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[unofficial weekender] Con Crud Express?

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This topic contains 24 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 10 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    It’s just a cold, but not much fun with an outdoors job.


    Cult of Games Member

    Hi-de-hi folks 🙂

    I’m currently planning a 1:1 dungeon of my own 😉
    (no … not that kind of dungeon … )
    It’s difficult to plan such things without access to the property,  so I suspect things will start to click when I get the keys on friday. Did I mention I will have a proper hobby room and one for my computer ?
    So tempted to pick the smallest room available as my bedroom, but we’ll see.

    Either lots of DIY in my future or a lot of expensive folk doing things for me ’cause I’m not 100% convinced that painting a wall is a thing that should be done by me.

    oh … and I need to think of moving furniture to my new home too. That’s not going to be something I can do because (a) I am not suited to lifting things and (b) no drivers license either so that makes things tricky too. Luckily there’s solutions to that, but those will cost a bit of money.

    Good news is that I get two days off from work to do all of that for free.

    // Con Crud: how fast can you catch it?
    Either I visit the wrong cons or I’m immune.
    Only exception was my first BoW Bootcamp, but I suspect I had a bit of cold before so the flight to and from just made it worse.

    The two local conventions have a lot of well ventilated space and they are mostly boardgame focused which may help.

    // Convention Treasures: how deep are your pockets?
    As deep as they need to be. I tend to come prepared if I know there’s stuff I want to buy.

    // Pro and Con of conventions
    Pro : see new stuff

    Con: too few of them and the internet news is so fast while the local cons are so insignificant (and focused on boardgames) that there isn’t that much new.

    UK Game Expo and Spiel are on my list of places to visit, but that will have to wait ’til I’m done moving so next year?



    Cult of Games Member

    I bet Spiel will be much more accessible as you can just get on a train and do a long trip.

    And I want a house of my own. Having a landlord is really starting to p*** me off. Anyway.

    Wednesday! Haven’t picked up a brush for two weeks (not counting that one day I had to literally pick them up after cat disaster struck again) but I feel visiting a con, doing an interview and a uHH does count as “doing hobby”.

    At least that’s what I tell myself.

    Now for more coffee.


    Cult of Games Member

    train is an option for UK Games Expo too …

    It’s just a really really long ride and getting there by plane might be easier.

    Did I mention that I dislike travelling by plane ?
    I admit that I’ve only done it twice (both to BoW bootcamps), but the security circus was the most annoying part.

    Landlords are only a problem if they’re cheapskates.
    I rent my appartment too, but they’ve replaced the central heating (sp?)  and (last year) retiled the entire bathroom.
    Not sure why they did it (the entire block is +/- 25 years old), but they did give me a place to stay for the duration.

    In my new house I will have to replace the central heating system too, because it is too old. At least it is functional at the moment, so I can delay the expense a bit but ideally I want it done this year as well. If only because new laws would force me to use one of those electricity powered contraptions that cost even more money.


    Cult of Games Member

    Either it’s just the post bicycle sniffles or con crud is catching up with me.

    Today will be boring. Getting a 3 hour lecture on new software. *sigh*


    Cult of Games Member

    A lecture on software ?

    3 hours ?

    are they trying to bore you to death ?


    Pledge: I’ve just spent over two weeks painting terrain, so my pledge is to get back to painting miniatures of people (using the term loosely).

    Con Crud: I haven’t been to a convention in a while (unless you count Portland’s excellent H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival), but when I was going a lot, I always managed to avoid the con crud. It might be down to my ingrained need to enforce a large territorial bubble when in public.

    Pros and cons of conventions: I go to game conventions mainly to try as many new games as I can. Plus there are a few games that are best with a larger group than I can normally muster on the average weekend (such as the Dune or Battlestar Galactica board games). If there’s a con, it’s that I often find it hard to get back to reality after 3 or 4 solid days of gaming.


    Cult of Games Member


    Allergies hit hard. Especially since I forgot to take my flocking meds.




    Cult of Games Member

    ze house is mine now … 🙂

    going to look at it in detail tomorrow


    Cult of Games Member

    New thread, kind of.

    [unofficial weekender] sleepyhead

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