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[unofficial weekender] Friday the 13th… again…

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This topic contains 41 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  marcusdennis 3 years, 1 month ago.

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    @ninjilly They’ve been an earworm of mine for years. 😛 Glad you enjoyed it!


    Cult of Games Member

    This week’s pledge is to finish the painting of the Egypt models and then varnish them. I think that was last weeks pledge too but I haven’t felt like painting much this past week. I did a bit this morning watching the weekender though and hopefully will finish the painting tomorrow watching XLBS.


    1. Why are the internet people not yet finished with @warzan new internet? – Is that why he’s been gone for so long. I guess there are downsides to living in the middle of no-where.
    2. Will they every be finished? – They’ll finish as soon as he gives up and finds alternative ways to do everything.
    3. Do you have a separate savings account for hobby expenses or do you just use what’s there at the moment? – I give myself an allowance each month that I track on a spreadsheet. If I underspend in a month the excess gets added to the pot, if I overspend the pot shrinks.

    Cult of Games Member

    Why are the internet people not yet finished with @warzan new internet?

    No idea. It’s a miracle that the internet works at all. When I lived aboard our narrowboat (and, more recently, when we went away a few weeks ago) I got a monthly unlimited mobile broadband SIM (latterly, from Smarty); it was plenty fast enough to create a mobile wifi hotspot (which I even shared with a couple of people moored either side of us). For £18/mth and download speeds akin to a “moderate speed” copper wired connection, I have even considered getting rid of my home fibre connection and going fully mobile. Smarty is a re-seller for Three, so I don’t know what the coverage would be like in N.I.:

    Will they ever be finished?

    It’s possible. If the current government need a few seats at the next election, they’ll probably bung a few quid across the water for their meaningless “gigabit broadband rollout” and a few remote areas might get slightly better internet connections than they currently have. Or it could drag on for decades (as has happened across much of Wales).

    Do you have a separate savings account for hobby expenses or do you just use what’s there at the moment?

    My hobby spend just gets rolled up into the rest of my spending and it goes like this: how many days left ’til payday? How many bills have I still to pay? Can I maintain my current level of spending ’til the end of the month? F@*k it, I’m getting it anyway.

    In other news, my Youtube feed has filled up with some nice new videos, thanks to the recommendations from you guys – thank you, everyone! Here’s your music. Yes, it’s purile and the kind of thing only a twelve-year-old would think is funny and a bit “edgy”. But it makes me laugh because my wife had it as her ringtone for a while and it still makes me smile to recall when her boss used to phone her up, out-of-hours.


    Cult of Games Member

    Chronicle X kickstarter delivered the 2nd wave of goodies … I’d swear I had forgotten it existed 😀
    Some of the packaging inside was damaged, but contents appear to be ok.
    I must admit that I had one of those “why did I back this?” moments … but at least I’ll get some cool looking aliens out of it.

    @sundancer watching that twitch stream felt like I was watching a gaming/tabletop related version of a market sales pitch for some crappy new fancy gadget. The ones that have a sales person throwing things onto a big pile and telling me how good value it’s going to be …

    I hope your stuff isn’t missing anything critical, but it looked like a cool way to collect sprues for a bits box …
    There’s worse ways to spend money 😀

    Dutch Punk bands … yes they exist ..

    This one is sooo on point. It’s a shame that the translation is tricky.

    “Are you too thin, too fat or too small
    Do you find it difficult to be yourself?
    There is always a club with you
    Revel in your heck and woe

    weepy weep
    Jankie Jankie
    cry cry
    Jankie Jankie
    Everything is such a hassle ”

    The refrain is impossible to translate as it uses a wordplay on crying that I can’t translate in English so I let Google do it.

    Here’s another one :

    “I want nothing … I shit on everything I have to do … ” 😀

    “and everyone is crazy … except for you”

    Back to normal …


    Cult of Games Member

    watching that twitch stream felt like I was watching a gaming/tabletop related version of a market sales pitch for some crappy new fancy gadget. The ones that have a sales person throwing things onto a big pile and telling me how good value it’s going to be …

    It’s a thing for northern Germans 😉 If you ever go to Hamburg on a weekend go to the Fishmarket. There they sell fish (obviously) meat and other consumables “in bulk”. So they start with a big fish and add another and another… all while screaming at the top of their lungs. Even some Dutch flower sellers take part… have a look but turn the volume down 😉



    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer yep that’s the stuff …  seen similar scenes at a local market, because it was visited by lots of Germans and it is a very effective way of selling (or at least it used to be).

    I’ve seen the new ‘Suicide Squad’ movie … and it is as good as the previous one was bad.

    perfect opening song …
    There’s only two minor ‘bad’ things about this one :
    – Amanda Waller threatening the kid of a character who happens to be black again …
    – the in-universe text announcing scenes can be a little hard to read at times

    Best things ?
    – King Shark
    – Ratcatcher


    Cult of Games Member

    That has been a short night. Did a recording with @grimwulfuk on the second half of The Bad Batch but we went sideways one or two times 😉

    Give it a listen… if you can spare 2+ hours xD



    Whenever I’m chatting with people I find it more accurate to say I went forwards in the conversation one or two times; I spend most of a conversation going sideways…or worse. 😛


    Cult of Games Member

    well we got to the point eventually XD


    Cult of Games Member

    I gots me the Degenesis books … almost all of them.

    They are soo shiny …



    Are you planning on running it or mainly got them for all the fluff @limburger?

    @blinky465 sometimes you just need a little Reel Big Fish 🙂 I’ve been on a 3rd wave ska kick recently and it has been a trombone filled comfort blanket.

    Announced yesterday was the first Kings of War event day here in Scotland (King Beyond the Wall) for the end of October. Having had an ogre army sitting in the cupboard for a few months so this is the push to paint it up. Took them out last night to start clean up and had forgotten how tough it is to work on the original Mantic plastic. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore mold lines


    Cult of Games Member

    @ninjilly I got it mostly for the fluff,the art and because I feel it is a company worth supporting.

    I’ve done a few short D&D adventures as a replacement DM.
    I used a few simple ones from the Enemy Within campaign, but I wasn’t good at it.
    The players were probably more into playing murder hobos with D&D rules which wasn’t helping.
    And to be honest … a simple dungeon delving is probably the best I could do as a DM.

    So at the moment I’m not sure how I could ever do something a bit more complex than “this is the room, there’s the monsters, now fight … “. Watching shows like ‘critical role’ and seeing how both DM and player characters can really get into character is both inspiring and terrifying.

    I guess it’s because I’m a coder at heart and lack the improvisational skills needed to do either.


    Cult of Games Member

    The model painting part of my Egyptian project is complete, and the models are varnished ready for the gold leaf.




    Cult of Games Member

    They do look very cool… is your gold technique getting better?


    Cult of Games Member

    We shall find out soon. I have been batch painting everything first.

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