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[unofficial weekender] Don not call me a quitter!

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This topic contains 26 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 2 years, 1 month ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Feels like caching is way out of wack :S


    Cult of Games Member

    Hi guys. I missed a few weeks. Seems I was busy on the Friday’s and then before I know it another week has shot past.


    This week’s pledge is to continue working on my final box for the bingo challenge.


    • Friday evening, you’re at home with time on your hands. What is your favourite drink? – Fruit ciders (i.e. the non-apple variety).
    • Have you ever considered/vowed certain things regarding our hobby? Like “no new army until this is done” or “won’t post negative things on stuff I don’t like” and “will. not. flip.. table.”? – I made a conscious decision a few years ago that hobby was not to involve pledges or forbidden stuff. I do set targets because I like working to them, but I also let myself go with the flow.
    • Why do I always to three questions? – Three is a good number. It means you can get or achieve two and still say “I passed/achieved the majority”

    Cult of Games Member

    So, in true butterfly-fashion, I quickly got bored of the elf team I promised myself I’d finish painting before I started any more minis. And the human team I printed is sitting on the table, primed and ready for a splosh of Contrast Paint. And my current plan of action is to paint minis in batches of not fewer than four at time (ideally six or even eight). But I thought I’d try a combination of “speed painting” and “character painting” (i.e. getting all slap-choppy for blocking in, then spending a bit of time on highlights and details).

    So I painted up a couple of cyberpunk characters I’ve had hanging around for a while.


    The top character, I’m calling “done”. Primed black, dry-brushed, contrast painted then layers of highlights (very little of the original “underpainting” actually shows through on this one). The group of three were painted in a similar style (only the middle character has any highlights, the other two are just contrast over drybrushed underpainting).

    I really like the look of these minis. In the hand, they look great.
    But in these photos, the paint looks rough and bobbly, and every tiny little blemish shows up (even if it’s not immediately visible to the naked eye).

    So I wondered – does anyone ever take photos of their minis to aid with painting?
    Is it even an aid? Or does it make you feel bad about a paintjob you were originally quite happy with (as I’m finding here)?


    Cult of Games Member

    As promised I’ve done a write up on the dungeon terrain –

    Very nice miniatures and paint job on those @blinky465 . I know what you mean, sometimes the a close up camera doesn’t help a miniature, but then I guess in real life no one would look that closely at a miniature.

    Speaking of miniatures, I’ve assembled these two from Oakbound Studios and need to get the green stuff out for the big boy to hide a few joins and prep them both for painting.



    Cult of Games Member

    Following on from this Sunday’s talk show, I’ve been trying to focus more on speedy painting and getting through my minis. And today I discovered… I’m a dreadful batch painter. I queued up eight blood bowl humans (this month’s UGNI Miniatures release) and forced myself to paint one colour across each of them before moving on. It was tortuous!


    What I wanted to do was paint one character to completion, then move on to the next. But I’ve done that with so many other groups of characters – and to date haven’t got a complete group (even my Blood Bowl orcs that I loved painting are only eight-out-of-a-minimum-eleven done).

    So this was all about “screw the mistakes, pick up a colour and apply that colour to every mini in the group”. And after a couple of one-hour sessions, this is as far as I’ve got.

    I think once I get to adding the highlights and covering over some of that “grainy” slapchop undercoat, they’ll start to look ok. I’m still not convinced about the blue helmets. But I reckon with a few edge highlights they’ll just have to do!


    Cult of Games Member

    The blue on the helmets is ok but I would paint the raised “mowhawk” bit in the middle in either white or red. just as a “here I come” warning sign


    Cult of Games Member

    I quite liked the old-school feel of “leather jerkins” under the armour – and the dirty silver for shoulder pads. The yellow shorts, white socks and blue helmet combo was a nod to the original “Bright Crusaders” team from the 80s edition of Blood Bowl (hey, I know it’s not the same with striped legs etc., it’s just a hint at it).

    I *really* want to paint the helmet ridge red but my paintbrush just won’t do it!


    Cult of Games Member

    Then toss it out and get a new one! 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    My paintbrush still won’t paint red stripes on helmets. But it sure loves painting faces…

    Hoping to get these eight done (and based?!) before the next weekender forum post starts. Let’s hope @sundancer has a lie in tomorrow and I can get a couple of extra hours at them (as I’m out playing guitar tonight and work is going to keep me busy this afternoon).



    Cult of Games Member

    A lie in? Unlikely my dear Mr. Watson…

    But I may very likely be so busy that I will have to make that new thread later in that day.


    Cult of Games Member


    Ok, the race is on. I’m almost ready to call these guys done. Just a bit of tidying up of the light blue edging, then some silver studs for spikes on the helmets and some highlights on the dark gloves and they’ll be ready for basing.

    Not exactly thrilled with some of the finishing, but this whole exercise was supposed to be about speed, not making perfect minis – as was said in the weekender video, quantity has it’s own quality. So if I can get eight bases flocked tomorrow and these dudes mounted on their new bases before the next unofficial weekender forum post appears, I’ll be happy with that!


    Cult of Games Member

    Brushes down! Here is the new thread!

    [unofficial weekender] community shattered!


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