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This topic contains 44 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 10 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    ### Start of shameless copy and paste ###

    First time visitor to OTT? Then please introduce yourself in the New Member Thread and look around in the Project System. Then come back and read on…

    Read all of this before you start as it will save you any trouble later.

    First thing you must do is make your “pledge”. It can be anything gaming related, big or small, and you don’t even have to finish it. No, in here, happiness is the road. Have fun doing whatever it is, but it is not a race. Accompany your work with pictures or we might think you are do something sinister and just using us for cover.

    You are also presented with a few questions. It is to get the conversation started. Try and keep your answers ‘conversational’, no text speak, and certainly no “basically”. This is how we all get to know each other better. While you are here feel free to tell us a story, show a picture, joke, tales of love or woe, or just add your own little bit. This is the whole point…in here it is just us.

    If you have never taken part before we may bark and bite, but we also like a cuddle! It is all done in the best possible taste and it is character building. feel free to give as good as you get.

    A few other things to note: NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS! Glasgow pub rules are in effect. If you need to make a better point then it is fine, but don’t take the piss. And always keep it civil. This includes no philosophy, no home computer culture wars.

    Play plenty of music to go with your work. Loud and through proper speakers. Write us a playlist of things we might not have heard before.

    Now, after all of that there is only one ‘real’ rule in here and it cannot be broken: NO DICKS! (Exceptions may be made for little fighting men with little plastic/resin/metal wieners)

    And don’t forget the highlights of the weekend: The Weekender on Friday and XLBS on Sunday. And the little show that is the unofficial Hobby Hangout over at

    ### End of shameless copy and paste ###

    Question of the week:

    • Should tell when you don’t like something? Under almost every article on OTT is a finishing phrase like “Are you tempted to dive Daggerheart a go?”. Should you answer that question even if it’s negative?
    • Guards! Guards! – Would a Discworld skirmish game work? Or is the setting just for RPG?

    And now back to the show.


    Cult of Games Member

    The pledge is: To give my best in tomorrow interview on the Crown of Command YouTube channel! No idea what’s going to happen 8) And may paint some stuff.


    • Discworld – I can only see it as an RPG of sorts. I don’t know how a miniature wargaming game would work. Change my mind! 😉
    • I always want to tell but at the same time I don’t want to be a negative nancy. Then again every interaction is good interaction for the site and make “line go up”. But do we really need that? Part of me says yes because I think it’s vital for some people to see “I’m not alone in not liking the hot new game”. Helps keep the FOMO at bay I think. You mileage may vary 8)

    No music today but a YouTube link for your convenience 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    This weekend’s pledge is:  Play MCP this Saturday.  Hopefully get a little painting in over the weekend.

    Should tell when you don’t like something? Under almost every article on OTT is a finishing phrase like “Are you tempted to dive Daggerheart a go?”. Should you answer that question even if it’s negative?

    It depends, I am always for adding to a conversation, you gain nothing from an echo room.  So replying no and a thought out reason is helpful to a conversation, just saying no isn’t.  For instance I am about to reply no to the following question, and why.

    Guards! Guards! – Would a Discworld skirmish game work? Or is the setting just for RPG?

    No, mainly because I have the same skepticism of any IP based game.  If you are not going to add anything to the setting what is the point?  I am more skeptical of a RPG than a skirmish game though.  It comes down to why should I buy a ruleset for something that there is perfectly good rulesets that would allow me to do the same thing.  We will probably never get another West End Games Starwars where the RPG manufacturer was basically given cart blanch to expand the universe as needed to make the RPG work.  I say this all while my hobby pledge is to go play an IP based skirmish game….so….



    Pledge is to get some painting done during my week off.

    Negative comments can be helpful as it can encourage conversation that may convince the naysayer that they are wrong.

    I owned the gurps version of discworld and found it difficult to run as it’s hard to write comedy.

    Discworld as a skirmish game seems pointless as without the humour a discworld skirmish game is just a skirmish game.


    Cult of Games Member

    This weekend’s pledge is to organize my backlog of hobby stuff and get it into new storage. As a bonus if I get everything organized and put away then I’m going to get started on one of them. Early spring cleaning if you will.

    1. In regards to this question I think it is find to add your opinion to a conversation but remember that it is that, your opinion and it will defer from others. The rule I go by with online comments is if what I’m posting isn’t adding value to the conversation then I don’t need to post. It helps keep my opinion constructive rather than just being negative or positive.
    2. Guards! Guards! – Will be curious what they do but I think with something like Discworld a narrative objective based skirmish game could certainly work. I think the game will made or broke by those that organize individual games much like a GM would for a tabletop RPG. I love Discworld but this likely won’t be aimed at fans like me.

    Cult of Games Member

    Pledge:: Buying new furniture .  I have my eye on a new furniture edition to my hobby studio.  It may solve my center table filling up problem.  Maybe……  If I buy it tomorrow I’ll try to post some pictures.


    Questions of the week:

    1)  Should you post when you don’t like something? Under almost every article on OTT is a finishing phrase like “Are you tempted to give Daggerheart a go?”. Should you answer that question even if it’s negative?
    2)    Guards! Guards! – Would a Discworld skirmish game work? Or is the setting just for RPG?


    Answers ::

    1)  Replying if you don’t like something is <b>OK</b> as long as you are civil and explain why.  BUT, at least for me, the complaint that something is bad because it’s too expensive is not a reason to call an item bad.  I always look at it this way,  ‘if the item was free would I be interested in it?  Would I have need of it?  Would it benefit my hobby?  Also, it really puts me off when something is not of the Poster’s artistic flavor and then instead of just saying, “This art style is not for me”, they proceed to stand on their soap box and spout why their choice of art is much better and almost holy in comparison to ” this thing “, and that they are a better person for their choice of art!  (I’ll get off my soapbox now) ?


    2)  Could a “Discworld skirmish game work” ?  I usually don’t think of skirmish games as comedic.  Never tried one so I’ll not pass judgement at this time.  BUT   I think that an RPG of Discworld is possible as long as your players are comedic by nature.


    PS……I do like Daggerheart!  I’m already incorporating parts of it into a current RPG campaign.


    Cult of Games Member

    I see all your takes on “negative” aren’t really “don’t be negative” but something like “point out things that might be broken/not working for you but don’t pretend to be better”.  I’ll have a think about how my “not for me” response can be rephrased into something “useful” oder expanded upon to have some more meaning.

    Discworld remains a thing to be judged once it’s done.

    Speaking of done: I’ve done a thing and backed a kickstarter.

    Lovely metal minis that have the look of the Bakshi movie.

    Now I need to prepare myself for my 15 minutes of Internet Fame on the Crown Of Command Podcast. And make a coffee.



    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer I had a look at that Kickstarter and I “Like” the skeletons a bunch.  I could see those in the rotation for my fantasy RPGs. ??



    1. Constructive criticism.

    2. I’ve seen various Discworld boardgames and RPG’s, but haven’t heard much else. Comedy might work as a CYOA book. Comedy, when written well, has an element of surprise, and CYOA’s should have that. At the same time, the protagonist often suffers the jokes. So when you make the *reader* the protagonist, as in a CYOA, they can be put in a tension between choosing the “right” answer which may not be funny or even backfire (because that’s another comedy trope), or choosing the “wrong” answer and finding out that, yep, that was the wrong idea, alright!



    I’m curious how many people here have read many full Discworld novels, a lot of the responses are something along the lines of “you can’t play humour” The Discworld stories are fantasy stories and while sometimes there are humourous comments the setting and stories themselves aren’t.

    It would be like saying you can’t play a western skirmish game because Clint’s character(s) sometimes made a joke.

    The Discworld is at the end of the day just another fantasy setting, the last time I checked there are plenty of other fantasy games out there that people enjoy playing, GoT fans haven’t complained about the lack of fucking on the tabletop for example.


    Cult of Games Member

    I think the difference is: even though there are bigger stories in the novels the fun and laughter they bring is what remains in memory. It’s comic relief of the highest degree. Thinking about “Rising steam” and “Monstrous Regiments”. Those stories when stripped of the laughter are dark as flock. But people remember the fun they had while reading. I guess that’s what made Terry such a writing genius. And repacking that as a game is the difficult part (I think) when you are not keeping to established characters. Maybe it just needs someone of the writing genius level that Terry had to make it work.

    I really try to imagine a game of sorts for the Discworld but I fail in every attempt. But then again I know I’m a terrible writer. I might have a great idea but I lack the talent to weave a tale from one spark.



    @avernos I’ve read around 30 Discworld novel and did try running a campaign with gurps, but it didn’t last long.

    I didn’t like gurps rules set and it did not fit Discworld well in my opinion…

    Prachett wrote comedic situations, not gags.

    My biggest concern with modiphius doing Discworld is that they will probably just do another 2d20 variant and although the system is ok… it’s not great.

    It may end up as just a generic fantasy system set in discworld and if that’s the case it seems pointless. Pratchett fans will know more than enough about Discworld to use an existing rules system to run a campaign set there. Those unfamiliar with Discworld may just run it as straight fantasy and not appreciate the setting fluff.

    But that’s just my opinion.


    Cult of Games Member

    This week’s pledge is (still) to finish my goblin. Should be easy to do since I finished the base about 20 minutes ago. I just have to photograph it and write up my project entry for how it was painted.


    • Should tell when you don’t like something? Under almost every article on OTT is a finishing phrase like “Are you tempted to dive Daggerheart a go?”. Should you answer that question even if it’s negative? – I’ve done so once or twice. It would always be polite constructive feedback rather than a straight “this looks rubbish”. My “rubbish” could be a great game for someone else.
    • Guards! Guards! – Would a Discworld skirmish game work? Or is the setting just for RPG? – I only ever read one book, which may not even count (it was the popular science spin off that just happened to have Discworld characters in it). I played the old Rincewind RPG point and click PC game back in the late 90’s and really enjoyed it though. I can’t see why it wouldn’t work for a skirmish game though. Anything with some form of conflict should be able to form a skirmish game.

    Cult of Games Member

    first full weekend of 1:1 scale terrain done 🙂

    And as they say : “Fischer Duo Plugs for the win ”

    Finished my Kallax 4×2 builds that will form the basis of my wargaming table. The Scandawegian store also sells a set of legs for these. Not quite sure if the height is good, but time will tell.

    I think I shall attempt to paint some doors, doorframes and walls next time I’m at my new place.
    Need paint, but I’ve got a fairly good idea as to what colour scheme I want to try.


    (1) Should tell when you don’t like something? Under almost every article on OTT is a finishing phrase like “Are you tempted to dive Daggerheart a go?”. Should you answer that question even if it’s negative?
    I’d say that lame negative comments are as bad as lame positive ones.
    Not sure if people need prompts to add their opinions to a news post … but that’s just me.

    (2) Guards! Guards! – Would a Discworld skirmish game work? Or is the setting just for RPG?

    I’m not a fan of trying to convert one medium to another. It can work, but usually it’s not as good as the source material.

    Not sure how a skirmish game would work, unless it was something that wasn’t purely combat focused. The guards of whatever skirmish game does sound like something that could be adapted to Discworld.

    RPG is tricky too. I’d argue that there are too many known characters each linked to their own stories that makes interacting with them tricky. It’d be like trying to meet Gandalf or the dwarves in Lord of the Rings.  You need a big enough blank canvas so you can avoid “important” npc’s and events while still capturing the theme of the source material.

    I’d also argue that it needs a rpg system that can handle the theme. GURPS always sounded like a counterintuitive choice for a setting like this.

    Paranoiia (early versions) and The Monty Python RPG both achieve this by focussing on the absurdity of the subject and making it part of the rules and gameplay. Maybe a Discworld themed RPG should be a bit more like that ?
    Free League Publishing appear to be adept at adapting their system to various licenses, but I’m not sure if they could handle Discworld.

    I wonder if an adapted version of the “Toon” rpg could work.



    you say that but it’s not true, he didn’t write comedic plays, he wrote novels that were sometimes humorous.

    A police procedural that had elements of T2, a novel about time travel that revisited an early formative period. There is nothing written expressly to be funny. There are humourous elements but at no point did Terry write a comedy.

    I’m frankly baffled why people think it needs to be funny to be a Discworld adventure. nothing he has written, be it a story about breaking tradition or a story about racism has ever been pitched as only comedic. If you take the comedy away the story and the world remain and so it would be with either an RPG or a skirmish game, if the GM or players want to inject humour they can or can’t depending on their preference

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