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[unofficial weekender] Don't panic, stay inside, do your backlog of minis

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion [unofficial weekender] Don't panic, stay inside, do your backlog of minis

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This topic contains 43 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 4 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Finest Hollywood shlok horror…



    1. Despite being in Silicon Valley, in California, one of the hardest hit areas from CoVid, we’re fine. We’ve been stocking up and isolating since early February. US markets are doing pretty badly, but I’ve lived through two recessions as volatility from computer trading increased. If any of you invest in US (and European) markets, I recommend Ken Fisher’s newsletter.

    2. Been working at home as a landlord since the back injury led to early retirement. Good time to buy a house, if you’ve been saving up for it.

    3. I’ve only been playing Sims 4, the video game version of dollhouses. 😀

    > Accompany your work with pictures

    Still working through that backlog of 100+ Hand of Glory accessories for their “hot swappable” magnetic accessories.


    “Oh, yeah? Well, I bet you can’t saw off your OTHER hand, either!”


    Cult of Games Member

    So much hand-y work… surely someone will lend you a hand….

    ok, hands off the puns

    I can’t handle myself today.



    Cult of Games Member

    I’m sure there’s a double entendre in there about handling yourself, but I’m just not feeling it….


    Cult of Games Member

    can’t put the finger on it….


    Opening pledge: to get some figures from a held project done

    Good news! Digging through hobby stuff that I pulled from storage has yielded both my Milliput black AND Apoxiesculpt  amid my minis. I’m set well beyond summer for modelling putty.

    For the questions:

    • Physically I’m well. Emotionally it sucks at the moment
    • I’ve been laid off for two weeks. Being a temp there’s no paid leave opportunity like the full timers. I’ll be filing for unemployment benefits Monday. This sucks after finding new work post move and getting the first paycheck.
    • A mini game that would do with a videogame interpretation could be Infinity. With the same response dynamics of Xcom and then add in hacking elements it might work. A bright and shiny urban setting with ultra high tech combat sounds close to Fortnite but it has possibility.

    @sundancer Wartile was a fun purchase from Steam. Pretty good for the short time that I plugged into it. For videogaming Super Dungeon Explore Tactics was another good title to pull from Steam.

    Noseblower Prognostication, Giftmas will be the best time of this year for gaming purchases. The summer con schedule is shot. Big time exposure has been flattened but the events online will help. CMON, Noble Knight and others that get stock of OOP games/merchandise will likely have quite a selection to offer if small companies get shot down and fold. From the void in the market umbrella consolidation will occur. We see it with the likes of Hasslefree getting rights to other sculpt linew and Warmonger getting rights to some of Foundry’s figures (yes quite old news but worth rehash). There is hope for the future as the sculpt line for Confrontation came back from its ashes as Legends of Signum. The whole of “flattening the curve” for the pandemic means extended timelines of recovery for yhe industry behind our hobby.

    China already has the majority of us by the short and curlies from the global manufacturing aspect unless you look at GW or home production. With government shut down of postal services, Spain notably from Kickstarter info I’ve got, there might also be impediments to shipping to FLGS stocking around the world. Continued direct purchases will be the best way to keep businesses afloat to weather this.


    Cult of Games Member

    1) Are you well?

    I think so.
    Although I think I have minor anxiety/panick attacks with all the stress that this pandemic is causing.
    At least I’ve got OTT website  and Discord channel to help me stay sane.

    2) Are you still working or send home?
    First week of working at home done.
    It’s new to me and with all the general crazyness of the Covid-19 stuff it

    3) What miniature game would you like to have a good video game representation of?
    Not a fan of videogame conversions, because they tend to suck …
    However … I think that Adepticus Titanicus could be very cool as a simulator.



    Cult of Games Member

    However … I think that Adepticus Titanicus could be very cool as a simulator.

    But they already did that… long ago… “Final Liberation” 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Final liberation was awesome. Great cut scenes and soundtrack for the time too.


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer are you referring to this :

    That is a turn-based strategy … not a simulator. 😉

    Think of Mech Warrior but set in the 40k universe

    So … bigger and badder than mere mechs 😉



    1. I am quite well thanks.

    2. Transitioning to working at home.

    3. Give that it was my birthday last week I have a lot of new stuff needing attention. Likely focus on Aresteia! mins



    Cult of Games Member

    I had a great time playing through chapter 8 of Tainted Grail last night. Full write up here:


    Cult of Games Member

    Noticable lack of pledges this week – is this because we’re all thinking the same thing? “I’ll paint all my minis when I get the time, but I just don’t have the time you know, so I’ll just buy these so that on the mythical day I have time to paint, I’ll have time to paint them”?

    I feel a little bit like I’ve been waiting for a time when I could dedicate 8 hours a day to catching up on my minis, but now it’s here… well, I don’t actually want to commit to doing any of it at all. Until I spoil my minis with paint, they all have the potential to look awesome!


    Cult of Games Member

    I was introduced to Teen Titans Go! by a seven-year-old as few weeks ago. I hated it. Man, those voices really get on your nerves. And the humour? Hmmmm, not really my thing. But I can’t get this song out of head. Here’s today’s music:

    You’re welcome.


    Cult of Games Member

    Are you well? Yes
    Are you still working or send home? Working , i’m a keyworker
    What miniature game would you like to have a good video game representation of? a 40k game

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