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[unofficial weekender] Goodbye 2024

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This topic contains 42 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 1 week ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    ### Start of shameless copy and paste ###

    First time visitor to OTT? Then please introduce yourself in the New Member Thread and look around in the Project System. Then come back and read on…

    Read all of this before you start as it will save you any trouble later.

    First thing you must do is make your “pledge”. It can be anything gaming related, big or small, and you don’t even have to finish it. No, in here, happiness is the road. Have fun doing whatever it is, but it is not a race. Accompany your work with pictures or we might think you are do something sinister and just using us for cover.

    You are also presented with a few questions. It is to get the conversation started. Try and keep your answers ‘conversational’, no text speak, and certainly no “basically”. This is how we all get to know each other better. While you are here feel free to tell us a story, show a picture, joke, tales of love or woe, or just add your own little bit. This is the whole point…in here it is just us.

    If you have never taken part before we may bark and bite, but we also like a cuddle! It is all done in the best possible taste and it is character building. feel free to give as good as you get.

    A few other things to note: NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS! Glasgow pub rules are in effect. If you need to make a better point then it is fine, but don’t take the piss. And always keep it civil. This includes no philosophy, no home computer culture wars.

    Play plenty of music to go with your work. Loud and through proper speakers. Write us a playlist of things we might not have heard before.

    Now, after all of that there is only one ‘real’ rule in here and it cannot be broken: NO DICKS! (Exceptions may be made for little fighting men with little plastic/resin/metal wieners)

    And don’t forget the highlights of the weekend: The Weekender on Friday and XLBS on Sunday. And the little show that is The Hobby Hangout over at

    ### End of shameless copy and paste ###

    No question this week. Just have a relaxed final 3 days of 2024. See you in 2025!



    Pledge is kinda weird this week.

    My blood pressure been up lately, partly stress of work and life, but also too much processed food in my diet with all that salt.

    So my pledge is to start cooking real food instead of opening the freezer, tins and packets all the time. I live alone and making an effort seemed too much trouble, but given how high my BP was I decided I needed to make some changes.

    To that end I bought myself a bigger airfryer along with lots of fresh fruit and veg to use in recipes.

    A healthy gamer is better than a stressed gamer with no motivation, or enthusiasm.

    Have a healthy new year everyone… and a happy one.


    Cult of Games Member

    Eating is important and as important (to me) is that the food you make makes you feel good. So if I may give some tips:

    • start with simple and quick meals. Like spaghetti bolognese.
    • If you make something that takes some time to make (Chilli for example) make enough for two or three days. Either to eat in consecutive days or put something in the freezer.
    • use ready made “bits”. Like frozen fish fingers. Just fry them and make some mashed potatoes.
    • Take your time for meal prep. It’s relaxing when you have the time to make a meal properly.
    • use good ingredients. cheap stuff tastes like nothing and you’ll be adding too much salt to make up for it. Better ingredients need less spices and taste good on their own. This is even more true with meat.

    And don’t be too hard on yourself if you have a cheat day. Eating should always bring joy.


    Cult of Games Member

    @pagan8th like @sundancer said : start simple

    Spaghetti (or any form of pasta) is stupendously simple to make. All you really need is some kind of sauce.
    There’s also subscription services like ‘Hello Fresh’ and ‘Marley Spoon’ that are useful as they give you all the ingredients and the instructions to use them. It’s not perfect and pretty expensive, but even a short subscription will teach you a few things.

    The most annoying thing about cooking meals is that everything tends to cater to (large) families. Even recipes tend to aim for 4 grown ups. However there are cook books that focus on students which can be useful.

    Oh … and ‘SMAC’ (I think in English it’s “spam”, processed meat in a tin) is quite good. Chop it in cubes and it makes for a nice add-on to pasta with some pre-made pasta sauce. Or throw in a pack of mushrooms and you got yourself a nice meal with very little effort (I think under 30 minutes, but I never checked total time myself).

    Funny thing is that I’ve never used salt in any of my meals. My only real spice is (black) pepper. Oh … and garlic.
    I’m probably using it wrong, because I can rarely taste I had used it so I’m always tempted to add more.


    I got all my stuff at my new house now. We needed a total of 2,5 days. Today the washing machine was moved to its proper place and we moved as many boxes into the attic as I had acquired more stuff than I had realised 😀
    If I had to do that last bit myself I probably would need all of next year to finish as I’d be tempted to open all boxes before even thinking of moving them one inch.

    Today I can finally relax. Next year there will be more hobby to do and a proper space for hobby.


    Cult of Games Member


    Pledge: I am taking on my first commission in about 2 years, a Necrons army. A cool copper and verdigris theme, with ash basing. So my pledge is to start painting it, and make it a project. And paint Battletech in between to keep it fresh.



    • This reply was modified 2 weeks ago by  grantinvanman. Reason: Muzak
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 6 days ago by  grantinvanman.

    Cult of Games Member

    Food wise the slow cooker is your friend. We don’t mind  having the same things 2cor 3 nights in a row

    This is one of our go to’s if  we can’t think what to eat




    Thanks for all of the suggestions, but I know what to cook and I can cook… but since my parents died I’ve lacked the motivation to make an effort… cooking for one is boring and seems like a waste of effort… although now I am making the effort.

    Time is not an issue… I’m home by 2:30pm most days and I can just devote some of my hobby time to food prep time.

    I seldom add salt to food… mainly just on fish and chips… but processed food is full of it and the amount in bread is shocking… I’m cutting back on bread based products (no matter what Talkie Toaster says to me) and replaceing the carbs with fruit and veg.

    Never been overweight in my life, but when your work involves walking 10-12 miles a day while carrying a sack of mail you don’t put on weight… well I don’t.. there are overweight postmen out there.

    Alcohol not a problem either. As I got older I found my drinking decreased because I knew I’d have a hangover before I got to the ‘fun’ part of drunk… and recently I just stopped anyway.

    And weirdly… making an effort to cook makes me appreciate the taste of it more and I feel better in myself as a result.

    Now back to the normal busiess of this forum… lets talk gaming 2024 and what’s to come in 2025.


    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah let’s talk toy soldiers 😀

    My plans for 2025 basically are getting my hobby space setup for gaming & crafting.

    I’m planning on focussing on a small set of games/settings, but I also find myself wanting more … or discovering new aspects that I want to do.

    Things on my list at the moment :

    – WW2 Skirmish : Bolt Action 3rd edition : German Fallschirmjaeger vs US Airborne
    I’ve got the new starter set and have a few more bits and pieces incoming. The only thing ‘missing’ is the terrain aspect.
    Some sort of snow terrain mat will have to be acquired.
    There is a big ruined farm resin kit from the 1:48 Tactics kickstarter that I think is perfect as a focus point

    – Deadmans’ Hand / Wild West
    Terrain was part of the kickstarter, but I’ve got a few extra buildings from TTCombat on order (not sure when those arrive … )
    I think a desert / plains terrain mat is needed for this one as a base of the table. Other than that there’s loads of assembly and painting to do 🙂

    – Fantasy : Kings of War
    I still need to build that Ogre army and I’ve got a few ambush sets to build as well.
    I have plans for terrain, but nothing solid yet.

    – Multi Award Winning Moonstone
    Plenty of minis to assemble and paint.
    A few bits of terrain to assemble from Kromlech.

    – SciFi  : Halo, Deadzone, Firefight
    No real ideas yet, but enough material to make Halo a thing.

    – SciFi Epic : Battletech Mercenaries & Mantics’ kickstarter …
    Waiting for stuff to arrive is the key thing here. I suspect I will get Mantic’s before anything from CGL shows up, but we’ll see.

    – Ancients : Punic wars battle …
    I know it’s Lloyds’ favourite scale, but to me it was simpy a good way to get two armies for an epic scale battle.

    – Blood & Plunder … I’ve got more than enough pirates and related scum. Terrain is the tricky bit here. Port Royal may be my first focus once that arrives.

    – Carnevale … on my list, practically everything for that one is in storage.

    – Dropfleet commander … ditto. New starterset is tempting, but I’ve got enough things on my list already

    – Rumbleslam … on my list, same as Carnevale it’s all in storage at the moment

    – WW2 15mm : Flames of War; somewhere in storage.

    – Sci Fi / Pulp : StarSchlock & 7TV … lots of stuff in my pile of potential for those two.

    – Vietnam : ‘Nam 68; No minis or terrain yet

    – Walking Dead : in storage …

    – Modern Skirmish : Spectre Operations … a few squads and some bad guys.
    Need to think about terrain for this one.

    I probably will think of more stuff as the year progresses, because I haven’t found a single thing that I would prefer over and above everything else in that list.

    I’m hoping to avoid kickstarter completely next year, but there’s already two exceptions on my list :

    – Strikezone commander : the skirmish game set in the Dropzone universe
    – Anything Firelock plan to do for their Blood&… series of rules.

    I doubt there’s enough days in the next year to get all of this completed 😉
    The real tricky bit is forcing myself to focus on just one project at a time.

    I definitely don’t have to fear running out of things to do in the next decades even if I don’t buy into anything new.



    Before xmas I bought some LED’s, switches and PP3 battery clips. The plan is to add switchable lights to my TT Combat wild west buildings to make the table look more interesting in Dead Man’s Hand.

    After that I may illuminate the Venice buildings and get stuck into the Carnevale KS from so long ago.

    I’m also planning an Achtung Cthulhu Dad’s Army game and have the Bolt Action minis to paint. Mansions of Madness I painted (poorly) years ago so I have plenty of mythos creatures on standby.

    I’m tempted to buy the Enemy Agents… because Nuns with Guns is just so Allo Allo…

    Enemy Agents

    And these are cool too…


    I backed the Discworld RPG on KS and have bougbt some suitable minis that need painting too.

    I’d like to paint my Shatterpoint gangs too… and Bloodbowl teams… and a myriad other things… but time available is limited.



    Cult of Games Member

    Those are very interesting minis. Initially I wanted to mention Crooked Dice (7TV), but they don’t have any nuns with guns that I could find.

    I seem to recall an indie of the week that had more ‘nuns with guns’ minis. Not sure if they were regular nuns with guns or more like the fetish nuns that were in the Hitman 47 videogame. I’m sure the hive mind knows what I am referring to.



    Cult of Games Member

    Just finished writing up how I painted my last set of models for 2024:




    This week’s pledge will be to move on to my next model, either the 2024 Warhammer+ miniature (not very inspiring, but it did come free with the subscription) or another 12″ model I printed back in the summer.


    My goals for next year will be to play more board games. Cycles four and five of Aeon Trespass Odyssey just arrived (that’s a bunch of models to paint plus 50-75 hours of gameplay I’d guess). I still have two expansions of Tainted Grail to play through (each about 20 hours or so). And I also bought Heroes of Might and Magic which I’ve yet to try. I think I’ll set aside a few hours every Sunday morning or something to play through them this year.


    Cult of Games Member

    Toy soldier wise I think 2025 will just be labelled Warpath given all the crap I have arriving


    Cult of Games Member


    New Year, no new army (probably)

    Ok, CleanTalk says I can’t use that long word without spaces. Stupid filter. I’ll make it a picture then


    Cult of Games Member

    Last year, at this time, I was just hoping to get motivated to clear some of my backlog but not feeling inspired for any of it.  Then I received Marvel Crisis Protocol for my birthday and have painted little else since.  That being the case, I am not making any hard pledges as I have no idea what may light that fire and make me feel like a little kid again. So far MCP is doing that and I will keep painting those minis this year as long as they do.  If some of my older, unfinished, projects can do the same I will be revisiting them.  One always needs more scifi terrain after all…


    Cult of Games Member

    I always joke that when I buy a new harddisk for my pc it will be filled by the time I get it.
    Looks like it applies to physical storage as well.

    ie: I think I’m running out of space for my toys in my new house … and it’s bigger than my appartment was. 😀

    Then again … having everything in big boxes and not in the few storage spaces I do have makes it feel like more than it should be.

    Reorganising my storage for tools should help as well.
    Today was more a day of much needed rest. I also wasted time looking for the keys to my trike that I had misplaced.
    I didn’t panic, but I was close to that as I realised that without my keys I couldn’t unlock it and get it into safe storage before new years’ eve fireworks started. (*beeping* *beeps* already going at it … already)

    @sundancer so no Bot War 3 starter set for you then ? 😉

    Must admit that I really should not buy into new systems next year, because there’s soo much I can assemble and paint that I could easily spend all year doing hobby without buying anything new.

    It’s hard to resist the Cult of Shiny but I shall try. That’s not a new years’ resolution, because that I don’t believe such things should wait until a magical date.

    I say not buying into ‘new systems’, but I already know there’s an escape route as I got systems that I lack minis for … so technically buying a new faction for any of those (like say ‘Nam 68) would be an exception to that rule 😉

    ‘oops’ 😀


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