wanted to get done!


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