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[unofficial weekender] Dungeonalia Dungeon Deep Dive

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This topic contains 39 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  jeffersonpowers 9 months, 1 week ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465 I was thinking about a diorama but I like your idea XD Someone do that!

    @guillotine yes durability is a factor on papercraft. But at the same time: if the paper is torn, print a new page and glue it on? 😉

    now how to combine a forklift, bookcase and church pulpit?

    @jamescutts Sounds like something for a Sisters Of Battle army? Bookcase in the back as counterweight, pulpit on top of the forks and add a bazillion candles.

    Good morning. It’s Monday and the day is already ruined as I was made aware of a reboot movie of The Fall Guy. Don’t look it up. Keep your memories of Lee Mayors intact.


    Cult of Games Member

    I like your idea XD Someone do that!

    I guess I’ve got my long-term project for 2024 sorted out then.
    It’d be reckless to suggest I might try to take on both. But who knows?
    2024 – the year of the video game!

    Q1-Q2: Ghosts and Goblins Dungeon crawler scroller.
    Q3-Q$: Head over Heels papercraft

    I went rogue and did look up The Fall Guy. Of course I did. You can’t put a big red button in front of somebody and say “you’ll never know what this button does but don’t press it”. I think you’re being a bit harsh in judging it already. The cast look ok. But the star of the show didn’t get a mention. And if they swap out a honking great pick-up truck for a sodding Tesla, just to show us they’ve “rolled with the times” I’ll be joining you on the picket lines, demanding a boycott!


    Cult of Games Member

    The Fall Guy was a show about a flocking TEAM. The young one, the old fart and the hot one. Plus the one bringing contracts. It was about The Fall Guy being a bounty hunter.

    The movie is about a movie going bad. And where is the bathtub? the cigar? the bikini?!



    Remakes don’t work very often… Knight Rider, Flash Gordon, A-Team, Charlies Angels, Equaliser and that’s just the few that pop into my mind.

    When I saw Fall Guy mentioned I just didn’t bother looking.

    The potential reboot of Babylon 5 worries me. One of my favourite shows.


    Cult of Games Member

    But on the other hand – remakes now, not sequels or sequels to reboots:

    Star Trek and Jumanji were triumphs, no?



    First Star Trek with Chris Pine was ok… the sequels were crap.

    Jumanji casting was not great as they were an annoying bunch of kids and so were the avatars.

    I’m a grumpy old man and try to imagine a universe in which there were only 3 Star Wars movies and no special editions.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m a grumpy old man and try to imagine a universe in which there were only 3 Star Wars movies and no special editions.

    The first SE where ok. Because they were just cleaned up and nothing added versions.

    Tuesday! It’s literally freezing today. Now all we need is snow and we have officially winter.



    Han shot first…


    Cult of Games Member

    Are you flipping kidding me?
    Just as I was about to give up on “social media” (honestly, it’s a flaming bin of crap) I was shown an advert that piqued my interest. It’s almost as if that’s exactly how it’s designed to work….

    Anyway. I thought this looked pretty cool (it’s a Kickstarter product that looks like it’s made it to retail just in time for Xmas)





    Interesting novelty, but not for me. I got more dice than I will ever need and I doubt they will be cheap.


    Cult of Games Member

    Nice idea but HELL! $119.00 USD  for 7 dice coin on a sale!? Are they made from gold?!


    Cult of Games Member

    Actually, watching an unboxing video of them – the original pitch says they’re each milled from solid, erm, zinc? But I’ve just watched a guy open a box of nastily painted cast-in-reclaimed-bean-can-steel monstrosities that look like they’ve just dropped out of an arcade machine on the pier.

    A lovely idea. Terribly executed. My wallet gets to stay in my pocket!

    In other news, Ghosts and Goblins has started. Of course I’m 3d printing gravestones and zombies, not actually working on the rules. Because that’s how you design games, right?


    Cult of Games Member

    Who needs rules when there is no nice looking miniature table?!

    Morning you lot. It’s Thursday, -3°C and I have frost in my beard XD


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s nearly the weekend – and can’t get here quick enough for me!
    I’ve been dipping in and out of the community over the last month or so since my mum was taken ill. She was rushed to hospital a week last Monday and passed away this afternoon. In many ways, it’s a relief – it felt like she was just hanging on for so long.

    On the other hand, it’s all been so fast, it feels a bit unreal – we were only arranging a trip to see the darts at the end of September (she was a mad darts fan and quite the player back in the 80s) when she said she might have to postpone because her doctor wanted to arrange some hospital tests following a check-up.

    It’s been a traumatic few weeks, so I’m ready to hit the hobby table *hard* this weekend.
    Hurry up, Friday – then get out of the way. I’m ready for my weekend already!



    Im so sorry to hear that @blinky465 – Very Sorry for your loss mate.

    And if you guys will have me I’d love to help out with the Ghosts and Goblins – it and Ghouls and Ghosts were favourite games of mine growing up. I’d love to have a crack at some game mechanics for it.

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