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[unofficial weekender] Fallout going all in

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This topic contains 29 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 7 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    ### Start of shameless copy and paste ###

    First time visitor to OTT? Then please introduce yourself in the New Member Thread and look around in the Project System. Then come back and read on…

    Read all of this before you start as it will save you any trouble later.

    First thing you must do is make your “pledge”. It can be anything gaming related, big or small, and you don’t even have to finish it. No, in here, happiness is the road. Have fun doing whatever it is, but it is not a race. Accompany your work with pictures or we might think you are do something sinister and just using us for cover.

    You are also presented with a few questions. It is to get the conversation started. Try and keep your answers ‘conversational’, no text speak, and certainly no “basically”. This is how we all get to know each other better. While you are here feel free to tell us a story, show a picture, joke, tales of love or woe, or just add your own little bit. This is the whole point…in here it is just us.

    If you have never taken part before we may bark and bite, but we also like a cuddle! It is all done in the best possible taste and it is character building. feel free to give as good as you get.

    A few other things to note: NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS! Glasgow pub rules are in effect. If you need to make a better point then it is fine, but don’t take the piss. And always keep it civil. This includes no philosophy, no home computer culture wars.

    Play plenty of music to go with your work. Loud and through proper speakers. Write us a playlist of things we might not have heard before.

    Now, after all of that there is only one ‘real’ rule in here and it cannot be broken: NO DICKS! (Exceptions may be made for little fighting men with little plastic/resin/metal wieners)

    And don’t forget the highlights of the weekend: The Weekender on Friday and XLBS on Sunday. And the little show that is the unofficial Hobby Hangout over at

    ### End of shameless copy and paste ###

    Question of the week:

    • The Fallout franchise is going strong. At least by the looks of it. There is a Magic The Gathering crossover, a TV Series by Amazon and accompanying minis from Modiphius who also do a Fallout RPG and two different miniature games. Your thoughts?

    And now back to the show.


    Cult of Games Member

    Pledge of the week: get better and maybe paint some minis. There is a nice gaming con in the next city over (Bremer Spieletage) but I’m not feeling well enough I think. Which is a shame because I won 2 tickets to attend. Meh. Getting old and sick is really bloody stupid. I didn’t vote for this!


    I like Fallout, especially the weird alt-history universe. Not caring for the MtG thing but the TV series looks promising. Though “all episodes available on April 11th” feels… wrong. But that’s modern life for you. And oddly enough I do own the Wasteland Warfare game from Modiphius and all minis are painted in the core set. But I haven’t managed to get any game in. Sad.

    Music. Ancient rockers who are now the first band to have two albums 50 (FIFTY!!!) years apart. Judas Priest. Those flockers are rocking.


    Cult of Games Member

    Work on my 1:1 scale terrain continues today.
    I’ve removed the kiddy wallpaper with practically zero effort using specially designed chemical and a metal scraper thingy (not sure what those are called in English lol). The fact that it was paper instead of something fancy may have helped too. 🙂

    Today’s task will involve electricity … and then it’s on to prepping the walls and painting them white.
    I’m so tempted to do a mural, but such things may require more skill and inspiration I’ve got at the moment.

    I also found a (local) webshop that sells doorsized stickers including one that looks like a TARDIS door.

    // Fallout

    I missed that entire series due to me not having a computer that could run it at the time, so I never got into it. The 60’s SciFi esthetic does look good.
    There’s something interesting about the design of that era, compared to the modern bland electronics.
    I’m not convinced by the trailer, but I am going to try and watch the series when it becomes available.




    @sundancer I know the feeling with old and sick… still feeling rough myself… being off work sick and so ill that you don’t feel like doing anything… even fun stuff and hobby is awful.

    Pledge… Contine working on my two new RPG campaigns…

    The first is a somewhat silly one using Dragonbane rules, but with bikers and modern-ish setting.

    The second is a return to middle earth in the One Ring (1st edition… Free League did things with 2e that we as a group don’t like… Journeys for one… got butchered and made far less fun).

    I have one of the fallout games, but was unimpressed by it. It was free with a monthly subscription, although free and boring meant it was deleted like so many other things that are free… you get what you pay for.

    The setting looks interesting, but not interesting enough for me to buy another skirmish game. Playing 7TV at moment and I could use that for fallout if I wanted anyway.

    Magic the money-gathering does not interest me. I’ve bought LCG by FFG before, but not interested in CCG and random boosters… especially when it give money to the parasites known as wotc.

    Not got prime… so I have no interest in the TV series. Reluctant to give money to a company that does not pay tax and screws the workforce. Does that count as politics?


    Cult of Games Member

    Pledge:: Continuing to write a new AD&D Adventure for my close friend and Godfather of my daughter for his 60th birthday celebration.  We’ve been playing AD&D since 1987.  There have been down times as life got in the way and other things presented themselves as more important than playing AD&D.  But as we have grown older life has been slowing down and a bit of paper and pencil adventuring has been calling out to begin again.  It looks like regularly scheduled games are just around the corner.

    When not writing I’ll be working out the beginning of DUNE terrain tabletop planning.


    Question of the week:

    The Fallout franchise is going strong. At least by the looks of it. There is a Magic The Gathering crossover, a TV Series by Amazon and accompanying minis from Modiphius who also do a Fallout RPG and two different miniature games. Your thoughts?


    Answer::I played the very early PC Game of Fallout.  Enjoyed it but there were other games that held my interest better.  I do really love the ART style of Fallout.  I have used it a few times in SciFi RPGs that I’ve set in the 50’s and 60’s.  I may snag the miniatures from *Modifee*,  don’t know if I’ll invest in he RPG  system.  I would like to use the minis in the ‘ Pulp Alley ‘ system.  I do plan to give the TV series a go as i already have Amazon Prime.


    Cult of Games Member

    Reluctant to give money to a company that does not pay tax and screws the workforce. Does that count as politics?

    Nah, all fine. It’s your choice and it’s a good one. It only gets political if we start discussing why companies like AmzamoN are able to doge all the taxes.

    I thought I might be able to do some hobby tonight but I just had so much chilli I think I need some time to catch breath again XD


    Cult of Games Member

    so … day 2 of my attempt at doing 1:1 scale terrain aka : getting my house ready for me 🙂

    I managed to get a proper light installed in my future bedroom and placed the wall socket covers back.
    This is when I discoverd that the ceiling is plasterboard, which deserves its own special place in hell.

    Hardest part was guiding the flippin’ solid core wires into the light fixture and then screwing said light fixture to the ceiling.
    Did I mention the plasterboard thing ? I first attempted to use the screws on their own, but that didn’t work. Then I simply shoved the plugs into the hole I had made and tried again. And it worked … kind of.

    I had planned to visit the DIY store to get things to start painting, but as I had overslept that was not to be.

    I also managed to sort of fix the ladder to the loft, because the two chains that kept the hole closed had broken.
    It doesn’t close perfectly, but at least it sort of closes now.

    So … while bits were frustrating, it also felt good to do something productive even if it did take longer than I wanted it to.
    Discovering the tiny hole in the plasterboard did make me think second thoughts for a while, because these tiny flaws are adding up. OTOH … fixing the flaws kind of feels good too (when I’m done fixing it).

    Tomorrow (sunday) I will continue fixing bits and also do some shopping to get the things I need/want.
    Still not sure if I am ready to spend a first night at my new home, because there’s grocery shopping to do too before I can do that. I will however ride my bike to my new home, because I need to learn the route and do some basic bike maintenance anyway.

    Trying to do a bit of planning for the layout of my rooms is also on the agenda.

    btw : did you know that there are other hobbies that have their own ideal hobby layout ?
    The sewing, crafting hobbyists are one step ahead of us … but then they’d have to be as 99% of their hobby is crafting 😉
    Google for “sewing room ideas”. Loads of ideas to *eh* copy.



    @limburger in my experience every little job starts a chain reaction of other jobs that need doing.



    > I missed that entire series due to me not having a computer that could run it at the time

    Same ditto. Seems odd to pay $1000+ for a gaming machine when the game’s less than $100. Most of my computer entertainment works fine on a $250 machine, and my personal office work can’t justify anything more than a $450 tax deduction. I also don’t have much satisfaction after pouring hours into a game — not much to show for my 1000+ hours of The Sims.

    As a boomer, I’ve grown up with decades of “dystopian future run by unethical corporations” even before the 1984 book and cyberpunk. The world’s hardly utopian, but, after 40+ years, it’s not as bad as it was supposed to be. (We don’t have flying cars, either, mind you.)

    That said, I do have the FFG Fallout boardgame, and preferred the CYOA part of the game over the mechanics. But that speaks more for non-replayable narrative games than Fallout itself.


    Cult of Games Member

    This week’s pledge is to continue painting my goblin. I’m not rushing it. It’s mainly filler until the spring clean challenge starts.


    • The Fallout franchise is going strong. At least by the looks of it. There is a Magic The Gathering crossover, a TV Series by Amazon and accompanying minis from Modiphius who also do a Fallout RPG and two different miniature games. Your thoughts?

    I’ve always been a big fan of fallout. I played 1 and 2 both several times as a child, and then when 3 came out it was all I played for a year or two. Fallout 4 occupied me for a couple of years. Even Fallout 76 kept me going for a year (I’m not into online games, but you can play it just like a single player game if you want).


    For those of you who like Fallout and haven’t heard of him, Oxhorn on youtube has a channel that is dedicated to it. His live streams do other games, but he has lore videos covering pretty much every game in the franchise.





    Cult of Games Member

    in my experience every little job starts a chain reaction of other jobs that need doing.

    So your advice is: don’t even start? 😉 @pagan8th

    That said, I do have the FFG Fallout boardgame, and preferred the CYOA part of the game over the mechanics. But that speaks more for non-replayable narrative games than Fallout itself.

    I think that’s where Fallout as a franchise has a leg up compared to Star Wars, Star Trek and most other IPs @ced1106  They created a universe and not a main character. In every Fallout game I’ve played to far “you” are the main character, the lone wanderer, the Currier. So Amazon just needs to stay clear of established characters in that universe (some reappear in different games, Hello Harold!) and they can create a story of their own.

    @danlee why is there Fallout New Vegas missing on that list? 😉

    It’s Sunday, already 12:30 and I haven’t done anything besides breakfast and made myself a coffee. Up next: XLBS. Cheers



    @sundancer I was not suggesting don’t start… just be prepared for that one small job you were going to do to take a lot longer and involve a lot more effort.

    “Anything in life worth doing is hard!”



    I want a more realistic post apocalyptic game. One where the surivors are rich scum like presidents, politicians and billionaires who are ill prepared to survive and the objective is for the mutant cockroaches and disfigured humanoid survivors have to hunt down the rich and eat them.


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundacer I missed Fallout New Vegas because I was thinking purely in terms of numbers. Yes I played it several times through. Again another great RPG. What I love about the Fallout games is the world exploration. I think that’s why the wargames/board games and Fallout Shelter don’t appeal to me much. I want a massive map I can systematically zig-zag across exploring every location.


    Cult of Games Member

    @pagan8th that does sound like a nice idea. “My lvl 10 Man-Cockroach will eat his face” XD

    @danlee year that’s what so nice about Fallout and also the Elder Scrolls video games. “Here’s your world, go and have fun”.

    Just don’t go to the quarry before you have descent weapons or the Deathclaw will eat your face *g*

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