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[unofficial weekender] Gaming outside the comfort zone

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This topic contains 33 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 1 year, 3 months ago.

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    Not played a lot of fighting fantasy, but from what I recall they don’t pit a party of adventurers against a mob of minions, a henchman and boss monster.

    Some games (and gamers) are more tactical and it helps to have miniatures on the table to give estimates of distance and visualise which targets (and allies) are in an area of effect. Some players lack imagination.

    And some games, Cthulhu for example, do not need minitures, especially when the ‘boss monster’ appears… as it usually means the world is about to end and it’s time to kiss your ass goodbye… assuming you want to kiss it after you crapped yourself 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    What’s this “tactic” you keep talking about? You see a monster and you go “Waaaaaaaaaaaaagh!” and slaughter it with your big cleaver!

    Tactic…. is that some kind of mint?



    This weeks pledge I am blaming Benn for. I have started Middle earth, I believe he might have brain washed me the number of times he has mentioned on his own youtube video. I cannot blame him fully as the very discounted boxset helped push me over the edge.

    Have you ever played something outside your comfort zone (different scale, different setting, different group of people) and how did it turn our for you in the end? Anything you’ve learned from this?

    I dont know if I have a comfort zone of such to start with. I suppose I said I would never be able to paint 15mm scale and now I play flames of war. But when i say never it always me putting it off rather than a firm never. I wil pretty open to trying out any game system.

    I was rather than shocked on this week podcast that Sundancer has never played historical wargames and has no interest in them. Typically this bug is one that as we get older we drift towards. However years of co hosting with Gerry it is difficult to believe the historical aspect has never rubbed off on him.

    Army Painter

    Army painter used to be a staple of the hobby with the cheap and large range of paints. I think in the quality vs cost they had a market but with so many companies coming into the game they lost out a bit. I know a few hobby companies in the last few years ditch the range of paints due to the drop in sales. It feels like they stood still while everyone over took them.

    They are in the mode of having to catch up and fast and making mistakes along the way in some cases. The launch of speed paint V 1.0 was listed by many youtubers as the GW killer, the product to kill contrast. The product was nothing of the sort and I think it did more harm to the brand. The product sort of did the job but the price came at a cost it was weaker in pigment than the GW contrast and would due to the water content reactivate. Mention Speed paint today and people will still mention this fact. Lets be honest they rushed the product out to market without enough testing and got it wrong. They have vastly improved speed paint but so many companies got it right first time its a difficult market to get back into.

    I think throwing the marketing budget at the youtube crowd is an interesting choice. However I do question the subjective nature of the youtubers. Clearly very few actually did a fair test and trail with the orginal speed paints before claiming them GW killers. So how much you can trust them with the new paint range is open to debate.

    I am curious about the Fanatic paint. Curious as to the price and quality. I guess the interest is were do they find a market to ? They kept the costs down of the colour paint because the low pigment. The new Fanatic paint is much thicker, so more pigment that means more cost hence price. Then are you up against the GW, Two thin coats, pro acryl. You have speicalist paint coming from Green stuff world doing some amazing colour shift paints, and range of bright inks they are pushing innovation.

    You have Vallejo as the bulk standard go to paint for people. AK interative has stolen the wargamers ranges with the accurate paints and mix sets for wargaming of different factions.

    I am not sure where army painter sit in this market ? I think the washes are great, the spray paints are good. But i see them as a company that is behind the curve trying to play catch up. Fanatic needs to be a better quality paint but still at the cheaper end of the spectrum to draw people in.

    Its difficult for Army Painter with now some many companies, so much choice to stand out today you need to perhaps just having more than a large range of okay paints.


    Cult of Games Member

    However years of co hosting with Gerry it is difficult to believe the historical aspect has never rubbed off on him.

    Well rubbing off via the interwebs never works as good as rubbing off in real life. Wait. This sounds wrong!

    I cannot blame him fully as the very discounted boxset helped push me over the edge.

    Where do people keep finding these discounts all the time? Or was that a “five finger discount” dear @redscope ? XD

    Re: Army Painter – The most important question to me is: will they do a proper Goblin Green replacement? My old pot ist starting to run dangerously low :S

    But I get your points and agree with most of it. TAP wants to be (I feel) the workhorse. And I think they are setting themselves up for that very well. It’s a marathon not a sprint 😉

    It’s Monday, it’s stormy but I have coffee!



    It’s Monday… I don’t have to work for two weeks… I need more tea…

    My pledges for the next two weeks are…

    Fail to paint Mythic Battles: Pantheon Pandora box that’s primed, but nothing else.

    Fail to finish painting the miniatures in Journeys in Middle Earth: Spreading War.

    Fail to assemble and paint some bikers for my next RPG campaign.

    Fail to create the character sheet for bikers game.

    Fail to play any of those solo board games own.

    Sit around playing games on console.

    Waste the time off.

    Drink a lot of tea.


    Cult of Games Member

    Sounds like a relaxing and achievable goal. I did play some Skyrim last night as well just to be playing something different XD


    Cult of Games Member

    I think @pagan8th has nailed it. How to hobby “properly” 😉

    @redscope – interesting take on AP. I’m not sure I agree with the idea that AP got speed paint “wrong”. As in, they made a one-coat solution that could compete with (and, for me, is better than) Contrast Paints. Far from being late to the party, they were there, second only to Citadel with their “one thick coat” paints (all the other companies took far longer to release their contrast-equivalent paint lines).

    I think we’re both talking about the same thing – just seeing them from different perspectives.
    For me, Speed Paint 1.0 isn’t broken at all. I have a load of their 1.0 speed paints and they are brilliant. They’re smoother and silkier and more contrast-y that Citadel colours of a similar shade.

    I’ve never had reactivation problems – but that’s mostly because I don’t try layering over the top of them (except for edge highlights with standard acrylics). But even if I did, I’d accept that as being down to me – after all, the paint is supposed to be a one-coat-and-done paint; and for that purpose, it works really, really well. If it reactivates when I’m painting over the top of it? Well, that’s not what it was designed for!

    But the fact that so many painters *did* have problems – when using AP paints in ways they weren’t designed – AP completely re-engineered their entire paint line. That’s the thing I was impressed by. Far from seeing it as “correcting a failure” I saw it as “failing to anticipate user demand” and adjusting to it. And not just one or two colours, but adjusting their entire paint line.

    All the other companies that “got it right first time” had the benefit of watching Army Painter “get it wrong”. They were very late to the party. I’m just really impressed by how much effort AP have put into “getting it right”.



    Cult of Games Member

    Good morning ladies, gentlemen and all other users in this here forum.

    It’s Tuesday, uHH is incoming and I did my quarterly taxes last night. Not much more from me right now but a “Have a good day and enjoy your hobby”.



    Cult of Games Member

    If there’s one thing I don’t really miss since giving up freelancing and taking up “regular” employment, it’s doing my taxes. Doing those really did put me out of my comfort zone!



    Cult of Games Member

    Yarp. Totally can see that.


    Cult of Games Member

    Just finished painting the models for cycle 3 of Aeon Trespass Odyssey:


    Aeon Trespass Odyssey




    Back when I was at Uni playing regular role play games we noticed there were two types of role player. My friends and I (all Physics students) liked to focus on our character abilities, stacking abilities for maximum combat effectiveness. Basically focussing on the maths and mechanics. Other science students seemed to be the same, broadly speaking.


    On the other hand humanities students focussed more on the story and narrative. There was one who said “if I even look at my character sheet I’ve failed.”


    Different people have different preferences I suppose.


    Cult of Games Member

    Good morning everyone. Last nights stream was fun but I’m still knackered. Do I get too old for this?

    Naaaaaah. The nights are just too short!


    Cult of Games Member

    Thursday… long day. Had to listen to some presentations on Cybersecurity.

    Yeah it was as exciting as it sounds. XD

    Now @warbossd live stream, then bed.


    Pledge: Continue poking the wookie (no, not an innuendo) 

    I’ve come out of hobby hibernation as I’m done firing the Giftmas cannon of cheer to the OTT crew. Standby for the UHH to have its fair share arrive in future. 

    Having read the article on culling the Pile of Overwhelming Potential (PoOP) I think this is a good time to continue advocating for gamers to enjoy Giftmas. As such I move to our shifting of the Pay-It-Forward initiative (sadly shortlived) to this wonderful hobby holiday. 

    I think that my pledge might best be modified to be read as work more on the Mongols I’ve recently built and get serious on what I’ve had in my backlog before Spring Clean.

    As far as gaming outside of my comfort zone, I’d say that LARPing was a stretch for me. Playing about with other people in a live action VtM chronicle was interesting for a time but really was just an excuse to go downtown and hang out with other students of my school. I gave up on it and opted for getting the tabletop books and then going on a segue into Changeling the Dreaming. 

    Ooh, completed minis.. shiny! ( to paraphrase a yummy ship mechanic)

    Now, music…







    Cult of Games Member

    Poke the wookie? Just don’t start playing red rocket!

    It’s Sunday and technically I would start a new thread but instead I’d like you all to chime in on the culling of the unpainted thread by @pagan8th

    Culling The Pile…

    There will be a new thread next week

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