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[unofficial weekender] Goodbye 2024

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This topic contains 42 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 17 hours, 28 minutes ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Day 2 of 2025.

    I have coffee. A day to myself and no clue what to do first.

    Maybe drink coffee first before it gets cold.


    Cult of Games Member

    first work day of 2025 survived …

    I feel sloooow. Like monday, but worse ?
    At least there’s only one more day ’til the weekend 🙂

    If all things go to plan my TTCombat bits will arrive tomorrow (friday).

    Technically the hobby room still isn’t finished, so I probably will spend all weekend getting things set up.
    Not sure if I can get some hobby done, but we’ll see.
    The only question is … which project am I going to start first?

    Besides … getting the hobby room done still counts as hobby. 😀



    Cult of Games Member

    Start working on a Thursday. That’s odd.

    I’ll be back in the office on Monday. 🙂

    And I did some hobby. Cleaned the room some more and build the Bot War Leviathan 8)



    My Bolt Action order arrived for use in my Achtung Dad’s Army game… and I may create a Dad’s Army unit for 7TV too.

    In addition to the Operation Sea Lion Enemy Agents and Defenders of the Realm I bought this…


    Warlord also threw in a freebie… a sprue of 5 Napoleonic miniatures which I have no need for, but now it gives me an excuse to buy Silver Bayonet I guess.


    Cult of Games Member

    We need excuses to buy minis and games? oO Oh noes, I’m in trouble!




    The excuse is there to make me feel less guilty about adding to the pile of plastic.

    Are we getting a Weekender this week?


    Cult of Games Member

    Are we getting a Weekender this week?

    I don’t know. Maybe? I’d hope so.


    @pagan8th and @limburger There is a little game called Turnip28 that is very much in line with Napoleonics. From what I see and hear there is more than a little bit of opportunity to kitbash. (chuckles quietly in evil tones). I think that one more game with opportunity to draw from the bits collection is always handy, that is unless you’re already playing an ork army.

    @sundancer Work beginning just now? Sounds like a treat to me.  The trade off of office work and access to fresh hot coffee versus outdoor stuff.

    I think we might be getting fresh Weekender as the community awards were canned and loaded to give the crew breathing room.

    Finished up two units lastnight and doing the last details for a third today. (pics soon). Starting things with finishing things is good. Looking at when I started the army is a good hard limit. Making things faster has been helpful to consider competency.

    Anybody else see their own benchmarks of speed progressing positively?


    Cult of Games Member

    Anybody else see their own benchmarks of speed progressing positively?

    Not me gov’ner. One week I’m revving up to 9000rpm and then for months 800rpm idle (if any rpm’s at all!)




    I paint when I’m in the mood and having a deadline helps.

    Weather not ideal for painting as very cold. Discovered the hard way a few years that if you varnish when it’s cold you can get a frosty look that requires a layer of gloss varnish followed by another matt (and warm environment) to fix.

    I painted more stuff in 2024, but that’s because I forced myself into a project to complete the Mythic Battles: Pantheon Pandora’s Box.


    Cult of Games Member

    I can’t say my speed has improved greatly but my consistency has.  I have really tried to work at my table at least 15 minutes a day and have largely succeeded.  This has made me focus on one area or color and kept my projects from feeling “stuck” as I can always see a little progress. Sometimes all I have the energy to do is touch up my slips and spills with primer.  Doesn’t seem like much but the next time I sit down all I see is “clean” minis to paint and that helps reduce my frustration.


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer Turnip28 ? Wasn’t there a kickstarter for new units last year ?
    With Firelock doing Blood& … for the Napoleon era (Peninsular campaign?) I think I might get into that era eventually as well.
    I also have Silver Bayonet somewhere in my stash. Not sure where it is at the moment.

    And speaking of upcoming kickstarters … there’s the Striketeam commander game (now two games in one apparently …).
    So it looks like there’s at least two I want to back when I had hoped I could be closer to zero.


    The big box of TTCombat’s things has arrived. I’m having to decide what to start first, but I think there’s some Bolt-Action bits incoming next week or so as well. That makes for 3 potential projects that have enough materials to get me going for a while, unless I get distracted or something happens that stops me from making progress.

    hmmm … better focus on my hobby room first. Minimizing potential distractions is the way to go.


    Cult of Games Member
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